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Mastering Obsolete Technology (Read 1941 times)

Posts: 509
Milwaukee Wisconsin
Gender: male
Mastering Obsolete Technology
Jan 20th, 2004 at 4:31pm
From "reading the mail", I gather we're mostly a "techie" bunch, with interests in almost any obsolete technology our common theme.     For sure, slinging is sort of "the next item on the list" for me.   I've already been through:

Morse Code - Attained easy conversational skill.

Celestial Navigation - Used a tub of water as an artificial horizon and made sure my house wasnt going anyplace.   Still want to learn how to find accurate time by "shooting lunars" w my sextant.

Heliograph Construction & Testing - Built a small one that worked very well.  Surprisingly narrow beamwith, long! range, and not too hard to aim and manipulate.  But couldnt get anybody else to build one to do a 2-way linkup.   History of the heliograph may go back as far as history of the sling!  Any takers here?

Sling/Slinging - Goal#1 - Figure out how to launch point-first "football" spirals consistently.  Goal#2 - Attain some measure of accuracy.  Goal#3 - Develop power and range.

Just some thoughts.         mgreenfield
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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 1284
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Re: Mastering Obsolete Technology
Reply #1 - Jan 20th, 2004 at 7:16pm
Slinging is on my list too, but I'll never get to the level I would want.  It's just one of those skills you might never get good at.  Aim high I suppose. Wink   It's cheap to get into, fun, and a great conversational item.  Can't go wrong with that.

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I don't sling a thing
if I ain't got my sling!

Posts: 188
United Arab Emirates
Gender: male
Re: Mastering Obsolete Technology
Reply #2 - Feb 5th, 2004 at 7:42am
The ideas presented here were very good.  I don't know if slinging is going to stay "obsolete" for long, though.  All it takes is for enough people to put the sling to practical uses that other solutions of the day don't quite accomplish so well or cheaply.  Then It CEASES to be "obsolete" technology Wink!

It CAN be a pretty tough skill to develop well enough to be good at on bad days, as well as good days, but I think that anyone with the determination and self-disciplne could do so.  But if you are a perfectionist, you may STILL not feel you're any good with it, even though others who observe you may disagree, etc.
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Slinging.org people are progressive preservers of pre-historic protective, pantry-packing, and post-paleolithic parabellum practices...and they're also generally REALLY COOL!  Their bootlaces are their arsenal, and the world is their ammo dump!
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