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Pecard and leather (Read 1349 times)

Slinger of stones

Posts: 154
Pecard and leather
Jan 17th, 2004 at 7:23pm
Just a good tip to pass on.
I have found that "Pecard" Never leak, shoe oil works very well for softening a sling pouch. The stuff works very fast. I've been making most of my slings from what is termed "farmers bundle" it is scraps of leather, usually the belly leather and other small "left overs". because the sling pockets are small I can get enough slings out of them to make it worth buying, but the leather is new and not broken in as would be from a used piece of leather, this stuff works to soften it quickly. Cheesy
The stuff has some petroleum distillate nasties in it, Undecided so wash after applying. Give it a try; you'll be supprised at the type of leather it makes usable as sling pouches.  8) 8) 8)


For whom it is still the STONE AGE. Oh yeah! Grin
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guns don't kill people,
slings do!

Posts: 36
Gender: male
Re: Pecard and leather
Reply #1 - Feb 3rd, 2004 at 8:20pm
I just wanted to know. You say "wash after applying".
What do you wash, your hands or the leather.
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