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Projectile Shape (Read 44361 times)

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #30 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 7:32am
Wouldn't be easier to beat into something big and hard (for example the conrete wall)? The lead glandes are soft so they should get the marks.

Good idea! Can anybody try that? Preferably reproducing ancient equipment and techniques as closely as possible and/or investigating how different techniques might affect the results.
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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #31 - Jan 19th, 2004 at 9:37pm
Just an "off the top of the head guess" on the suject of the Almond shape. It has a point first travel and being somewhat flat with edges would definately add to the damage on impact. Sharper, more squared edges as seen in some of the photos, would "dig in" as compared to "slide off" a target that was not hit squarely.

To illustrate: think of a sqare block on a lathe spinning. What would happen if you stuck your  finger out and moved it forward to touch the block. It would bust the finger. But if the object spinning was spherical, you could not only touch it, but run your finger back and forth on the object without hurting it.

So, the flatter shape would do more damage even if hitting "side first"????
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Fly, stone, fly

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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #32 - Jan 26th, 2004 at 10:52am
How about sling coals of fire ??  Shocked
I got the idea when we light a fire outdoors yesterday.
( By the way I light it with Flint-stone and steel. It was a pretty nice feeling when I managed it that way!)

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May the stones go your way&&&&//Ulrica
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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #33 - Jan 26th, 2004 at 12:38pm
Coals of fire. Now that would be a way to cause trouble in a city with grass roofs!.
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Fly, stone, fly

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In the middle of Sweden
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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #34 - Jan 26th, 2004 at 2:27pm
Grin  Yeah!!!!

Just wonder how the sling would look like ....
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May the stones go your way&&&&//Ulrica
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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #35 - Jan 26th, 2004 at 4:46pm

The great idea for New Year! It would work like fireworks Wink I think the sling should be maded of acbestus (unhealthy) or of soft steel net.

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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Fly, stone, fly

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In the middle of Sweden
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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #36 - Jan 27th, 2004 at 4:46am
Could also be an idea of lighning the olympic fire at the international Slingolympic Wink

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May the stones go your way&&&&//Ulrica
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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #37 - Jan 27th, 2004 at 1:29pm
AjaaaĦ Ulrica, your idea is not new Cheesy. Some years ago, the international University Olimpic Games took place in Mallorca (Baleric Is.) and at the oppening of the games some slingers from the island lit the olimpic fire throwing incendiaries missils from the distance. It was a fascinating show. I think copied the ceremony in video, I´ll look for it.
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He brought a conquering sword..., a shield..., a spear... , a sling from which no erring shot was discharged.&&
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Fly, stone, fly

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In the middle of Sweden
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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #38 - Jan 27th, 2004 at 1:45pm
I didn´t knew that Cheesy

And I also just learned that Baleric Is is called Mallorca.
I´ve been there once, many years ago.   Smiley

Tell me if you find the video.

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May the stones go your way&&&&//Ulrica
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Slinging.org Administrator

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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #39 - Jan 28th, 2004 at 12:54am
How about slinging Molotov cocktails?  For those who don't know what I'm on about, they are glass bottles filled with flammable liquid (could be alcohol or gasoline) with a rag stuffed in the opening.  You can light the rag on fire and throw the bottle.  The glass breaks on impact, and the liquid combusts.  Very similar devices were used in ancient times during sieges.  I'd imagine a sling would lend well, and provide better payload than a flaming arrow. 

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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #40 - Jan 28th, 2004 at 4:00am
Yes, the molotov- sling surely works well, and for great loads even could be used a staff-sling. Our beloved sling has been used of multiple ways throughout the time. Its last registered military use was in the Spanish civil war (1936-1939), in which it was used to send grenades. Can you  imagine a sling launching of grenades to 100 meters?  Shocked


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He brought a conquering sword..., a shield..., a spear... , a sling from which no erring shot was discharged.&&
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Fly, stone, fly

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In the middle of Sweden
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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #41 - Jan 28th, 2004 at 4:11am
That is really something!!

I would just be nervous, just have some few seconds to throw and what if it stuck into the cord Wink or I throw it in the wrong direction. Roll Eyes
no no.. that is nothing for me.


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May the stones go your way&&&&//Ulrica
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Rock - The ultimate weapon

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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #42 - Jan 28th, 2004 at 9:53pm
Fascinating topic...

After trying my new sling out today, I have to say that it seems very unlikely that even on very long flights that air resistance will ever overcome the tumble imparted by leaving the pouch.  So, the almond shape must use the tumbling or be designed to create tumbling.  A rapid spin on a nearly spherical object would create gyroscopic stability in a plane perpendicular to the spin axis.  Myself, I throw vertically, over or underhand, the gyroscopic spin means my throws tend not to slide left or right, unless the stone has such an odd shape that the air resistance overcomes the gyrostabilization.  But maybe the shape is for psychological effect.  We've probably all noticed the hum created by rapidly spinning non-spherical stones.  Imagine being on the battlefield as a group (legion, battalion, whatever they're called) of slingers all release missles designed to hum.  It would be like being attacked by an angry horde of bees!  Mind you, bees that can break your bones!  Could be very effective against enemy morale
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Fly, stone, fly

Posts: 639
In the middle of Sweden
Gender: female
Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #43 - Jan 31st, 2004 at 4:12am
Hello everybody!

My pink Concrete-Ammo is ready! I haven´t tried them yet, we do have too! much snow right now, and more is coming...

but here is two pic´s of them. Enjoy:



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May the stones go your way&&&&//Ulrica
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Have Sling, Will Travel

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West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
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Re: Projectile Shape
Reply #44 - Jan 31st, 2004 at 11:42am
One theory for the elongated 'almond' glandes shape is that they stay put in the pouch better than a sphere, making for faster spinup.

Pouch release does indeed spin the projectile, my observation shows.  And a flat shaped glandes will 'buzz' when thrown and spun.  

My theory for the flattened shape is that they wanted the 'buzzing' when they fly. Remember, glandes weren't for hunting or sports. 'Effectiveness' is more than accuracy and efficiency when talking about a military purpose.

Hannibal said his elephants were annoyed at the buzzing of slingstones.  The torrent of slings was used by generals more to break discipline and induce fear in the opposing troops than to do actual damage. It they heard the 'buzzing' of a near miss it would have as much, or more, effect as a hit. Very demoralizing, and very effective.
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