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Grips On Sling Cords (Read 13564 times)

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Grips On Sling Cords
Dec 23rd, 2003 at 4:58pm
I've been holding BOTH cords 'tween thumb and curled forefinger; with the retained cord-loop around either my bird or ring finger.   This grip seems to work OK, but I see other grips in the gallery.   Is there a grip regarded as "The One!"??    If so, what is it & why is it the best??  If not, what are some of the grips used and what are the advantages of each??   Many thanks!   

FYI, I use underhand rather than overhead delivery.

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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #1 - Dec 23rd, 2003 at 8:16pm
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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #2 - Jan 6th, 2004 at 4:53pm
I have one cord anchored onto my middle finger, hanging down, palms up... and one the other pinched between my thumb and for finger, again, with strings hanging straight down.

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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #3 - Jan 13th, 2004 at 5:01am
I do it like Chris, except I have two loops.  I'm trying to catch up on all the cool threads tonight.  I've been busy.  I like Chris's method because too much separation between release cord and retention cord makes the cradle shift, in flight, and you can possibly loose the stone.  But if I make both cords go up in the middle of my hand, then they get tangled more easily.  However, that's how the Peruvian's do it, and their slings have more bulky cords to not tangle.

Infact, if your release cord is a "grip" type, then that's probably the best way.  I use a release node (knot) on the end of my retention cord, and I prefer it to be the only cord between my thumb and first finger.  I just ignore the other cord and pretend like there is only one. 

And this knowledge was earned after years of trial and error, long sleepless nights of questioning and doubts, and other assorted scientific research.  Just kidding. 

Actually I started out Peruvian, and ended up Chrisovian when I started braiding slings.  My old shoe lace slings worked better the other way it seemed.  One advantage with the, through the hand technique, is it saves your middle finger from getting sore.  Ofcourse, that depends on sling construction too.

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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #4 - Jan 14th, 2004 at 1:26am
With my plaited cord slings I put the loop on my ring finger and lay the retention cord out between my thumb and index finger.  Then I hold the release cord and retention cord pinched with index finger and thumb.  I use a release node tied into the the release cord.

This seems to work for me, but something just came to mind.  I tend to release late (left).  I am wondering if the release cord is hanging up in my hand upon release.  I can't remember ever "feeling" this, but still, maybe it could be happening.  I once tried the retention cord hanging out between index and middle finger, but don't remember that helping any either.

The next time I get to sling, I will look into this.

jeff <><
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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #5 - Jan 14th, 2004 at 3:24am
Does anyone here use a wrist loop?  I used a finger loop mostly growing up and my fingers always ended up turning purple and I had trouble with the centrifical force pulling hard on my finger.  Now i use a wrist loop and love it.  The wrist cord comes up across my palm, and between my thumb and index finger.  The release end with a knot is gripped beside it.  I don't have any problems with it tangling and the full loop around my wrist gives me a lot more strength for larger rocks. 

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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #6 - Jan 14th, 2004 at 7:06pm
Jeff, do you have any cord tangle or twist in flight?  The friction from that could cause late releases.  But with your larger stones, I don't think it should be too big a factor.

I'm sure the reason Barak's cords don't tangle is because he does such nice tight braids.  I've thought about using a wrist loop myself, but I haven't done it.  Sounds like a great idea.  I know Tibetan slings use wrist loops.  I use a double loop.  One on my middle finger and the other on my little finger.  You can see pictures in the gallery page for Benjamin Scott.  As a result, I don't have trouble with blisters anymore and the hold is very secure, as the tension spreads across every finger in my hand.  The reason I haven't gone with a wrist loop is primarily because I like to forget the retention cord altogether and just focus on the release cord without having to worry about the retention being positioned and held alongside of it.  It's all a matter of taste I'm sure. 

Which brings me to an interesting matter.  Maybe I should start a separate thread for it.  I will.  Later.....

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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #7 - Jan 14th, 2004 at 10:12pm
Ben,  I do not have any noticable twist in the cords during the sling.  I do get some twisting of the two cords as I am grabbing the release cord, but just twist it a bit and the tangle comes out.  Then during the sling, all goes well in that respect.

Upon release, my arm crosses my body and ends up under my left arm, hand along my left side. The sling almost always wraps around me.  This is a small annoyance, but does not adversly affect my slinging.

I don't always release late, but this is a problem I have.  Maybe my release node is too big.  Maybe altogether unnecessary.  Being made from nylon seine twine, my cords are not all that big and a bit slick, so and the node helps to hang on.  I would like to have cords that are thin but stiff like an 11mm climbing rope.

I did notice during my last slinging outing that two windups helped with the late release.  It seemed to be due to a little extra sling speed which made the stone more "feelable" and my releases timed a bit better.

jeff <><
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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #8 - Jan 15th, 2004 at 4:07am
I did notice during my last slinging outing that two windups helped with the late release.  It seemed to be due to a little extra sling speed which made the stone more "feelable" and my releases timed a bit better.

jeff <><

That could be it Jeff.  Not that I know anymore than you.  But I was thinking as you read that it could be that on the single windup, you don't catch the energy quite soon enough and so you carry it out a bit too far.  Who knows.  It could be you need one of those fancy Tibetan slings with the multiple split loops  Wink  Nice looking anyway.

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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #9 - Jan 15th, 2004 at 2:15pm
I don't have too much trouble with blood circulation with my finger loops, but I generally don't sling very large rocks. 

A wrist loop like Barak's seems ideal for larger rocks because it is a bit more secure going between thumb and pointer finger.  My wrist loop experiences just never felt right, but this sounds like a better location for the cord.

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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #10 - Jan 15th, 2004 at 7:21pm
When slinging very hard with medium to heavy stones or with my heavy corded sling using heavier stones I get some pain in my hand and fingers.  The pull on the fingers can be tremendous.  I notice the pain most right at release and for several seconds after.  The large release node in my heavy sling also hurts my thumb sometimes.

jeff <><
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #11 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 1:47pm
Someday we'll go really space age and use releases like the triggered ones they use in archery now days.  I remember when I was in highschool and first saw one of those.  I was so disillusioned!  I thought, "why not just shoot a gun if you want to squeeze a trigger."  Pretty good idea really, but I prefer to get my fingers sore.  Urrghhhh (manly grunt).

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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #12 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 4:43pm
Yes, we must hurt or we have not done it the manly way.

Things like this always remind me of the Robin Hood scene from Time Bandits.

jeff <><
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #13 - Jan 16th, 2004 at 5:36pm

Don't you like it when you post right after me.  If you look in our signatures, you have the whole passage there, layed out. 

Yes the manly way!  Urgggggggghhhhhh!! (Manly slinger war cry).  Even Ulrica is welcome to sling the manly way if she wants to.  Urrrrrghhhhhhhh! 

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Fly, stone, fly

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Re: Grips On Sling Cords
Reply #14 - Jan 21st, 2004 at 7:50am
Thank you Ben Smiley Youīre so kind!

Iīve read so much about this pain, so I already looking for something to protect me from it Wink
Before I even know how itīs feels.
I was thinking of a hard-leather thing you wrap around the finger as a Ring which look like a T.  I have the piece but havenīt sew it together get.
Today, I tried a wrist-loop, or what ever you called it, because I wanted to keep my fingers warm.. And that also worked wery well. So know Iīm not knowing how to do...
Always these decitions to make Wink
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May the stones go your way&&&&//Ulrica
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