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Sling pix (Read 7314 times)

Slinger of stones

Posts: 154
Sling pix
Dec 3rd, 2003 at 12:35am
Thanks for the welcome folks.

Just finished a quick update to my web page; posted pix of a few slings. The web page is a first attempt so its far from professional. Anyway if you care to view it the URL is http://myweb.cableone.net/gadkg/

I loved the gallery, some of the work was excellent for cool! But I was suprised not to see any toggles. I can't remember how I first learned to make a sling it was so long ago, (I'm thinking that it must have been from a library book.) but never have used finger loops. I tried a wrist loop, but really did not like the feel or the results. So I went to a toggle and never tried anything else. The toggle is just to easy on the hand to change up. I've got to say that the woven slings look SOOOOO nice! Cheesy

David T. loved that "George the Roman". You've got a good place for chunking rocks.  Cheesy   Ware him out!!!

Ben, Chris, Jeff, Jurek  thanks again for the welcome, I still find it hard to believe there is enough interest in slings for a forum.


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The best thing, is a good

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Re: Sling pix
Reply #1 - Dec 3rd, 2003 at 9:56am

Thanks, great job! I really like your toggle. I think it give the reliable grip and evenly burden the fingers. There is only the one fault for me, we must remember to keep them durring the release, but I think it wouldn't be a big problem after some practice.

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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Sling pix
Reply #2 - Dec 3rd, 2003 at 6:46pm
A toggle is a good idea, I just have gotten used to the finger-loop-feel.  A toggle would actually do better at distributing the force on your fingers.  One bonus of the finger loop, is that you can't loose the sling (unless you lose your finger with it).  I've heard stories a few times now about people's slings sailing into the woods or middle of a lake.  Tongue

There is plenty of interest in this weapon.  The forum's usage seems to go in cycles, but there were days with 20+ posts only a couple months ago.

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Don't stand behind me,
I'm about to sling!

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Re: Sling pix
Reply #3 - Dec 5th, 2003 at 10:52am
Very nice slings, Walkingbird.

Keep up the nice work.

jeff <><
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Slinger of stones

Posts: 154
Re: Sling pix
Reply #4 - Dec 5th, 2003 at 8:17pm
To be sure, I like the toggle. There is no dought that for someone who is new to slinging that letting go of the whole sling can be a problem. I have shown some friends how to throw with one and about half of them will let go of the sling a time or two, after that it's generaly not a problem, as it is easy to use. Still in all I'd hate for someone to throw my sling in a LAKE! UGGH!.  Angry  I should make a finger loop sling just to give it a try.  CheesyFor sure, I did not like a wrist strap, but a finger loop must be much better. Cheesy Using a toggle the retension thong exits the hand between the ring and middle finger the fingers being folded at the first joint. At least that is the way I have done it. There is very littel stress on the fingers and one can chunk some fairly large rocks. I've never broken one, even using 1/4" dowel. When I was a kid I always made the toggle from a small diameter branch from a choke cherry tree. They are strong, streight, and easy to peal the bark. So, how does one make a good finger loop? Please help

Me thinks I like this place! Grin

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Past Moderator

The best thing, is a good

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Re: Sling pix
Reply #5 - Dec 5th, 2003 at 9:36pm

I expect the hibrid solution would be good: the toggle for you and the thumb insurance loop behind (for someone who could throw your sling out into the lake Wink).

I like the leather loop, you can see that in the gallery. I put them onto the thumb, and the cord runs between the the ring and middle finger. So my fingers are free.

Jurek, who just impatiently dry his first experimental mold for the glandes.
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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: Sling pix
Reply #6 - Dec 5th, 2003 at 9:45pm
Are they clay glandes or lead? How long-- how heavy?
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Past Moderator

The best thing, is a good

Posts: 942
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Re: Sling pix
Reply #7 - Dec 5th, 2003 at 9:49pm

Lead, about 100 g heavy.

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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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