Here's the interesting fragment from:" After Larry graduated from high school (in 1979), he married Mary Ellett from Loa, Wayne County, in 1980. They lived in Loa for a while, and in 1981 Larry made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for throwing a stone with a sling 1,434 ft. 2 inches, at Loa, Utah on Aug. 21, 1981. This type of sling is one of the most ancient weapons; it was used by shepherds for defense against wild animals and to help keep their sheep; it was also used for hunting and warfare, and of course is mentioned several times in the Bible such as when David killed Goliath. Garland had taught Larry to use a sling at a very young age, and he had become quite adept in both distance and accuracy, and knew that he could break the record. The old record was around 1000 feet, and it was set in 1970 in England. Larry broke the record in 1980 at the Wayne County fairgrounds in Loa, but the Guinness people wouldn't accept it that year because they said that he didn't have sufficient proof or documentation. So he broke the record again in 1981, and this time he had nearly all of the officials in the county there to watch and certify everything. They marked each stone just before it was thrown, and when the stone was picked up after it was thrown, they checked the mark to make sure it was the same stone, and then the surveyors measured the distance very accurately, and it all had to be photographed, certified, and notarized. It was quite a big event."