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Interest in slinging t-shirts? (Read 24776 times)
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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #15 - Sep 17th, 2003 at 5:33pm
Wow! Roll Eyes

Did you just make that Jurek?

Me thinks I'm a little impressed!!!

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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #16 - Sep 17th, 2003 at 5:59pm

I like the side profile guy.  How did you you make/find it? 

I tried to make a quick draft of my G-Design thingy.  It's rough.  I think it would be better to make the sling a bit shorter and the guy bigger.


Let me know what you guys thinks about Yurek's and mine.

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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #17 - Sep 17th, 2003 at 8:04pm
Here's a version with a larger guy:


Here's a another image with a slight twist.


Again, these are very rough.  Lots of tweeks and improvements to be made.  Just concentrate on the overall concept.
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Past Moderator

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #18 - Sep 18th, 2003 at 6:00am
Yes I do. It's my work, but... not all. I'm only the shadow of the ancient artist who created the sculpture of Zeus (or Poseidon) of Cape Artemision (Euboea). Smiley

But seriously, I found the photo with the sculpture of Zeus in Google.com.


Then I took the outline (just the shadow Smiley). Next I was plaing with the graphical program. I changed the position of his arm and the wrist a bit. Added the sling, text and the colours. I endeavoured to keep the climate.

Chris, I really like Your site, it's tasteful and interesting. My expresion in English is rather poor and a bit dificult for me. So I use pictures for the contribution sometimes Smiley

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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #19 - Sep 18th, 2003 at 12:39pm
Yurek, you've got the skills and programs to manipulate these images better than me.  Could you use your image, but change it so it's an underarm throw like mine.  My tweaking of it isn't so good.  Then I can incoperate in the G effect and the slinging.org font.

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #20 - Sep 18th, 2003 at 5:18pm
Chris, I suppose You overrate my capability to transform this profile. I'm sure I couldn't make it better than You. It is difficult to get a good result from this figure. It would be probably easier to draw new one, but I'm not an artist. Sorry Chris Sad

If I find a better pattern I'll willingly send it to You.

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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #21 - Sep 18th, 2003 at 6:01pm
Ok, no problem.  When i get a bit of time, i'll try to make a more finalized version.  People need to post feedback about which ones they like.  Im not going to put in a few hours tweaking a design people aren't interested in.

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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #22 - Sep 21st, 2003 at 1:25am
Dan Taylor emailed me the following design:

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #23 - Sep 21st, 2003 at 5:02pm
I sort of like the last one here from Dan Taylor.  Try the text reduced under the image and shorter but fit to the length of the graphic.  Maybe bolder text in this scenario.  This would give the graphic a base on which to sit and make the legless thrower more intentional looking.  Maybe also shorten the sling to a scale length of a bit less than three feet.

Additionally, I think this would look good as a large, back-of-shirt, image or small on the breast.

I like most of the designs, the character of this one stands out to me though.

Jeff ><> - who is a better critic than artist Grin
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So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone. (1 Samuel 17:50)
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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #24 - Sep 25th, 2003 at 5:22pm
Hi All,

I propose we have a long sleeve T-Shirt with the elongated "slinging .org" on the sleeves
(using the one with the slinger just left of the "G" and the  dot of .org being the stone)

On the pocket we could use the more square shaped Slinging.org.

On the back we could have the Dan Taylor tpye slinger and the words "Stone Age Ballistics" and "Just Sling It"

??????????????????????  David
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #25 - Sep 25th, 2003 at 5:50pm
The slinging.org down the sleeves might look cool, but I'm not sure if people are equipped to print there. 

We could print all over the place, but the cost is going to be extraordinary.  My vote is on something simpler.  I'm thinking a graphic (like the slinging.org where the dot is the rock) in the pocket area and a quote on the back like "Just sling it" or "got sling?" or some other catch phrase if we can come up with (and agree) a good one. 

Also, it looks like many of the regular members are keen, but we need to order something like 20-30 to get the price per shirt down (and more is preferable).  There are standard setup fees you see.  Lets keep this thread kicking around for a while longer to catch a few more perspective buyers. 

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #26 - Sep 25th, 2003 at 7:55pm
I think the "just sling it" idea is good.Brent
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Hooked on Sling'n

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #27 - Sep 25th, 2003 at 9:19pm
I know they can print on the sleeves without too much trouble but as you say, cost could be the issue with too much printing. I may get Dan (He is my brother) to make me up one and post a picture of it.

Later, David
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #28 - Sep 30th, 2003 at 12:48pm
Just wanted to let you know that progress is being made regarding slinging shirts.  I'm exploring several possibilities and I'll keep you posted.  Once I select a company im satisfied with, we'll move ahead with finalizing a design. 

Im really busy at the moment, so it might be a few weeks yet.

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Re: Interest in slinging t-shirts?
Reply #29 - Sep 30th, 2003 at 1:13pm
Long sleeve tshirts would be cool  8) I'd buy one if it's a decent price...

I like the looks of these two - ...
the only thing I might change though is reduce the font size of the .ORG so it doesn't stand out so much, just an idea...

And it would be sweet to get one of the Biblical passages regarding slinging on it  Smiley

My $0.02 Smiley
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