General >> Other Primitive Weapons >> 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread

Message started by Morphy on Oct 30th, 2022 at 9:39am

Title: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Morphy on Oct 30th, 2022 at 9:39am
Here's a new thread for people to start posting some bow pics. I know we have some very talented wood workers here but even if you are not and you feel like you dont have the time or tools for a big bow, just grab a straight branch from a tree or a slat from a board and start carving and scraping with your pocket knife. It doesnt have to be perfect and it doesnt have to be full size. Even mini bows are awesome. Its all about learning and sharing the journey with others.

I have probably 3 half finished bows right now. Ill start posting pics and videos when I can to hopefully get more people sharing.

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Morphy on Nov 2nd, 2022 at 1:42pm

As promised. Now give into the temptation and make some shavings!

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Slyngorm on Nov 28th, 2022 at 2:05pm
What to do with this reflexed split starve?
About 120 cm. No twist at all.
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Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Morphy on Nov 28th, 2022 at 9:05pm
I bet you could give it a try right? Im sure there's a bow in there although I have no idea what weight you could get from it.

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Slyngorm on Jul 1st, 2023 at 3:13pm
I have gotten my hands on quite the stave!!!

It it very straight (save the ends, but I can hopefully work something out), mostly knot free and most importantly, extremely wide! Second pic is the split stave compared to my last bow. Never worked with such a wide stave before.
Want to make it into a double, pyramid flat bow. As in, completely rectangular over the entire of both limbs. With a bit of luck, this could become my best bow so far.

And about my reflexed stave: have removed some wood from its back but haven't continued working with it.
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Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Morphy on Jul 1st, 2023 at 7:57pm
Eww nice Slyngorm! What wood is that?

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Slyngorm on Jul 2nd, 2023 at 1:50pm
It has been some time since I collected it but I think it is maple. Which would be great as it is one of the better woods available around here.

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Yfir on Jul 2nd, 2023 at 9:53pm
Anyone know if Eucalyptus wood makes good bows? Those trees are rampant here in Australia, and frankly there's little else to be found where I am.

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Morphy on Jul 3rd, 2023 at 6:01am
I made one from Lytpus which is a hybrid of two Eucalyptus species. It was fine. If you have a choice look for the densest species you can find.

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by StaffSlinger on Jul 3rd, 2023 at 9:46am
An Aussie bowyer of my acquaintance says that the suitability for bow wood depends greatly on the species. 

E. camaldulensis ( River red gum) will work.
E. grandis ( Southern blue gum or flooded gum),
E. paniculata (Grey gum),
E. saligna( Sydney blue gum),
E. tereticornis ( Forest red gum),

Are species he has tried and knows to be suitable, E. citriodora (Lemon scented Gum ) is definitely not suitable and  others from the more tropical parts of Oz.

Eucalypts are notorious for checks and splits while drying, and he recommends chopping to rough bow shape, then sealing all over with glue or lacquer and strapping to something to prevent twisting and warping while it dries.

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Slyngorm on Jul 3rd, 2023 at 2:22pm
This list: purports to give an accurate and scientific index of how good a wood is for bows based on its elasticity and breaking point.

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Morphy on Jul 3rd, 2023 at 6:14pm
Interesting idea. I was very surprised to see him rate Chinaberry two species below Osage.

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Yfir on Jul 3rd, 2023 at 11:14pm
Great, thanks for the advice. I'm in no way familiar of which species grow around me, though Sydney is a temperate area not tropical so should be fine hopefully.

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Slyngorm on Jul 31st, 2023 at 6:19pm
The (perhaps) finished pyramid, flat bow.
Was a bit surprised to find that it didn't get a circular tiller shape. Only removed wood from the back to start with and the belly wasn't completely smooth so that may be why. That's a lesson for another time, to make the belly completely flat as well. I could tiller it a bit more but I fear I will ruin it.
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Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by joe_meadmaker on Jul 31st, 2023 at 9:05pm
The tiller looks pretty good to me.  Maybe a little more bend in the upper limb(s).  But with a Mediterranean draw that's usually desirable.  That could also just be how I'm seeing it.

Looks good! :thumb:

Title: Re: 2022-2023 Bow Building Thread
Post by Morphy on Aug 1st, 2023 at 4:46pm
Youve come a long way. Very nice man.  :D Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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