General >> Slinging as a Sport, Competition Rules, Slinging Awards And Events >> International slinging event Ibiza 2022

Message started by Curious Aardvark on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:07am

Title: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Jul 14th, 2022 at 9:07am
Just got email from pep.

October 13th-16th. Thursday to sunday
So aim to arrive on 12th and leave 17th
so arrive on the wednesday (the worst day of the week for direct flights to ibiza from the uk) and fly back on the monday - which is usually not a problem.

As with last years, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Balearic slinging federation and is put on purely by pep and his world slinging federation (or whaterver he's calling it this year).

Ibiza's a fantastic island and the events are always an amazing experience.

So put politics to one side and try and go.

I have no idea what my finances will be like in october - they suck at the moment.
So no clue if I'll be able to make it or not. :-(

Flights looking around £260 with hold luggage.
But I'd have to fly out on the 13th and no midweek flights (tuesday and wednesday.

I'll have a word with pep and see if he could move it a day - flying on thursday to monday would probably be a lot easier for most people.
You could still fit in 6 competitions around the compulsory 4 hour lunch break ! ;-)
ibiza2022_001.JPG (47 KB | 87 )

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Jul 16th, 2022 at 9:37pm
Once again I won't be able to make it.  I have too many things going on this year already.  Maybe next year I'll get the priority on this trip bumped up and put more focus toward it.  I would so love to experience it one day.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Jul 17th, 2022 at 8:32am
So anyone got an idea who's going from Canada ?

It's a helluva trip from the us.
And unless you've got actual spare money, you really need to make it part of a longer overall trip.

It's a long flight and I always feel like crap after a long international flight.

I suspect marijuana probably helps, as the Guam guys just don't seem to get jet lag.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by funditor on Aug 12th, 2022 at 4:55pm
Last year it was called Thursday to Sunday as well, but nothing happened on Thursday. On Friday there was a minor event, main stuff was going on Saturday and Su day, when people from the other islands co.e. So maybe I will fly Thursday to Monday this year...

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Aug 16th, 2022 at 5:53am
Here's pros latest set of 'rules' more an itinerary really, although I haven't run it through Google translate yet.
Here's the file pep sent me.

Tendra lugar los días 13, 14, 15 y 16 de Octubre 2022 Isla de Ibiza (Baleares) España

01)  La competición tendrá lugar en municipios d Sant Antoni, Santa Eulalia y Sant Josep (Ibiza).
02)  Los actos de bienvenida, visita culturales y tiradas no puntuables  será el 13 y 14 Oct 2022.
03)  Habra otras actividades para los que no deseen seguir el programa oficial del 13 y 14 Oct.
04)  El Sabado y el Domingo 15 y 16 Oct 2022 es el mismo programa para todos iguales.
05)  Excepto 15 y 16 de Oct, la organización facilitara 2 campos de entreno (de Piedra y Pelota).
06)  Las 4 tiradas que se compone la 3ª Copa del Mundo son el 15 y 16 Oct (2 Piedra 2 Pelota).
07)  Categorias Individuales; Hombres, Mujeres, Niños y Niñas  (ambos hasta 15 años).
08)  Las Categorias de Equipos;  Seran de 3 o 4 personas (puntuan los 3 mejores), se establece;                                        Hombres, Mujeres, Adultos Mixto, Niños, Niñas, Niños Mixto. Se suma puntos de las 4 tiradas.
09)  Los países que no tengan equipo completo, deben anunciar componentes antes 30-09-22. Realmente se trata de intentar completar al menos un equipo de cada pais, no de selecciones.
10)  Cada pais o equipo deberá llevar la indumentaria diferente, propia del equipo en cuestión.
11)  El precio de la inscripción son 30€ por participante individual y de 80€ por cada equipo.
12)  Los participantes dispondrán de un seguro deportivo y una Poliza de Responsabilidad Civil.
13)  La organización cerrara inscripciones de participantes el dia 30 de Septiembre del 2022.
14)  Se lanzara a una distancia de 20 metros para hombres (Piedra) y 13 Metros (Pelota).
15)  Las distancias para mujeres y niños son 10 metros (Piedra) y 10 metros (Pelota).
16)  Habra una medalla conmemorativa de recuerdo para cada participante inscrito.
17)  Tambien se obsequiara con 1 camiseta conmemorativa de recuerdo a todos participantes.
18)  A todos los participantes se les entregara un diploma con el puesto y los puntos obtenidos.
19)  13 y 14 Oct habrá tirada de pelota y otra de piedra que lanzaran al Mar (no puntua Copa).
20)  El sábado después de cenar tendra lugar Asamblea General “World Slinging Association”.
21)  Precios hotel  4* habitación doble (2 Personas) x dia 120€ y de 75€ Individual (1 Persona).
22)  Precios hotel 3* habitación doble (2 Personas) x dia 100€ y de 65€ Individual (1 Persona).
23)  Los mismos precios especiales también se podrán aplicar para familiares y acompañantes.
24)  En hoteles se dispone de desayuno y cena, comida medio dia incluida fuera de los hoteles.
25)  En todas las 6 tiradas que se lleven a cabo, obtendrá trofeo los 3 primeros cada categoria.
26)  Tanto si son de piedra o de pelota, serán siempre 2 rondas de 5 lanzamientos, en total 10.
27)  En el calentamiento existe un problema, que algunos llevan a cabo muchos lanzamientos y otros muy pocos o ninguno, por tanto se realizaran 2 rondas  de 5 lanzamiento para calentar,  el juez en su puesto ira llamando a cada uno de la lista, pudiendo renunciar si lo desean.
28)  La escultura del artista Antoni Miquel Morro (misma del año pasado, pero otro color) se entregara al 1º y 1ª General Individual Hombre y mujeres y  1º Equipo hombres y 1º mujeres. Para el resto categorías del final general, serán otro tipo de trofeos. Se entregan dia 16 noche.
29)  Ademas en todas las tirada se entregaran trofeos para los tres primeros de cada categoría.
30)  Cualquier cambio técnico o cuestión de puntuación y clasificaciones o bien imprevisto que surja durante el Campeonato, será decisión exclusiva de los jueces de la competición.
31) Si el problema en cuestión es organizativo, la organización tomara todas aquellas decisiones que crea sean las mejores para el desarrollo de la 3ª Copa del Mundo d Tiro con Honda.
32) La organización de la WSC, se reserva el derecho de poder consultar y si se cree conveniente llevar cualquier cambio sustantivo a votación ante una comisión de participantes en donde habría un representante de cada pais y/o equipo participante.
33)  Todos los estilos de lanzamiento y tipos de hondas serán permitidos.
34)  Se podrán utilizar todo tipo de hondas, de cualquier material y forma confeccionada.
35)  Si se rebasa o pisa la madera de la línea máxima de lanzamiento será nulo.
36)  Este año habrá mas autocares para una mejor movilidad y aprovechar mejor el  tiempo.
37)  Se esta intentando paralelamente a la “WSC”, organizar una Expo de Arte de participantes.
38)  Tambien se confirma en alguno de los 4 dias que dura la “WSC” tendremos música en vivo.
39)  El Reglamento Final de la “3ª Copa del Mundo de Tiro con Honda se publicara 13-09-2022.
40)  La organización podra aceptar sugerencias de los participantes hasta la fecha 12-09-2022.

Desde la organización, muchos saludos a todos nuestros amigos y amigas de todo el Mundo !!
Pep Ribas Ribas                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Tel & Whatsapp  0034-607-800439                                                                                                          Presidente de la “World Slinging Association”

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Aug 16th, 2022 at 6:56am
An english translation, feel free to correct any of googles mistakes:

It will take place on October 13, 14, 15 and 16, 2022 Ibiza Island (Balearic Islands) Spain

01) The competition will take place in the municipalities of Sant Antoni, Santa Eulalia and Sant Josep (Ibiza).
02) The welcome events, cultural visit and non-scoring runs will be on 13 and 14 Oct 2022.
03) There will be other activities for those who do not wish to follow the official program of 13 and 14 Oct.
04) Saturday and Sunday 15 and 16 Oct 2022 is the same program for all the same.
05) Except Oct 15 and 16, the organization will provide 2 training camps (Stone and Ball).
06) The 4 draws that make up the 3rd World Cup are Oct 15 and 16 (2 Stone 2 Ball).
07) Individual Categories; Men, Women, Boys and Girls (both up to 15 years old).
08) Equipment Categories; They will be 3 or 4 people (the best 3 score), it is established; Men, Women, Adults Mixed, Boys, Girls, Kids Mixed. Points are added from the 4 rolls.
09) Countries that do not have a complete team must announce components before 09-30-22. It really is about trying to complete at least one team from each country, not selections.
10) Each country or team must wear different clothing, typical of the team in question.
11) The registration fee is €30 per individual participant and €80 for each team.
12) Participants will have sports insurance and a Civil Liability Policy.
13) The organization will close the registration of participants on September 30, 2022.
14) It will be thrown at a distance of 20 meters for men (Stone) and 13 meters (Ball).
15) The distances for women and children are 10 meters (Stone) and 10 meters (Ball).
16) There will be a souvenir commemorative medal for each registered participant.
17) There will also be a gift of 1 commemorative souvenir t-shirt to all participants.
18) All participants will receive a diploma with the position and the points obtained.
19) Oct 13 and 14 there will be a ball toss and a stone toss that will be thrown into the sea (no punctuation for the Cup).
20) The WorldSlingingAssociation General Assembly will take place on Saturday after dinner.
21) Hotel prices 4* double room (2 People) per day €120 and €75 Single (1 Person).
22) Hotel prices 3* double room (2 People) xday100€ and €65 Single (1 Person).
23) The same special prices may also be applied to family members and companions.
24) In hotels breakfast and dinner are available, lunch included outside the hotels.
25) In all the 6 runs that are carried out, the first 3 in each category will obtain a trophy.
26) Whether stone or ball sison, there will always be 2 rounds of 5 throws, a total of 10.
27) In the warm-up there is a problem, that some carry out many throws and others very few or none, therefore 2 rounds of 5 throws will be made to warm up, the judge in his position will call each one of the list, being able to resign if they wish.
28) The sculpture by the artist Antoni Miquel Morro (same as last year, but another color) will be given to the 1st and 1st General Individual Men and Women and 1st Team Men and 1st Women. For the rest of the categories of the general final, they will be another type of trophies. They are delivered day 16 night.
29) In addition, trophies will be awarded to the first three of each category in all the editions.
30) Any technical change or question of scoring and classifications or unforeseen that arises during the Championship, will be the exclusive decision of the judges of the competition.
31) If the problem in question is organizational, the organization will make all those decisions that it believes are the best for the development of the 3rd Honda Shooting World Cup.
32) The organization of the WSC reserves the right to consult and if it is deemed convenient to put any substantive change to a vote before a commission of participants where there would be a representative of each country and/or participating team.
33) All throwing styles and types of slingshots will be allowed.
34) All types of slingshots, of any material and made form, may be used.
35) If you go over or step on the wood of the maximum throwing line, it will be null.
36) This year there will be more buses for better mobility and better use of time.
37) Parallel to the “WSC”, an attempt is being made to organize an Art Expo for participants.
38) It is also confirmed that in one of the 4 days that the "WSC" lasts, we will have live music.
39) The Final Regulations of the “3rd Honda Shooting World Cup will be published on 09-13-2022.
40) The organization may accept suggestions from the participants until the date 09-12-2022.

From the organization, many greetings to all our friends around the world!
Pep RibasRibas Tel &Whatsapp 0034-607-800439 President of the “World Slinging Association”

lol, 'el presidente'.
I'm guessing that's a lifetime appointment ;-)

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Aug 16th, 2022 at 7:14am
Well that's a first. You have to pay to enter the competitions.
That's not going to go over well.
And actual insurance - also new.

And I'm only about quarter the way down.

Oh and you have to wear culturally appropriate clothing for the team events.

The organization of the WSC reserves the right to consult and if it is deemed convenient to put any substantive change to a vote before a commission of participants where there would be a representative of each country and/or participating team.

God i hate bureacracy.
But there's always someone who's life isn't complete unless they get to throw a tantrum every day - so i can see his point.

33) All throwing styles and types of slingshots will be allowed.
34) All types of slingshots, of any material and made form, may be used.

Those two are definitely down to me lol
I've been moaned at for both, enough times over the years.
And they haven't even seen the printed tennis ball slings yet :-)

Now we just need an: 'any kind of ammo allowed' and we're pretty much there.

I'll get some proper testing in with my polyurethane 'balls' this week.
Indestructible, good density, reclycable.
And basically lifetime usage until you lose them.
Not as cheap as clay or stone. But they'll last long enough to become family heirlooms.

Unfortunately I just don't see any way I can afford to go this year.

It's a toss up with starting a new business  and going on holiday.  I only have one set of money, so can't do both.
And if I don't start making money, I'll never be able to go.

On the bright side if the business goes moderately well, I'll definitely be able to afford next year.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Sarosh on Aug 17th, 2022 at 3:56pm
wow too much organization.
if those fees went for the prizes of the first 3 places that would be a great motivator and attention grabber.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Mersa on Aug 17th, 2022 at 4:29pm
I really wanna try get there . I’m close this year but it’s  big money for a  guy like me coming from Australia. 40 throws that count, and that’s probably over 100$ a throw for me easily .

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Aug 19th, 2022 at 7:37am
the fees will be to cover the trophies in part - but mostly for the insurance.

If you've ever looked into event insurance - it's horrendous.

And for an event where stones are being thrown from slings (and it's pretty common for them to not all to go forward), the cost will be eye wateringly massive.

It's one reason I could never put on a competition in the uk using stones.
Just could not afford the insurance.
And a lot of people won't let you use their land for events unless you have insurance.

Everybody's terrified about being sued.

As far as I know, this is the first time pep's actually bothered to get event insurance.

Maybe someone got hurt, maybe the law changed, who knows. But that's why the fees are being charged this year. 

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Sarosh on Aug 19th, 2022 at 1:47pm
@ Curious Aardvark
seems logical. I'm sure the organization deserves more than appreciation too, also for ammo and targets.

where can I look for the competition rules? e.g. how the teams compete... (yes i don't know the rules)

@ Mersa
how probable is it you are gonna be there? I'm thinking about it

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by IronGoober on Aug 19th, 2022 at 2:38pm
@Sarosh and @Mersa

If you guys can make it... I'll have to seriously consider rearranging my October so I can too.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Mersa on Aug 19th, 2022 at 4:06pm
I renewed my passport and done my tax return, if I get enough money and passport arrives in time to book flights I’ll be going . I have until September 30 to make the decision.

If you both are going it gives me even more reasons to get there

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Sarosh on Aug 21st, 2022 at 10:32am
@ IronGoober @ Mersa
I'm searching for cheap tickets, I'll inform you if I commit and buy

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Aug 22nd, 2022 at 8:51am
team competitions are fairly straight forward.

4 or 5 members in a team - only the 4 best scores count towards the total.
Teams can be mixed: men, women and juveniles.
Everyone throws at a 20 meter target.

Team with most points wins :-)

And apparently this year, you need matching t-shirts.

That's got to be a non-essential rule as it's just not practical for a lot of the internationals.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by funditor on Aug 27th, 2022 at 5:14pm
The number of players per team is reduced - it is now 3-4 members and the best three count
Also there is a team category mixed teams now, interestingly
So far it oooks promising that we will field two teams again , keeping fingers crossed :)
Definitely would love to see you guys and sling and chat and party together with you ! :)

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Aug 29th, 2022 at 9:35am
well I'm definitely not going to be there this year.

So lots of video and pictures please.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Aug 29th, 2022 at 9:41am

Curious Aardvark wrote on Aug 29th, 2022 at 9:35am:
So lots of video and pictures please.

+1 to this request.  :D

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Mersa on Aug 29th, 2022 at 6:24pm
If I go I’m gonna try my best to film as much of the event as I can without ruining my experience. I believe that’s the hardest part about filming is you wanna be involved not filming the whole time. I might be able to get there, sounds like my passport should arrive this week

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Sarosh on Aug 31st, 2022 at 10:55am
Just booked flights. See you there!
@ Mersa@ IronGoober I hope you make it.
I'll be there from 12th morning to 17th evening

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Mersa on Sep 1st, 2022 at 4:26pm
If all goes well I’ll be booking this weekend

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 5th, 2022 at 7:45am
So didya book ? Didya ?

Had a bit of a good idea yesterday.
Going to hire a skip/dumpster and clear out my workshop and repurpose for the new business.
There are 30 year old shelving units that haven't been touched for decades.
A brutal clearance will give me just enough room for the new venture.

This will save me a lot of money, over a commercial unit.

There are a few medical family concerns, that I have no idea if they'll run into mid October or not.

But assuming I'm not needed here, I can probably scrape the money for a 4 day trip to Ibiza (Friday to Monday).
But won't know till October anyway.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Mersa on Sep 5th, 2022 at 6:07pm
Yeah I booked . Expensive and pretty much outside my budget but I gotta do it
That’s awesome CA
Looks like we’re gonna have a good amount of slingers from here if everyone who’s a maybe can make it work 

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by IronGoober on Sep 6th, 2022 at 1:15am
I'm going to try! I will also be there 14-16 if I make it.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 6th, 2022 at 3:11pm
@mersa - If I can go, I'll bring your pouches :-)

I've actually got a client with a suitable field for practice.

Bit of a drive, and I have no idea if the target will fit in the car I'm currently using.
I can rig something up if it doesn't fit.

But I reckon I can probably get a day or so practice in, for tennis balls at least.

But it's all dependant on my mums op, and how well she recovers.
So we'll see.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Sep 6th, 2022 at 11:04pm
It sounds like there's going to be one heck of a crowd going this year.  I'm so jealous.  I wish I was on the list.  But I hope that everyone trying to get there is able to go.  :)

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by IronGoober on Sep 7th, 2022 at 10:33am
Booked my flights!

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Sarosh on Sep 8th, 2022 at 3:55am
Let's go! :D

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by IronGoober on Sep 8th, 2022 at 3:52pm
@Mersa How long is your travel time home? Mine is 29 hours because there aren't flights off of the island early enough to avoid an 8 hour layover somewhere else in Europe.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Mersa on Sep 8th, 2022 at 4:48pm
Ha ha
I leave on Monday night and won’t make it home until Thursday night

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 9th, 2022 at 7:06am
Wow !
Just make sure you have Nothing in your hand luggage or pockets that could possibly be construed as a weapon.
Bear in mind you guys will go through security at every airport.

No matter what you've read, there is NO acceptable size knife you can take onboard an international flight.

My top flight tip.
Take an empty water bottle in your hand luggage and fill it from a water fountain or Tap after you've gone through security.
It'll save you an absolute fortune in buying water.

Personally I wouldn't take a sling through either, I know a lot of the guys do.
And I've had them in my hand luggage in the past.

But you guys are going through a bunch of different security points and it only takes one arsehole with a hangover to remove it/them from your bag.
You have no rights, they can and will take anything they deem a 'threat'.

If you just assume all airport security personnel are complete arseholes, you weren't go far wrong :-)

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by IronGoober on Sep 9th, 2022 at 10:49am
Wow. I'll take my 29 hours. That's crazy!

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 18th, 2022 at 5:57am
Well, there's no way I can make it.
My mum's actual operation went well, but there was an accident - as the surgeon put it - and she now no longer has a spleen.
.so the whole recovery process will be longer than we expected.

Just no way I can go anywhere any time soon.

I did have a thought about the meeting on the Saturday.
If someone could arrange a zoom call, then some of the rest of us could get involved in the conversation

Christian should be able to arrange things.

But, yeah, poopy happens.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by David Morningstar on Sep 25th, 2022 at 6:05pm

I've booked it, I'm going.

CA that's bad news, I hope everything turns out okay.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by IronGoober on Sep 25th, 2022 at 6:43pm
Ooh! David, are you going to be bringing your 1000fps camera?

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 26th, 2022 at 9:46am
He'll bring it :-)

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Archaic Arms on Sep 26th, 2022 at 3:28pm
I'm now also planning to be there, after much deliberation. Looking forward to seeing you all!

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Sep 26th, 2022 at 10:09pm
Holy moly!  I wish I would have picked this year to try to get out there.  Mersa, Goober, and now AA!?  Everyone out there is going to wonder where the heck all these slingers came from!  :D

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 27th, 2022 at 7:41am
yeah. I guess we'll just have to make next year even better :-)

who knows maybe I'll win the lottery and would be able to fly everybody out there.
Well we can dream lol

And thanks dave. my mums doing really well.
All things considered, better than expected.

We were just gld to get her out of the hospital, just one cock up after another.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Kick on Oct 12th, 2022 at 1:45am
I'll be there. Waiting for the bus now. A lot of people I finally get to meet in person.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by JudoP on Oct 12th, 2022 at 4:42am
Send us plenty of pictures! I'm definitely gonna aim to make next year, it's been too long!

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Oct 12th, 2022 at 12:33pm
Awesome Kick!  Have a great time!  I can't wait to hear how everyone does.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 13th, 2022 at 7:50am
I did think there was an outside chance I might be able to do Friday to Monday.
But while my mum is recovering remarkably well for someone in their 80s recuperating from - essentially - 2 major surgeries.
No way I can risk it.
Had it been in 2 weeks I'd have made it.
Ah well, such is life.

Some of you should be there by now.
Come on guys, we need pictures !

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Sarosh on Oct 13th, 2022 at 6:41pm
There is not much time to spend thinking what to film we are next to the beach and I haven't been in the water yet There were long discussions that would make  great podcasts.
Check out David's Facebook.
It's very interesting how much accuracy we all lose with competition stress

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Oct 13th, 2022 at 7:45pm

Sarosh wrote on Oct 13th, 2022 at 6:41pm:
It's very interesting how much accuracy we all lose with competition stress

True statement.  Keep a cool head guys.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 14th, 2022 at 8:34am
Lol, oh yeah competition slinging takes a bit if getting used to.

First time I did it, my hands were shaking afterwards.

You soon get used to it :-)

Using the irregular stones makes the most difference I reckon.

Just one if the reasons I'd like to see a more standardised ammo type.

But it's all good fun :-)

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Oct 15th, 2022 at 10:29pm
Mersa posted a group pic on Instagram.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 16th, 2022 at 4:09pm
Who's the big bloke standing next to Christian ?

Is that the beach where people go to see the sunset ?

Been there :-)

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 18th, 2022 at 10:37am
So did you guys just stay in ibiza or vanish !

What happened, who won ?
And other such obvious questions :-)

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by JudoP on Oct 18th, 2022 at 1:19pm
Yeah looking forwards to hearing how things went. Where's the full report!?

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Sarosh on Oct 19th, 2022 at 3:26am
Channing, Uwe and Mersa got cups on the official. I don't know the scores I don't even remember mine...

Curious Aardvark wrote on Oct 16th, 2022 at 4:09pm:
Who's the big bloke standing next to Christian ?


Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 19th, 2022 at 7:11am
What were you drinking ? :-)

I should point out that international ;lunches tend to run to 3 hours with free wine and beer on tap, so you know, afternoon sessions can get a bit 'fuzzy' ;-)

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by David Morningstar on Oct 19th, 2022 at 5:12pm

I think I have just about recovered  ;D

It was great to see lots of new people. Lewis (Archaic Arms) did the UK proud with his excellent performance. I scored in every competition which is better than I have managed in some previous years so I'm really happy. The hangover on Monday was brutal, thankfully I had a late flight back.

I will be sorting through the video I shot but I wont be rushing anything out.

It was brilliant to see everyone and I hope to see you next year!

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by David Beatty on Oct 19th, 2022 at 6:44pm
Thank you for the report. Look forward to the visuals.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by IronGoober on Oct 19th, 2022 at 8:42pm
I wanted to make a longer post about the event so that others will know what to expect. So here goes:

The cost of the event was the cost of the hotel (likely to be ~110-130  €/night for a 2 person room, ~70  €/night for 1 person) + 30€ for covering the cost of the event.  Breakfast and dinner were served at the hotel and were included in the cost, all of the lunch time meals were organized in one way or another. So, you really don't need to worry about food unless you want to eat elsewhere.  All in all, not a bad price for everything included, the airfare was the most expensive part of the trip.

Pep generally didn't share an agenda other than the day before, so I will tell you now what we did, so you can know what to expect.

We arrived at the airport on Thursday and took a taxi to Sant Antoni (28 €).

Thursday 4PM: Went to Sant Josep to Club JASA to throw stones at a single balearic target. Took the public bus, 4€ roundtrip. Threw 2 stones in turn to warm up ( a few rounds) and then had 2 rounds of 5 stones.  Uwe did well. The rest of us choked :). Edit: I forgot! Sarosh did well too, he came in 3rd!

Friday: A bus that was just for the event (no cost) picked us up.
11AM: We went to a school at 11AM to do some demonstrations for some school kids.  This was actually a very small part of the time, and only 2 demos were actually done and mostly handled by the local folks. We were there for about 2 hours, the rest of the time just messing around throwing at a single target and at walls, trying each others slings, etc.
3-5PM: Boat tour from Sant Antoni, around the northern part of the island out to Ses Margalides. I quite enjoyed this.
5:30-6PM: Went to a beach that would make any slinger salivate that was near the airport. Excellent. (a few of us went back later). Arguably one of the best 30 minutes of the whole event. More on this later.
6:30-8PM: Cultural event and welcome. We watched a traditional dance put on by a historical group and had a welcome speech from some representatives who helped support the event.

Saturday: ~9-10AM: We had to change hotels because the one we were in was closing for the season. Pep mentioned that this won't happen again next year. 
~10AM:Event Bus to a school in San Joan for the first tennis ball round, lots of available warm up before, but once the competition was about to start, each competitor, in competition order, could take 5 more warm up throws. Then you had your 2 rounds of 5 throws.   Then we had lunch about 1 hours later at the school on tables outside. They ordered paella and salad that was delivered for us. The gaps inbetween were filled with slinging talk and lots of slinging tennis balls :) On this competition round Modesto scored 14 points and Diego Camuñas scored 13 and I think Uwe did 12.
~3PM: Bus back to a beach near Sant Antoni for stones. Same rules as with tennis balls. We randomly warmed up then at the competition start, 5 to warm up and then 2 rounds of 5. I think Modesto did 10. Channing did well, 9 I think. I don't recall other people's scores.

9AM we left for....I don't recall what it was called, it was next to a big sports arena... But we set up to throw stones, again same rules.  Again, Uwe, Modesto, Channing all did pretty well.
11-12AM: Left for San Carlos for lunch and tennis balls in a public area. Lunch was a bit hectic so many of us went to another restaurant.  Then we ended with tennis balls rounds.

After every event, tennis balls, or stones, trophies for the 10 throws were given (I personally think this is a bit excessive, maybe 1 for tennis balls, one for stones and one for overall.

Monday: My wife and I, Archaic Arms and his folks, Sarosh, Mersa, all went to Castell d'Eivissa for a few hours just to see something historical (the USA just doesn't have old stuff), then had lunch and afterwards took a taxi to the beach near the airport. We stayed for probably close to 3.5 hours just chuckin' stones into the sea.  It was glorious.

The best part about this whole event was meeting the people,  hands down. Meeting all these people that I've known for years only through this site was a real honor.  I don't know anyone else that can understand the obsession that I have with this obscure sport other than these gentlemen.  The discussions that we were able to have would have taken months through medium such as this site and we could have it in minutes. And then we continued that for 4 days. It was truly incredible. One of the best experiences of my life, for sure.  Thank you all who attended for making it such a great experience.

I certainly want to try to organize something here in the USA now. There are definitely improvements that could be made and I can now see a lot of what is needed for an event like this to be successful.

Hopefully that helps if you are on the fence about it. In my opinion, if you are obsessed with slinging enough that people around you roll their eyes when you mention it, you should probably try to make it to this event at least once.

As far as performance in the competition goes, everyone who was there for the first time did pretty poorly, myself included. Having to shoot 5 shots essentially cold is much more difficult than I had thought it would be. Plus there are a bit of nerves from fact that it is a competition, but I think that will fade with more competition experience. But C_A, you weren't kidding about performance. Excellent, very accurate slingers were doing very poorly in this format. It was certainly an eye-opening experience in that regard. I didn't fully understand what you meant until experiencing it myself.
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Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Oct 19th, 2022 at 8:53pm
Excellent recap IG. :thumb:

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 20th, 2022 at 11:40am
Yep that sums it up excellently ig.

Did your wife participate ?

As far as competition nerves goes, apparently it's much worse when I'm there, as I shout a lot of encouragement at people lol. Christian, hates it - somehow that tends to make me shout louder ;-)
The whole noise level: with people shouting, slings cracking, target thumps and clangs and the constant need to keep half an eye out for stones coming sideways from some of the Balearic slingers, makes it a unique slinging environment.

Personally I wouldn't change that aspect for anything :-)

How did you guys break things down for the team events ?

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Mersa on Oct 20th, 2022 at 1:49pm
Awesome recap Irongoober!!
Yeah I performed much below what I was expecting and my average. I wasn’t on fire that’s for sure but the competition is basically secondary in the experience. As Irongoober said it was amazing Meeting everyone and having discussions about slinging with eager ears.
Big props to channing he really pulled it together under the pressure and made a solid performance 2 years in a row. What a beast . As did Modesto and uwe top 3 2 years in a row what kings !!
AA is just a freaking anomaly, dude small and throws as hard as big Luis. Irongoober throws some absolute heat as well witnessing those 3 power is something else in real life . Definitely made my day seeing both of them throwing distance on the last day at sunset. Sarosh is a beast as well throwing accurate and hard . His win in the shootout was memorable.
Lots of Fantastic people and great times were had .
Other than the 4 days I lost in travel the holiday was one of the best weeks in my life and definitely the best slinging related experience.

Here’s a little compilation on my instagram

Gonna be hard to not try and go again next year that’s for sure.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Archaic Arms on Oct 20th, 2022 at 6:08pm
Thanks for the comprehensive recap IG!

What a great time.
So much fun to be able to live slinging for a few days with a quality group of likeminded people. Superb company. The discussions and meeting everybody was simply marvellous, and reason enough to go; The competition felt to me almost like something to just bide the time haha. The weather was also very consistently sunny and unyielding, so shade was sought everywhere we went. At first I thought it impressive how many hand selected stones there were for practice and competition, until I witnessed the beach literally made of sling stones. Probably just got a bucket and scooped! ;D

Very refreshing experience.
I definitely feel a lot more inspired than I did before I came.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by JudoP on Oct 20th, 2022 at 6:24pm
Sounds amazing! You are all making me very jealous! Next year I'll be there for sure.

Two years missed in a row is too much!

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Oct 20th, 2022 at 7:03pm

Mersa wrote on Oct 20th, 2022 at 1:49pm:
Sarosh is a beast as well throwing accurate and hard . His win in the shootout was memorable.

Was this one of the scheduled events or just a friendly side competition you guys were doing?

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Mersa on Oct 20th, 2022 at 8:55pm
It was a warm up game that scores were not counted in the World Cup but was an official event with trophies ect .

Sarosh shootout shot was a definite highlight for me!!

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by hubert on Oct 21st, 2022 at 1:36am
It was a celebration for me and I wholeheartedly agree with IG.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 21st, 2022 at 7:52am
So whos Modesto  ?
New name to me.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Sarosh on Oct 21st, 2022 at 3:17pm

Curious Aardvark wrote on Oct 21st, 2022 at 7:52am:
So whos Modesto  ?
New name to me.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 21st, 2022 at 6:41pm
Cheers, never registered his name :-)
I was actually just to the left when that video was taken.
Nobody new then.

Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by Mersa on Nov 27th, 2022 at 5:33am
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Title: Re: International slinging event Ibiza 2022
Post by joe_meadmaker on Nov 27th, 2022 at 6:53pm
This is awesome Mersa!  Thanks for posting. Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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