Members Outlet Mall >> Market Place >> Buying Slings

Message started by Olivier Palmer on Mar 30th, 2021 at 6:05am

Title: Buying Slings
Post by Olivier Palmer on Mar 30th, 2021 at 6:05am
Dear Forum,
thanks for letting me in,

I would be interested in buying slings for myself. I am a juggler who wants to learn to throw rocks with a sling, but I'm really poor with making stuff like a sling with my hands.
I'm living in Belgium, so the best would be to find slings to buy within Europe to avoid expensive shipping costs and most of all the very annoying customs (although duckhands' sling look amazing).
I'm looking forward to looking your slings.

Title: Re: Buying Slings
Post by Olivier Palmer on Apr 2nd, 2021 at 9:02am
Hello !
I am a bit surprised that I received no answer. And my will to start practicing is growing every day since I posted the first message !
I'd be happy to pay shipping costs and customs if this is the only solution.
Or, if you have a website where I can order them, that's super great. I can't find one ! I only find these Y slings (called lance-pierres in french)

Title: Re: Buying Slings
Post by Sarosh on Apr 2nd, 2021 at 2:23pm
check out etsy and use other keywords also

I wanted to sell some slings on etsy but I can't really do it right now with so many restrictions. shipments within the country take 1 month instead of 3days :(

Title: Re: Buying Slings
Post by Kick on Apr 2nd, 2021 at 2:53pm
Our very own VetRyan has an Etsy shop where he sells very nice slings. I highly recommend his seatbelt slings. I have 3 :D

Title: Re: Buying Slings
Post by Olivier Palmer on Apr 2nd, 2021 at 3:55pm
Thanks a lot ! will check that immediatly Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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