Members Outlet Mall >> Market Place >> Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.

Message started by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 4:02am

Title: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 4:02am
This is a sling design I have came up with over the last few days. I really enjoy how this bad boy feels when throwing rocks. The pouch is sized in a place that can comfortably throw large rocks, (bigger than an orange) as well as small rocks, (light enough you can barely feel them) it has a freehand designed pouch, and a super soft, yet responsive finger loop. It is a real pleasure for me to throw with. I am essentially testing the waters here with this. To see if anyone would be interested in buying one. I also have the capability of lazer burning custom designs onto the pouch, fyi. My next sling project will have it done on it. It would cost a bit extra, ($15), because I outsource the burning. These slings take a bit of time and about a day to dry when making, so I am trying to think of a fair price point. Any thoughts or offers on one like this?
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Title: These release knots feel great
Post by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 4:04am
From the loading to the launching these release knots feel like the goldy locks zone for me, adjustable length for adjusted ammo size, yet not giving up comfort.
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Title: Even I have a hard time believing the comfort of this loop
Post by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 4:09am
Not to sound like a car salesman, but this couldn't feel better unless I used eagle hide leather, (futurama). It keeps the cord from chaffing your fingers, yet still leaves the responsive feel of the cords in motion for better shot feedback. I don't want to take it off when I put it on. Maybe I am just weird, but it is just satisfying to me haha.
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Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 4:13am
I only use quality genuine leather on my slings, imagine this beauty, with a custom designed emblem, logo, or personal message burned on there. It was hard for me to want to get this sling dirty, but man it just throws nice, so I went out and threw a good 50 shots of picked up rocks with it. That pouch never once ejected early, with any ammo size or shape I tried, and I tried a lot.
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Title: Inside of pouch.
Post by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 4:15am
I decided to put the "wrong side" of the leather on the inside of the pouch. Which mainly was for looks, but also was to give a bit of traction to the pouch for adding spin to the shot since this pouch doesn't have the rifled style large stitching.
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Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Mersa on Mar 16th, 2021 at 4:28am
Nice looking sling what’s it weigh?

Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 5:48am

Mersa wrote on Mar 16th, 2021 at 4:28am:
Nice looking sling what’s it weigh?

It weighs 36.9 grams
IMG_16032021_034834__540_x_720_pixel_.jpg (79 KB | 80 )

Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Mersa on Mar 16th, 2021 at 5:58am
Thanks ;)

Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 6:00am
Oh and it is 26.5 inches from the center of the pouch to the top of the ring

Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 6:04am
I know you make slings, so you could probably replicate this exactly with this post giving some steps on how I made this exact one. I am offering this for those few who don't want to try to duplicate this, or for the average person to pick up as a curiosity if not a wall hanger. However, they do work nice from my testing so far.

Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Mersa on Mar 16th, 2021 at 6:15am
They look quite beautiful however for me personally it’s on the heavier side . Fine slings none the less. Just a personal preference. For the right price they are fine slings for purchase.

That can be a downside of trying to sell slings, they are basic in principle and people can usually build a functional sling. But there are personal touches and details in every design I’ve seen so they all have merit and a place in people’s collection.

Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Duckhands on Mar 16th, 2021 at 6:35am
Yeah the micro cord adds a touch of weight, but in hand, at least to me it feels very light compared to some of my other slings. This one is my second lightest sling so far. You could probably cut a lot of weight using natural fibers with this method too though.

Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by Kick on Mar 16th, 2021 at 12:40pm
I've found that no one makes slings quite like anyone else. It might just be material but, like you say, there can be individual touches. It's one of the reasons I think the SITH is so great. Even if the sling isn't a work of art, I find it fascinating to see what people come up with.

Title: Re: Testing if people would be interested in custom slings like these.
Post by TheJackinati on Mar 19th, 2021 at 9:54am
I can't say I wouldn't be interested... because that would be a lie! ;D

It's a very beautiful sling and it looks very well made. Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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