General >> General Slinging Discussion >> How many slings did you make this year?

Message started by NooneOfConsequence on Dec 26th, 2018 at 10:14am

Title: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by NooneOfConsequence on Dec 26th, 2018 at 10:14am
I think I’m probably at around one per month this year.

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by joe_meadmaker on Dec 26th, 2018 at 11:21am
I just started getting back in to sling making when I joined the forum a couple months ago.  Since then I completed a braided sling that was only about 1/4 of the way done and had been sitting around for several years.  I also made two others, although one still needs a pouch stitched on to it.

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by Kick on Dec 26th, 2018 at 12:02pm
I've lost track but I would guess only around 5 or so. I have so many I haven't "needed" any so I've been collecting other people's our more unusual styles. I still have one more to finish for the SITH but it's looking like it's going to count for next year...

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by Tint on Dec 26th, 2018 at 7:23pm
10 including the one I sent to Samuel for Sith.

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by walter on Dec 26th, 2018 at 7:47pm
Nineteen or twenty  :-[

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by Rat Man on Dec 26th, 2018 at 9:55pm
   When my late wife was sick I made slings to keep my sanity.  I probably made hundreds.  There are still many slings around here.  I'll have to get back into making them this year. 

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by vetryan15 on Dec 30th, 2018 at 5:18am
I have made a few hundred, but I make the same few styles. I need to upgrade my skill, and start practicing my weaving and braiding to span it out.

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by Curious Aardvark on Dec 30th, 2018 at 6:22am
quite a few. Goit a friend who loses hers on a regular basis - must have had a half a dozen just by herself :-)

The 3d printed waterproof pouches seem to go best round here, as most people use them for throwing tennis balls for dogs to retrieve from a big lake :-)

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by timpa on Dec 30th, 2018 at 1:10pm
One or two.
(My slings is ugly but durable  :)

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by winkleried on Jan 16th, 2019 at 5:15pm
I haven’t made any slings in about Five years.... Yeah, I know I am slacking.

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by NooneOfConsequence on Nov 28th, 2019 at 12:29am
I’ve been making maybe one per month, but then I just made about 10 slings in the last two weeks. I’ve gone into production for Christmas :)

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Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by joe_meadmaker on Nov 28th, 2019 at 11:18am
That's great!  I like the inclusion of the tennis ball.

I think I've made about 9 this year.

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by Kick on Nov 28th, 2019 at 3:25pm
Awesome! I think I only made around 4 or 5. Most of them were super simple paracord ones for the most part.

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by Curious Aardvark on Nov 29th, 2019 at 7:58am
A basic 'how to' sheet would also be good in the box.
Been thiking about seriously marketing slings. And a sheet that clearly shows how to hold and use  abasic underarm throw is something I reckon is an essential inclusion.

And a sock and a couple elastic bands, to make a sock ball :-)

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by Curious Aardvark on Nov 29th, 2019 at 8:04am
actually made  a lot more pouches than slings this year.

I need to get the cord side of things as standardised as the pouch manufacturing. Kind of pot luck at the moment.

Also need a more efficient way to make loops at the end of paracord. tying knots wastes a lot of cord. Must be some kind of crimping pliers and clips that would make a solid permament join for a loop. To be fair, once the cords are on the pouch, the area of join would have almost zero stress.
I do have some hair crimpers I bought to make a filament joiner from.
wonder if 180c would be enough to bond a metal clip to the paracord.
worth an experiment I reckon :-)

Hmm maybe the clips used for sealing the ends of large sausages would do the trick.   


Damn those things are expensive !
Wonder if a cable tie and the hot crimp would work.
Right, now to try and find the hair crimpers !

Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by NooneOfConsequence on Nov 29th, 2019 at 9:02am

Curious Aardvark wrote on Nov 29th, 2019 at 7:58am:
A basic 'how to' sheet would also be good in the box.
Been thiking about seriously marketing slings. And a sheet that clearly shows how to hold and use  abasic underarm throw is something I reckon is an essential inclusion.

And a sock and a couple elastic bands, to make a sock ball :-)

Yeah the instructions are something I’ve been thinking about. I’m no graphic artist, but I think I can come up with something.

I’m still working on solutions for attaching the cord quickly too. I’ve been experimenting with heat shrink, but I’m not totally happy with the process yet. A friend of mine told me that military parachute eyelets are sewn together. I’ve never looked at one up close, so I need to look into how they do that.

To cut and seal the cords in one step, I built a hot knife from some junk I found in a trash pile pile at work. The cutter is a 28 gauge nichrome wire. I used alligator clips to connect a power supply to heat the wire. That little tool has saved me a lot of time already.
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Title: Re: How many slings did you make this year?
Post by NooneOfConsequence on Dec 16th, 2019 at 1:25am
Well... I just set a new personal record:
10 slings in one evening!
It took about 20 mins per sling, but I think I can cut that time down even more with practice.
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