General >> Here Be Maths... >> The Root Of All Data....

Message started by woodssj on May 16th, 2018 at 12:14am

Title: The Root Of All Data....
Post by woodssj on May 16th, 2018 at 12:14am
Yes.... for our purposes, anyways.

It's the information requested in the "Individual Score Book For The Sling" attached in many places, including here. Go ahead and print one off, they cut and fold into a nice pocket-sized book if you go double-sided and do some minor trimming.

The target is the main constant: It will always be a Balearic standard target, if you are contributing your data.

The headings are as follows:

1. "Meters" Enter the range at which you're slinging. This is very important for the data we're collecting.

2. "Place" This is partly for you, and partly for other research in the future. The place you sling at will have an effect on several things. The nuances of Ballistics being the most obvious. If there's ever a study requiring such information, it will be helpful to have it for reference.

3. "Weather" Will normally be listed as something like "Rain" "Clear" "Windy" or similar. Will be used for studies in future which require such information.

4. "Ammunition" is a critical component to any shot. Recording your ammunition type will be critical in our future studies of the effects of ammunition on performance, and finding the optimal ammunition.

5. "Light" Effects how well the target can be seen, and thus how well it can be engaged. Bad lighting will effect your shooting, so record your conditions for future studies.

6. "Sling" should include length, and other basic details. Sling Length is required for all data entry, as it is one of the most important elements of our studies.

7. Scoring is described in the book, and the given instruction should be followed closely.

8. "Remarks" is for noting especially bad throws, flinches, or observations of grouping tendencies. These might be important for later studies, but are mostly for you, so you can track your performance and improvement over time.

There is room for small notes in the margins as well, if you should feel they are necessary.

A later edition will include a few pages dedicated to long-range shooting, as opposed to accuracy. When this is published, it will appear under the Sticky for Data Collection.

Alright then.... Time to debate: What other data will we need, and how do we collect it reliably?;file=Individual_Score_Book_for_the_Sling_Mk_III_003.pdf (57 KB | 29 ) Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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