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Members Outlet Mall >> Market Place >> Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Message started by Curious Aardvark on May 31st, 2017 at 12:13pm |
Title: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on May 31st, 2017 at 12:13pm
These are 2 part custom made moulds designed to produce consistently sized and shaped clay glandes by using a sliding motion to roll the clay into the required size and shape.
Mould lengths are twice the diameter of the glande plus 20mm. This gives plenty of length for a complete roll and after a fair bit of experimentation is what I've decided is an ideal length. The moulds initially will come in three basic shapes: Pointy: Guam Inspired: And the traditional ovoid. The basic shape can be changed considerably, depending on the proportion of diameter to length. So here are a few variations to give you the idea of how proportion makes all the difference. Proportions are given as: Diameter : length For example A glande 30mm diameter with a 60mm length would have a proportion of 1:2 1:1 - essentially round, not recommended as it's easier to just hand roll a rough sphere. 1:1.5 1:2 1:2.5 1:3 Bear in mind that the basic shape is NOT effected by the size of the glande - just the proportion of diameter to length. Text Stamps These are used to put a word into the clay while it's still fairly soft. I find that if you wait a while after rolling for the clay to firm up slightly, pressing the text in doesn't deform the rest of the glande as much. I will throw in 1 free text stamp with each mould set. Bear in mind that the text stamps are currently straight (might tackle curved at some point in the future) and the glandes surface is curved. So short words or phrases currently work best. Shrinkage Other things to bear in Mind. All sizes given are for fresh/wet glandes. Glandes will shrink and lose weight as they dry and harden. So if you actually want a hardened 60x30 glande. You'll probably need to start with something closer to 70x35 or even 80x40. To give you some idea. My modelling clay guam glande that started out at 72mm x 37 (same size as my coral guam glande) used around 102 gms of wet clay. Fully dry it weighs: 90.93 Length is now 65.5 and diameter is: 36. So i lost around 10% weight, 10% length and hardly any diameter, kinda weird. So aim for around 10% loss in weight and length on air dried clay. Filament By Default this will be PLA (Polylactic acid) A hard durable plastic. That is biodegrable if left in a hot compost heap for several years. It's produced primarily from cornstarch. So if you care, it's planet friendly and made from renewable resources. It's a hard and pretty durable material and with a little care, your moulds should last for many years. Colour Colour will probably be either white or black, depending on what i have most of at the time. I can also offer it in transparent, yellow and usually red. If you want a specific colour, please ask - otherwise it's pot luck. Premium Plastics Metallic Filament This comes in copper and aluminium It's coloured with 30% actual metal powder and is around 3 times the cost of my normal pla. So if you want shiny metal looking moulds - enquire for availability and extra cost. As I haven't managed to buy decent sized reels of this stuff yet, I don't know what discount my mate at; is giving me for posting links to his website all over the place :-) So as he's currently out of stock on the aluminium - I haven't been able to buy any yet. Just had short sample lengths. Size and Costing All prices are in english pounds. Which means at the moment, europaens and americans are getting a great deal - canadians - not quite so much :-) Prices are based on a 30x50 glande being the base - which is £10 and also the minimum price. ie: a 30x50 or anything smaller will cost £10 - anything bigger will cost a little more. Looks like this: It's a good size and shape for distance slinging and you probably don't want to go much smaller. They are pretty much the same size and shape as the ones Uwe was using last year. Pricing will be calculated base proportionally on the volume of the mould in relation to the 30x50 standard. Pretty easy. Add the length and diameter of the size you want together and divide by 8. So a 75x40 mould would be: 115/8 = £14.375. Metallic pricing when I know myself :-) Volume Discounts I will knock £1 off the overall bill for every subsequent mould you buy. ie: 2 moulds = £1 discount 3 moulds = £2 discount 4= £3 discount And so on. There is no limit on the amount of discount you can have - the more moulds you buy - the more money you save :-) How It Works Decide what size mould you would like and contact me. I will produce a 3d model of the glande and send that back to you with the calculated cost and p&p. If you are happy with the shape and cost, pay me via Paypal and I will make and ship the mould asap. Moulds can take anywhere from 5 hours on up to well over 10 to make. So I will undertake to ship within 3 days of receiving the order. If there is a delay for any reason I will tell you. I've just added another 3d printer so hopefully that will stop any obvious delays. Is there a maximum size mould you can make ? Yes. I can make moulds up to 140mm long and 120mm in diameter. As this would produce something about a third the size of a rugby ball and weighing around a kilo, I would imagine - I don't envisage anyone wanting something so large. But should you want to, for whatever reason - it is technically possible. Is there a minimum size mould you can make ? Yes - I can go down as low as 2.5x5mm - for anything smaller I'd need to rewrite the whole script - and that's not happening, unless someone offers me lots of money :-) . I have no idea why you would want something so tiny - unless you intend to train cockroaches to sling. But it's technically doable. Sample Transaction So lets walk through a hypothetical purchase: Fred: CA can you make me a traditional ovoid mould set that will make a glande 66mm long with a 33mm diameter. Can I have a text stamp with 'GOT YOU' as well please. ME: Certainly fred. It will look like this: 66+33=99 99/8= £12.375 - Call it £12.30 P&P should be around £5-£6 (based on past transactions) to most places that aren't the uk. £3 if fred lives in the uk. If you go for economy (overland) post it's cheaper but will take alot longer to get there :-) Overall cost of a 33x66 mould is: £15.30 if you live in the uk £16.30 if you don't live in the uk. Fred: Works for me, have some money. ME: Thank you very much, your mould should be ready tomorrow. Approximately 8 days later. Fred: Wow these are amazing, I've just ground up and used all the kitty litter, mixed with a little water it works great, I couldn't find any clay and who cares if the cat craps eveywhere - I have lots of really consistent clay glandes :thumb: Video of mould in action: |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Morphy on Jun 1st, 2017 at 10:36pm
Excellent. I will definitely be purchasing some.
As for Fred, I dont know the man but I like his style. Litter boxes are over rated anyhow. (As are cats but dont tell my wife.) |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 13th, 2017 at 11:33am
Recent moulds:
![]() ![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 13th, 2017 at 4:08pm
Dayglow yellow mould being made by Alexa (my modified he3d k200 delta 3d printer) and yes it was a request, not a cruel joke I'm playing :-)
At some point I'll get a decent webcam and make videos of your moulds being made - current webcam struggles after sundown. That'll be something to show the grandkids. "You know, back before teleportation and instantaneous manufacturing, we had these primitive machines called 3d printers. Well that's how granpa got this here antique glande roller. Which unless you behave and eat your greens is all the inheritance you'll be getting !" ![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by IndyDude on Oct 13th, 2017 at 9:44pm
I dunno what crazy person would order some wacky color like that!! ;D
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 14th, 2017 at 5:40pm
Well the damn thing fought back, yellow filament is a real bastard to work with - something I'd forgotten lol
And the one in the above picture is not the final model - that one was horrible. Cracked it this afternoon. Got an emergency call out tomorrow, some idiot reset the router in a pub, so now they can't take any electronic payments, sunday morning call out, well it's money - so can't get to a post office till monday. If you're reading this kicktheotter, I'll send your sling as well. So note to people - NEVER PRESS THE RESET BUTTON ON A ROUTER TO RESET IT. Always use the power on and off button. or just pull the power cable out and stick it back in again. The reset button completely wipes the router and sets it back to factory settings. It should really be labelled the: 'If you are not the person who set this router up, then DO NOT TOUCH THIS BUTTON' button. Or simply: 'Don't ! Yes, this means you !' I've even seen routers where the wpa wireless connect button, also doubles as the reset button. What were they thinking ? :noidea: ![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by kicktheotter on Oct 15th, 2017 at 6:04am
Sounds fun but yeah great to hear the sling will be on it's way :D
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by IndyDude on Oct 16th, 2017 at 7:21am Curious Aardvark wrote on Oct 14th, 2017 at 5:40pm:
That yellow isn't necessarily a strict requirement for me if its a lot of trouble.. We can go with something else.. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Oct 16th, 2017 at 8:25am IndyDude wrote on Oct 16th, 2017 at 7:21am:
He loves a challenge |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 16th, 2017 at 2:31pm
this is true - plus it's in the post now :-)
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Feb 25th, 2018 at 5:25pm
When u get back from your trip, I would like to pick one if these up.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Mar 8th, 2018 at 7:20am
Offloaded most of the moulds hanging around my workshop in mallorca.
Some went as gifts (it was uwe's birthday), some had to pay (hey, I'm skint and they were much cheaper than from here). But they're now in germany, switzerland, guam and (I think) madrid - wherever alberto is from anyway :-) Next year I'll probably take larger sized moulds. Also working on a couple different shapes (as if it wasn't complicated enough). Pretty sure the delta printer is working properly again. No idea what the glitch was, just printed slanted for a while. Weird. Everything recently has been straight. And that's 30 plus different models. So I'll try another mould this evening. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Mar 8th, 2018 at 7:27am
Just let me know when you are ready. I am ready to buy.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Mar 9th, 2018 at 12:45pm
Sweet can't wait. I think I actually forgot to tell you which text phrase I wanted.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Mar 9th, 2018 at 2:50pm
:-) |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Mar 12th, 2018 at 12:11pm
Okay here's a couple things you probably don't want to do.
This is a 80x40 pointy glande mould. 1) the larger the glande the harder it is to roll. 2) for a pointy glande you really want it to be proportionally much longer than the other shapes. 2:1, essentially just gives you a ball with pointy ends. Aerodynamically it's never going to self orient along the spinning access and you'd probably be much better off with a simple hand rolled sphere. 3) something this size uses a lot of clay. almost 200gm in this case. It'll probably be around 180 ish when dried. Only real use would be target slinging. And for that a hand rolled ball is much better suited. 4) uses an awful lot of plastic - the mould is pictures next to a 60x20 standard shape mould using almost 5x less plastic. So a lot cheaper to buy and much easier to use. last pic shows an 80x25 pointy glande, all round a much better shape. Also - for the record, the pointy glandes are the hardest to roll and the most inclines to have holes at the ends. At least that's what I've found. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Mar 12th, 2018 at 4:01pm
Just made new shape:
![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Mar 12th, 2018 at 5:25pm
I really like that new one.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Mar 14th, 2018 at 12:32pm
Okay here's the results of the first classic shape roller.
This is a 75x35 glande. Uses 110 gms of my air dry modelling clay. After a day drying, it's down to 104. I figure probably 90-95 fully dried. This stuff keeps it's weight quite well. And for the record - every one gets 2 text stamps (same word), I just haven't updated the original post. They are small, easy to lose and very quick and cheap to make, so I always throw in a spare :-) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Mar 14th, 2018 at 3:08pm
That looks awesome
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Mar 15th, 2018 at 11:19am
had the glandes on the radiator overnight. now at 90 gms and hard.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Mar 15th, 2018 at 7:15pm
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 8:14pm
Just got it today, can't wait to.try it out. But will have to wait a couple weeks before I will get to.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by NooneOfConsequence on Apr 25th, 2018 at 10:34pm
Very cool!
Any chance someone could post a video of one in action? |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Apr 28th, 2018 at 6:36pm
Not sure when I can get a video up, but I been spending time playing around with it. It's about a 4 inch block, just roll the pieces together. Here are a few pics of what I did. Yesterday was my first time, today was my second but I am sick, so I think it's giving me some issues, with my head being foggy with my meds. I apologize fir the large pics, it's my phone, and I domt kmow how to resize em.
![]() ![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by NooneOfConsequence on Apr 28th, 2018 at 7:07pm
I usually email my phone pics to myself as “medium” before posting. Works for the iPhone at least.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Apr 28th, 2018 at 7:16pm
Sounds like too much work. I am not technology savy as it is.
With the roller, all it is, you place the ball of clay in the middle, put the 2 pieces together, abd roll back and forth. I an gonna try to get a video tonight, but can't say for certain. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Apr 30th, 2018 at 11:32am
resized for you :-)
And wow - how the hell do you get them that smooth ? That's way better than the ones I've made for tests :-) If you're sensible and have an android phone then this is a great app. What i use on the phone. On the computer I use this: Photoresizer zip file attached to this post. unzip and install - works for all versions of windows 32&64 bit. Adds a right mouse click option to resize photo. Small is best for posting on the forum. So once installed you simply select one or more photo's, then right click and select photo resize. Select small and ok and it will resize the pictures and generate some new - smaller images.;file=ImageResizerSetup%2Ezip If you've got an apple, I not only feel very very sorry for you - but can't help :-) Occasionally i have to work on them for clients. Awful machines. Even more occasionally i have to try and recover files from dead drives. This could be a very long addendum - basically I'll summarise several thousand words of ranting: do not buy apple kit ! It's designed to be disposable and they don't give a crap about your data. Once the file system directory goes - you lose everything. Does not happen on windows systems. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Apr 30th, 2018 at 2:58pm
Lol. I think its just tge pictures. I didn't do anything. It's just how they came about. I did notice on the mold, then inside isn't totally smoothnot too bad, but I might hit it with some sandpaper lightly, to clean it up. It didn't seem to affect the clay, but on close up look. U can notice it somewhat. I am very happy with it.
I only use android. And sumsung phones. Anything else. No thanks. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on May 1st, 2018 at 7:22am
No real way to completely eliminate print lines. I tend to do a little filing and quick sanding on the moulds post print. But too much and you've changed the dimensions and I like to get those as close as possible. On the other hand I reckon it makes rolling easier, adds a little grip to the clay.
Although after the first couple the mould has a fine clay coating anyway so that's taken care of any print lines :-) So what weight of clay are you starting with ? The two I made ended up bang on 88gms fully dry. But I have a real issue getting the ends rounded properly. Whether I start with too little or too much clay - still trying to work out, lol |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on May 1st, 2018 at 7:30am
I was thinking of hitting it lightly with sandpaper real quick, it when I went to throw yesterday. It didn't really seem to affect it to much. So I might just leave it like that. I pulled out my reptile digital scale the other day, but it seems to have died, I am in the middle of getting it replaced. Add o I haven't been able to measure out the clay yet unfortunately.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on May 1st, 2018 at 12:28pm
I actu5just sent this link to a few people on another forum, they are interested in getting one. Just a heads up.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on May 3rd, 2018 at 6:52am
cheers :-)
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on May 10th, 2018 at 10:50am
Currently wondering if a mould with built in dimples, would make a dimpled glande.
I can't see why it wouldn't. Either directly, or roll a smooth one with standard mould and do one pass through a dimpled one of the same size to create a clay golf cross 'ball'. Or maybe a shaped dimple stamp. Currently thinking about how to make the dimpled mould. But I reckon it's worth a try :-) The maths will no doubt make my head hurt ! |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on May 10th, 2018 at 10:43pm
I think a dimpled mold is doable, not sure how to write the software for it. But look forward to it definitely.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on May 27th, 2018 at 1:27pm
I did a quick video on how the roller works. Just don't mind my speaking skills I tend mess up while talking while recording video, not sure why cuz I have great public speaking skills. But anyway here you go. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by NooneOfConsequence on May 27th, 2018 at 10:47pm
Nicely done! Thanks vet!
@CA: If you don’t beat me to it, I will see if I can come up with a way to auto generate the dimples in a scalable way and send you the code. It’ll be a fun challenge, but it doesn’t sound easy! |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Jun 4th, 2018 at 7:39am
I make the moulds by either reshaping a sphere, or making a flat 2d shape and stretching it.
If you add dimples to the sphere, then you don't get even dimples, some of them will be invariably stretched. I have no idea if that's a bad thing. Also openscad always crashes when i try and make the initial dimpled 'golfball' - so I've yet to get beyond that point. Adding dimples to the final mould file would be more effective, but I suspect the maths to work out how the dimples are place to give even depth hollows is beyond me. Cool video Ryan - thanks :thumb: Added it to the first post in the thread :-) |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Jun 4th, 2018 at 8:21pm
Glad I could help. I freaking love that mold.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Mersa on Jun 5th, 2018 at 3:39am
I'm gonna have to get one , I just need to figure out if clays gonna be dense enough for my small pouch , I throw stones more than rocks so to say. Before sithmas
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by NooneOfConsequence on Jun 5th, 2018 at 10:18pm
@Mersa: are you saying you only have one sling?!
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Mersa on Jun 6th, 2018 at 3:49am
My sling is my first and still the best . I have made many others but I only really use one other sling . So 2
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by NooneOfConsequence on Jun 6th, 2018 at 7:48am
Well, you could always try hand rolling some clay ammo first to see how it works with your sling. That might help you decide what size roller to buy from CA.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Jun 8th, 2018 at 8:37am
plus you can always mix some lead shot in the clay.
The air dry modelling clay i use is pretty dense. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 3rd, 2018 at 7:10am
Just changed the pricing system.
Now very easy to work out for yourself. It also makes the moulds a little cheaper :-) Just add the length and diameter together and divide by 8 to give cost in british pounds. I'm also adding international economy post. As an example. Package I just sent to Australia (221gms - 2 moulds) would have been £6.40 by airmail but was just £4.20 by economy. Airmail would take 5-8 days to get there. Economy 30-40 days. It's going by ship I presume. If you want a lot of moulds, it might be worth the wait :-) |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Jan 21st, 2019 at 7:07am
oh yeah the parcel to australia took less than 2 weeks !
I was impressed :-) |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Jan 21st, 2019 at 12:27pm
54x25 pointy groove half being printed.
![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by reptileoverlord on May 29th, 2019 at 11:56pm
Hey , I'm interested in buying a standard 30mm by 50mm . You said it's about 10 euro which I calculated to be 11.14 USD. No need for a 3D render , I know the measurements.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by theguywitheyebrows on Nov 20th, 2020 at 7:59am
this is great!! exactly what i'd need for some dirt glands!! when i get flush, i'll make a purchase
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Nov 20th, 2020 at 1:14pm theguywitheyebrows wrote on Nov 20th, 2020 at 7:59am:
These are his old one, hehas movedo to a newer mode, (which i am waiting for a mold to do another how to use video) hint hint. But he might still make these old ones. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by StoneHuevos on Dec 12th, 2020 at 11:27pm
Oooo I really want one
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by JTslinger on Aug 1st, 2021 at 6:43pm
Are these still available?
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Aug 16th, 2021 at 12:21pm
Sent you a message :-)
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Mersa on Aug 17th, 2021 at 2:51am
I can vouch for these now !!!
Definitely should be a commercial product for slingers |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Aug 20th, 2021 at 8:11am
Well they are a commercial product.
It's just the damn massive price hike in postage that's killing any kind of international sales. The moulds are reasonably priced for the work I put into them, but the postage almost doubles the cost :-( I do always throw some interesting extras into the box. But money is tight the world over. And I'm a terrible business man. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by CrazyBrave333 on Sep 2nd, 2021 at 1:08am
Hey man - have sent a PM - can you please check? Thanks heaps
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by jw on Sep 4th, 2021 at 10:28am
Are these still available ?
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by CrazyBrave333 on Sep 6th, 2021 at 9:46pm CrazyBrave333 wrote on Sep 2nd, 2021 at 1:08am:
I hope so - am keen to start making glandes in bulk and consistent. I think CA is a pretty busy bloke and has a lot going on with the forum so may have missed my PM. Hopefully he will see this from us both... |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 9th, 2021 at 7:36am
Sorry guys, my pm is definitely playing up.
Currently shows that I have -1 messages. I think I might need a clear out. Only got 1800, messages :whistle: Around 10 years worth. Anyway the advantage of bespoke 3d printing is that all stock is available at all times. Just check out the hinged moulds first. Given how much international postage has gone up post pandemic, I like to make sure people know all the options. There will also be random and mysterious bonus items included in any parcel. Which is either down to my natural generosity, or clearing out some of the weird and wonderful stuff that's permanently cluttering up my workshop :whistle: Take your choice :-) And I'll keep an eye on my PM's Presumably when it says 0 it really means 1 So check out the hinged moulds and pm me for more info when you've made your mind up :-) |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by CrazyBrave333 on Sep 10th, 2021 at 12:45am Mersa wrote on Aug 17th, 2021 at 2:51am:
Hey man do you have both types? Which do you prefer? Anyone else have a strong stance one way or the other? |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 10th, 2021 at 7:58am
I've used both types.
(Obviously) How I use the rollers is to make the first glande, really carefully, adding and removing really small amounts of clay untill it's exactly the right amount. Then I weigh that and always use the exact same amount for each glande. So weigh clay, quick roll to rough shape by hand (couple of seconds) and a quick roll in the mould to get the final precise shape. With the hinged moulds weighing is not necessary. You just drop the clay in, give it a squeeze, remove the excess skirt with the fettling tool., Squeeze again, remove any excess, and repeat till perfect glande. The closer to the right amount of clay you start with, the fewer squashes, you need and the quicker you can make glandes. The hinged moulds do need a release agent, talcumn powder or cornstarch, both work well. The rollers don't need release agent, or at least I've never used any. Who knows it might help :-). The rollers come in a lot more glande shapes. Mainly because I was playing around when I designed them. The hinged moulds just use the classic glande shape. For technical reasons - the roller shape is an extruded flat shape, while the hinged moulds use a virtual glande - I am not going to make different glande shapes for the hinged moulds :-) So each system had its pros and cons. And a lot depends on the type and consistency nof clay/material you are going to use. For example. The biodegradable maize based 'clay' would probably work best in the hinged moulds. The rollers are best for smooth stiffish material So for speed with stiff clay, the roller - after some practice - would probably be quicker. To use a wide variety of substrate, the hinged glande would probably be better. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Sep 10th, 2021 at 5:10pm
Once i get mine, i will make another video, showing how to make em. Then u can compare
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 11th, 2021 at 12:33pm
It's in the box mate, and will be posted Monday :-)
Once I've weighed the boxes, I'll either add more stuff or take some out :whistle: They are fairly big boxes and I keep dropping bits in them :thumb: |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Sep 12th, 2021 at 7:37am
I am inn now rush, i just wanted to inform him, that there will be a video soon. Its my most viewed video on YouTube. Eventually i will be famous lol
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 12th, 2021 at 8:56am
Was inspired by jaegoor's catal hyuk stamp he's been putting on the glande he's got the kids making.
And it occurred to me that while small high detail is just not what fdm 3d printers are made for. Stamp engraving is actually written on the laser :-) And yes the engraving is a lot better than cutting precision. It needs a better controller board. Given how good the engraving is, I know it's nothing to do with the hardware setup. Just the way the cheap arse controller board drives the motors while doing continuous burning. It does not like circles or anything that pushes both motors at the same time. So I had a play this morning. Engraved some acrylic. I'd say that came out quite well. :-) The actual stamp is 12x19mm - so pretty small. So anyway I'm now doing picture/logo stamps as well as the standard text stamps. But you only get one image per order as the actual process is more complex than for the text stamps. ![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Sep 13th, 2021 at 5:34am
I love the stamp logo. That is a genius idea. Looks like it works well
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 13th, 2021 at 6:59am
You'll have to test it :-)
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Sep 14th, 2021 at 7:33am
Oh i definitely will
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 14th, 2021 at 9:35am
In the post :-)
I was going to get it tracked, but it meant filling in a different customs form in the post office - so I didn't :-) Hopefully should get there in the next couple of weeks can't miss it, it's a 3d printer filament box. I need to buy more crap as I've run out of small Amazon boxes lol |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on Sep 14th, 2021 at 5:58pm
Looking forward to it. Thanks soooo much
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Sep 17th, 2021 at 4:12pm
Made a wood stamp as well.
Added little knob on the end if the stamp. Also made this one from a wood filament. It's about a 50/50 split blend of wood dust and plastic. I've got a dark wood one as well. Interesting stuff, comes out a bit like MDF, sands well. The actual engraved stamp is solid oak. ![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Archaic Arms on Dec 5th, 2021 at 5:59am
::) Let the clay golf-balls resurface! Stretched into an ovoid, I think you'd also be onto a real winner... ![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by IronGoober on Dec 6th, 2021 at 7:36pm
I finally got around to watching the rules of golf-cross. A very strange take on golf. I don't really understand the draw of it. Maybe it's easier than normal golf but you still get to smack a ball? that's the take-away I got from watching the instructional videos...
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Dec 8th, 2021 at 7:23am
It's really the shape of the golf cross ball that makes it fly straighter.
I have made stretched golf balls. Once you have the glande shape, not sure if the dimples add anything extra to the mix. At the moment my limiting factor us time not projects. Might have to delegate this one to kordwar :whistle: |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Unknown-Station on May 19th, 2022 at 9:10am
Are these still available?
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by vetryan15 on May 20th, 2022 at 2:43pm
Yes, i have also made some YouTube videos on how to use em.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Unknown-Station on May 21st, 2022 at 4:11am
Thank you vetryan15 for your reply. I've watched it and the one on the hinged model, interesting tech perfect for consistent ammo. I'll PN Curious Aardvark for placing a order.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by thesethawa on Jun 30th, 2022 at 8:12am
This is the main reason I joined this forum lol
But not here for just that either. I'd love to see about getting one of these, as a brand new slinger who can't find enough decent rocks. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Unknown-Station on Oct 30th, 2022 at 8:03am
Thank you so much for this. The roller is easy to use and gives great results. Finally consistent and easy accessible ammo ;D.
![]() |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Curious Aardvark on Oct 30th, 2022 at 5:51pm
Cheers US :-)
Just a quick note to say that while postage costs have almost trebled in the last couple of years, I've actually dropped the price of the moulds to a flat rate of £10 Unless you want something ridiculous like a rugby ball sized mould (well I can make a half sized mould anyway). And don't forget the hinged moulds are still going strong - including 2 skull designs :-) Improving ammo design the world over :-) |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Tigger32 on May 5th, 2023 at 1:03pm
Hello, I'll PM you, I am interested in buying a mold.
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by joe_meadmaker on May 7th, 2023 at 1:14am Tigger32 wrote on May 5th, 2023 at 1:03pm:
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. We lost our friend Curious Aardvark last November. |
Title: Re: Custom shape and size Clay Glande Rollers Post by Tigger32 on May 11th, 2023 at 1:45am joe_meadmaker wrote on May 7th, 2023 at 1:14am:
That's so sad. I haven't been on here in a minute, he seemed like a nice fellow. | Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2! YaBB Forum Software © 2000-2025. All Rights Reserved. |