General >> Administrative >> Inserting a picture into a post

Message started by namuh1 on Jul 20th, 2012 at 1:47pm

Title: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by namuh1 on Jul 20th, 2012 at 1:47pm
Hi All,
I would like to insert a photo of my first efforts at making a sling, but can't find how to do it.  The references I do find always refer to inserting a URL to the picture, but I don't have a web server to put the picture on to which a URL could point so I don't see how to do it.  Also I don't see how to attach a file.  I tried to choose it with 'Choose File' and did get the path into the dialog but nothing happens when I preview the post.  I didn't want to clog up the thread with failures so I haven't tried actually posting.  Any help appreciated.


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by BrianGrubbs on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:21pm
 Look right under the text box, there is a box that says "Browse..." next to it on the right, and "Attach" out to the left...just far enough away to be hard to spot!  It won't show up in the preview.


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by namuh1 on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:38pm
Hmm, maybe I'm not allowed to put images in yet because under my text box there is only a button "Choose File" and the field that takes the name you choose.  There is the word 'Attach:' out to the left but it is not an active button... only text.  Nowhere do I see a 'Browse' button.  So, unfortunately, I'm still stuck.  Thanks for trying though.  Also I'm still in the dark about the YaBBC tag for an image... short of putting a URL in that tag I don't see how to put an image in the text either... sorry to be so lame:(


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by BrianGrubbs on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:39pm
 Hmm...well, the word "Attach" is not a button.  Try selecting the file and then click post on this thread... we'll see what happens.


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by Masiakasaurus on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:47pm
Off topic replies have been moved to This Thread

Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by namuh1 on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:49pm
Which WORKED!!!... So only two questions remain.
1. How do you put multiple photos into the same post

2. How is the YaBBC Image tag used.. i.e. what do you put there to embed an image and how?

Thanks for getting me this far Brian!


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by BrianGrubbs on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:51pm
 There it is!  Nice looking sling too by the way!


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by BrianGrubbs on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:53pm
 For multiple pictures you have to use a url, I host my pictures on Photobucket, which is pretty well.  Those are the only ways I've ever used pictures here.


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by Masiakasaurus on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:53pm
Off topic replies have been moved to This Thread

Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by namuh1 on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:55pm
Thanks again Brian.  I'll find a place to host some pictures and then all will be working.


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by namuh1 on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:57pm
Sorry Masiakasaurus.  I didn't mean to drift off topic.  I guess I was just excited to get it to work.


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by namuh1 on Jul 20th, 2012 at 3:59pm
Except for one small problem.  I can't seem to get the the thread you moved the posts to?  YaBBC comes back with an error that I don't have permission to access the thread??


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by Masiakasaurus on Jul 20th, 2012 at 4:01pm
That's an automatic message that happens whenever I split a topic into 2 parts. A question about posting pictures belongs in "admin" because it' more technical and software related, but some people don't check this action of the forum regularly so I move your pictures back to "general." that way you can show off your work. Normally I go back and clean up the mess I make before you get a chance to see it and click on a dead link, but I'm on my phone so my hands are tied.

Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by namuh1 on Jul 20th, 2012 at 4:03pm
No worries.  I'll certainly be more careful and try to learn quickly where a post should go.  Thanks for the explaination.


Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by Masiakasaurus on Jul 20th, 2012 at 4:08pm
You're new, no sense holding it against you. Until you learn the quirks of the site this stuff is just gonna happen, but it's nothing to worry about really. Even the mods here still occasionally post in the wrong section. Your pictures are now in the stickied picture thread at the top of "general."

Title: Re: Inserting a picture into a post
Post by namuh1 on Jul 20th, 2012 at 4:22pm
Yes, I found them.  Thanks.

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