General >> General Slinging Discussion >> Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try

Message started by me2 on Dec 6th, 2010 at 11:40am

Title: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by me2 on Dec 6th, 2010 at 11:40am
Made my first SN sling yesterday using 5/32" nylon.  I was kinda surprised at how quick it was.  The pouch strands are a little uneven, but you have to look really close.  It's probably one of those "I made it, so I know every little problem" things.  

Anyway, I am surprised at the accuracy potential.  The weight and stiffness of the thicker nylon cords allows me to focus on going slow and getting good technique without worrying about the sling getting slack enough to drop the rock prematurely.  First try was about 15' wide left.  The second, slower and more focused throw was dead on laterally, and about 3" high.  I haven't practiced consistently in over 2 months, so this seems pretty good to me.  Also, out of sheer chance, I got the length just right, which helps.  Slow, accurate throws still give plenty of power.  Off to try a paracord Rockman and a 12 strand jute Rockman.  The Rockman is still my favorite method, but my SN and Shaped Pouch will be getting some time now, since I gave away my last Rockman.  

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by Rockman on Dec 6th, 2010 at 2:05pm
The Sierra Nevada sling is one of the first slings I made. The Rockman is a modified Sierra Nevada sling, the model inspired me to make a variant of my own.

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by Rat Man on Dec 6th, 2010 at 2:14pm
Oddly enough, I've never made a SN sling.  I'll have to give it a try.  I just bought some nice Polypropylene at my favorite dollar store that looks perfect for such an application.  I need a new challenge, plus I've always liked the looks of and  been curious about the effectiveness of that sort of sling.  

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by Rockman on Dec 6th, 2010 at 2:35pm
A Sierra Nevada is more or less a balearic. Back when I made one years ago, I didnīt get good results because the cords were thin and limp. I have a sissal sierra nevada I made some months ago and it works just fine.

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by xxkid123 on Dec 6th, 2010 at 8:40pm
the key to not screw up like i have everytime is like rockman said, never make the pouch thin and floppy at teh same time. sure the pouch could be thin as a wire, but if it's as stiff as a wire as well then it will work.

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by Dan on Dec 6th, 2010 at 9:40pm
Some of my best first slings were SN slings but then I changed over and added duct tape pouches and it allowed to throw a wider variety of ammo and then I discovered baleric style slings and have been indulging in those for a while.  :)  

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by me2 on Dec 6th, 2010 at 10:50pm
The simplicity is what gets me.  I did try one long ago using Jute, but it was way to thin.  This is the way to go, or maybe paracord.  I was done in less than an hour, with kid interuptions and all.  Jute is still the cheapest material I've found.  I can make a 12 strand Rockman for $1.  These SN slings cost about $7 in materials.  The jute ones take time though.  The PJ sling is also quite simple, but it takes some time and practice to get good pouches with no twist or kinks.  

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by Dan on Dec 7th, 2010 at 8:33am
Wow my SN slings usually cost less than 20cents try just using more twine, I usually do a 6-12 ,with narrow jute strands, starting out.  

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by timann on Dec 7th, 2010 at 12:47pm
A lot of my slinging is done with this kind of slings.  For trouble-free slinging I make the split just long enoug for tennis balls, and can still sling basically any stone with them.  I find them fast and easy to make, and material cost is minimal.  With paracord-size strands I use just 3 strands, usually I use 6 thinner strands for a 3-strand braid.
With wery thin stuff it`s time to use 5-strand braid and give it an ultra-balearic look, or just double up each strand even more.

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by walter on Dec 7th, 2010 at 4:04pm
Interesting. Must be something in the air. I just made my first one a couple weeks ago. Or at least I think it's a SN.  Used 1/8" diam. jute. Five strand flat braid for finger loop; dropped two strands within an inch and round braided to the pouch. Here I added three strands so I could use a 7 strand braid; continued round braiding and dropping strands. It turned out to be one of my better looking slings, but it is the worse one I ever made. For some reason, it won't let go of the ammo (t ball or rocks) soon enough. I throw fig 8 overhand and just about hit my left foot :o I know I could learn to throw with this sling, but I like fast releasing slings like the seatbelt and the straight hemp or wool over hemp split pouch slings I normally make.

Going to try another sv using hemp to see if the jute is the problem.  Was going to make a sn out of my yucca fiber, but won't until I get this sorted out.


Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by Steven on Dec 8th, 2010 at 12:44pm
I make both the La Honda Manchega  and the Sierra Nevada slings ...
more often the La Honda Manchega style as I like the weight ...

generally a five braid adding strands till 10 strands are  paired up
into the 5 braid which then split into two five braids for the pouch

I then drop strands in the release side for a nice taper.

They are my favs, as they braid up real fast.

Title: Re: Sierra Nevada Sling - First Try
Post by Masiakasaurus on Dec 8th, 2010 at 1:02pm

Steven wrote on Dec 8th, 2010 at 12:44pm:
I make both the La Honda Manchega  and the Sierra Nevada slings ...
more often the La Honda Manchega style as I like the weight ...

generally a five braid adding strands till 10 strands are  paired up
into the 5 braid which then split into two five braids for the pouch

I then drop strands in the release side for a nice taper.

They are my favs, as they braid up real fast.

Ditto, and I occasionally use la honda manchega style retention toggles on my slings. Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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