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General >> Other Primitive Weapons >> Just made a new bow Message started by BrianGrubbs on Apr 19th, 2010 at 2:55pm |
Title: Just made a new bow Post by BrianGrubbs on Apr 19th, 2010 at 2:55pm
After letting it sit unfinished for several months, I finally got down to bussiness and finished my second board bow. I took a little more time on the finish of this one, but the draw weight isn't as high as my last one. Mostly that is because the board that I had to work with wasn't as dense as the one I used for my first bow, but 45lbs isn't bad, and it's still legal to hunt with. Here's a link to a quick video I shot of it, though I want to shoot another with better lighting (and a better camera) when I get a chance. |
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by David Morningstar on Apr 19th, 2010 at 3:22pm
Thats a great looking bow. You should make one from a branch or stave next, no arrow rest or backing, just a big old Indian style flatbow.
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by Et Cetera on Apr 19th, 2010 at 6:52pm
Nice bow, you shoot fast, first one I thought that it broke. What building was that behind you?
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by BrianGrubbs on Apr 19th, 2010 at 10:17pm
Yeah, I'm wanting to do that David, I actually started one, but the grain of the branch I cut had a really funky twist to it.
I've always been a snap shooter. Goes with the way I hunt I guess (stalking on the ground vs. tree stand). I'm at an indoor range in this video, so I'm not sure what building you're refering to there Et Cetera... |
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by Et Cetera on Apr 20th, 2010 at 7:25am
Oh it was an indoor range, it looked like you were right outside some building. :D
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by Paleoarts on Apr 20th, 2010 at 10:54am
sweet bow, Brian! you and I shoot the exact same way, and you're right, it comes from stalking and hunting where you don't have time stand there and aim forever. in fact, the longer i stand there at full draw, the more likely i am to miss :P
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by Et Cetera on Apr 20th, 2010 at 5:55pm
I suppose it makes a difference on how fast you shoot depending on what type of bow you have. I probably couldn't shoot that fast with my compound bow...
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by BrianGrubbs on Apr 20th, 2010 at 7:49pm
Yeah, compound bows are a litte different, but then it's a lot easier to hold one of them back and take your time on the aiming. I'm with Paleoarts, the longer I hold this bow back, the less likely I am to hit anything... at least anything I'm planning on hitting!
I had a chance today to shoot some more. I dropped by my parents house to deliver some arrows to my dad to go with the bow that I made him for Christmas, and it just so happened that he was off work today. So we strung up the bows and shot for about 30 minutes or so. Good times. I had forgotten how powerful the one I made for him was though... a completely different feeling, and even sound, from firing mine. Got my little brother and sister out shooting too, though neither of them could pull back either my dad's bow or mine. |
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by Rat Man on Apr 21st, 2010 at 11:58am
Hi, Brian;
Nice bow and vid. Your duct tape fletching interests me. Is there a how to about that somewhere? Thanks. |
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by Bikewer on Apr 21st, 2010 at 3:11pm |
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by BrianGrubbs on Apr 21st, 2010 at 10:33pm
Yeah, that's pretty close to how I do it. I'm actually making a video tomorrow on how I make those arrows, since someone requested it. I'll post a link up when I get it done.
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by dork on Apr 21st, 2010 at 11:49pm
Great job on that bow, really nice!
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by ilovepancakes on Apr 22nd, 2010 at 11:26am
That's a sweet looking bow Brian. Making a bow has been on my list of things to do..........
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by BrianGrubbs on Apr 23rd, 2010 at 1:32pm
Here's a video of my fletchings. I had to refletch an arrow, so I shot myself just doing one of the fletchings... since I can't do the entire thing and keep it within the 10 min youtube limit. I also shot a quick video of my new silencers that I made to put on my bow. I used an online tutorial to make them, and they really make a difference in the noise level of my shots. Thanks again for all the kind words, it really encourages me to go out and make more stuff to show you guys :-) and pancakes...go make one!! it's not that hard, all it takes is time. |
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by curious_aardvark on Apr 26th, 2010 at 12:16pm
bow silencers - didn't make any difference to the sound I heard.
But at least you've got pretty pom-poms on your bow string ;D Great looking bow and I like the shooting style, but dude ! lose the pom-poms. I was going to award much kudos for using duct tape fletchings - but I reckon the silliness of the 'silencers' cancels that right out ;D |
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by BrianGrubbs on Apr 26th, 2010 at 5:00pm
Yeah, on going back and reviewing the videos, I can't tell that much of a difference in the sound level. I shot another video today inside the same shooting range so that I could compare them more accurately...still not much difference There is a marginal difference, but I'm not sure if it's enough to justify the "pom poms" as you put it, cause let's face it, they do look pretty stupid. I might try a different style of silencers, or then again I might just not use them... even without them it's still a pretty quiet bow.
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by David Morningstar on Apr 27th, 2010 at 2:05pm Native Americans on the west coast used to wrap fur around the tips of the bow just beneath the nocks so the bowstring would rest on the fur when the bow was not drawn. Their bows had recurved tips so the string would otherwise smack into the limb when shot. I have not seen any authentic use of silencers mounted on the string itself, this seems to be a modern trend. Measuring and comparing sound levels accurately is quite an art, it would be interesting to try and do it properly and see if there is a measurable reduction in noise. |
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by curious_aardvark on Apr 27th, 2010 at 5:10pm
yeah, but at the end of the day - it's a bow, bows are pretty quiet.
Certainly quiet enough to justify NOT having pom-poms on the string :-) |
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by BrianGrubbs on Apr 29th, 2010 at 10:41am
I spliced the two videos together and ran it with the sound level visualization on and it turns out that it is about 1/5 quieter on average with the silencers, with the quietest silenced shot being about half the sound level of the average unsilenced shot. The noise of the arrow impact registered at twice the level of the shot sound. I need to shoot another set of videos on the same day, with the camera in the same position, so that I can be a little more scientific about the whole process. I think I will wait until I have made the other silencer set first.
Title: Re: Just made a new bow Post by Mordechaj on Apr 29th, 2010 at 12:44pm
tweak the silencers to get even better effect? :)
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