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General >> General Slinging Discussion >> Personal Preference: Where do you wear your loop? Message started by Olde Schoole on Mar 24th, 2010 at 4:46am |
Title: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your loop? Post by Olde Schoole on Mar 24th, 2010 at 4:46am
I watched a video of a Balearic champ early in my study with his on his middle finger. Just copied that thinking it was the established best if it's what the champion used. I've since learned there's rarely a best.
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Fundibularius on Mar 24th, 2010 at 8:43am
I started with the ring finger, and it feels best for me.
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by LukeWebb on Mar 24th, 2010 at 11:41am
I am new to slinging but I have always worn it on my second and third finger, aka the middle finger and ring finger. I for one would not put it on only one finger because if for some reason you didn't release when throwing a heavy projectile, you don't want your finger to take off with the sling and stone.
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Eoraptor on Mar 24th, 2010 at 11:49am
I have always had the loop on my second and thirds (middle and ring) fingers and held the relese cord pinched between the last joint of my first and second (pointer and ring) fingers. I used it at first because I had no one to tell me that I should hold it another way, and now its just what I do. I try other grips sometimes, just for fun, the same way I try other slinging styles. I havn't tried a wrist loop yet, maybe I'll try that one next...
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Eoraptor on Mar 24th, 2010 at 11:56am LukeWebb wrote on Mar 24th, 2010 at 11:41am:
Ha, that's why I started on two fingers too. It seemed to me that there was too much power in a throw to put it on one finger joint, and, knowing me, I'd probably find a way to lose my finger. Three seemed too constrictive on my hand, and so it was settled. |
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by paleoarts on Mar 24th, 2010 at 12:36pm |
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Et Cetera on Mar 24th, 2010 at 6:57pm
Middle finger for me. ;) |
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by dork on Mar 24th, 2010 at 8:24pm
I like the loop on the inside of my third finger, but the cord runs between my first and second finger pinched between th knuckles.
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by ilovepancakes on Mar 24th, 2010 at 9:37pm
I use my thumb for the retention cord.
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Thunder Chief on Mar 25th, 2010 at 1:33am
I use the same style as Dork, looped on the third and threaded through the first and second. Although I use a wrist loop on my mega sling.
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Olde Schoole on Mar 25th, 2010 at 4:55am
EtC. - Just as I was about to post this I thought "This has probably already been asked a bunch of times". So I did a quick search, and,... I apparently don't know how to do searches. ;)
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Et Cetera on Mar 25th, 2010 at 7:06am
Still an interesting thing to discuss.
A bit off topic, but recently I tried holding the release knot between my pointer and middle finger between the middle part of the fingers. I haven't really tried slinging any rocks or anything with it, for fear of a bad misfire, but it feels interesting. Has anyone else tried holding the release cord somewhere else besides with the thumb? |
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Masiakasaurus on Mar 25th, 2010 at 9:13am Et Cetera wrote on Mar 25th, 2010 at 7:06am:
One of our ladies on the forum (Eoraptor?) started slinging like that. When I heard about it I tried it, and my accuracy dropped but my "feel" (i don't know how to describe it. I knew when I messed up better than with my normal release) was greater. I generally have my retention loop on my middle finger: outside for power, inside resting on my index finger for accuracy. I also use a strap wrapped around my hand (narrow grip) on some slings and like it, and I will be making a Jaegoor-copy sling with a toggle to try. I have a feeling it will be awesome. :D |
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by xxkid123 on Mar 25th, 2010 at 4:16pm Et Cetera wrote on Mar 25th, 2010 at 7:06am:
i learned to sling with the knot between the pointer and middle finger, but since i was using just a piece of cord it kept on getting tangled because it was too close together. eventually changed to the thumb. |
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Et Cetera on Mar 26th, 2010 at 6:10pm Masiakasaurus wrote on Mar 25th, 2010 at 9:13am:
That's how I'd describe it too. Exactly the way I'd describe it. |
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Conteruse on Mar 26th, 2010 at 6:56pm
I have always looped mine around my middle finger. it's just the most comfortable.
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Rat Man on Mar 26th, 2010 at 9:15pm
I've tried it on each finger and in every possible configuration. I've found nothing more comfortable and natural feeling than using my ring finger. I tried Eoraptor's method after the last time we discussed this. I couldn't get a tight enough grip on the release cord that way and kept releasing early.
Title: Re: Personal Preference: Where do you wear your lo Post by Steven on Mar 26th, 2010 at 9:48pm
Some times ring 8-) , sometimes small 8-) , sometimes both ::) depends on the sling and the phase of the moon .... some have no loop and I wrap the palm ... and on ... and on ... and (Oh never mind!) ;) .. in all cases I use a narrow grip , retention cord in the palm of my hand with the retention cord and release knot both pinched under my thumb.
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