General >> Other Primitive Weapons >> whip bow

Message started by raincaller on Oct 31st, 2009 at 2:41pm

Title: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Oct 31st, 2009 at 2:41pm
Hey all I was just curious if anyone had any information on a whip bow?  I was reading through my copy of Daniel Beard's "American Boys Handbook" the whip bow entry jumped out  at me.  Has anyone ever seen/made these?  It looks entertaining.
whipbow.jpg (44 KB | )

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by aztec on Oct 31st, 2009 at 3:01pm
ive never made one but i have that book  ;D

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Oct 31st, 2009 at 3:27pm
Possibly one of the best books ever.  I plan on giving it to my kids in the future. :D

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by BEERDRINKER on Oct 31st, 2009 at 4:27pm
A whip bow is a variation on the conventional bow and arrow. Both bows shoot the same type of arrows. Though the whip bow is less accurate, it is easier to make.

The whip bow needs a light sapling, such as hickory or elm, about 3 feet long and 1/2 inch in diameter, and 3 to 4 feet of good heavy string or cord.

Tie one end of the string to the thin end of the stick. You may need to cut a groove in the stick to hold the string. Make a fairly large knot in the other end of the string.

The arrows can be made out of virtually anything and can be round or flat and any shape desired. Their only requirement is that they have a notch about one forth of the way down from the pointed end. Children would usually just use sticks or sometimes large weed stalks such as horseweeds. An arrow will take a straighter course if it has some fletch-ing such as feathers on the back end. Cedar shingles make good arrows.

To use a whip bow, put the knotted end of the string through the notch in the arrow. Hold the end of the arrow in one hand and the end of the stick in the other. Whip the stick forward, releasing the arrow simultaneously. As the arrow flies forward, the knot slips out of the notch, sending the arrow forward with great speed. The whip bow has all the force of a bow and a sling combined.

(copied from

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Oct 31st, 2009 at 4:34pm
Excellent, thanks beer!  Anyone made a whip bow? I was thinking of that as my next project outside of braiding more slings. lol

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by BEERDRINKER on Oct 31st, 2009 at 4:43pm
i am going to make one right now to test it (just for fun :D)

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Oct 31st, 2009 at 4:46pm
Awesome let me know how it works I gotta work today  :-[ sad times!

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by BEERDRINKER on Oct 31st, 2009 at 4:48pm
bad for you here in denmark its 22:00 so no work  :D

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by BEERDRINKER on Oct 31st, 2009 at 5:15pm
i will post some pics when i am totaly finish (tomorow i guess)

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by aztec on Oct 31st, 2009 at 5:19pm
o darn, now ill hafta make one lol

ill wait for your pics though  ;)

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by BEERDRINKER on Oct 31st, 2009 at 5:26pm
i were going to make one now but it's 22.30 (danish time) bit iam to tired . i'll make one tomorow  :D

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Oct 31st, 2009 at 7:29pm
Yeah, I am gunna have to make one as well  :P  
oh there shall be pic's.  

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by Liberty dog on Oct 31st, 2009 at 8:36pm
yep, another project to make and learn.... awsome!

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by BEERDRINKER on Nov 1st, 2009 at 7:26am
i have just made one but i have ni pics >:(. it worked okay, when you guys also have made one please post some pics. menvile i will try to take some fotos  8-)

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by Kjev on Nov 1st, 2009 at 8:11am
I am working on one, but I am trying to figure out how to attach a wrist brace to it. At the moment, it's a piece of bamboo. not much to look at.


Title: Re: whip bow
Post by BEERDRINKER on Nov 1st, 2009 at 9:43am
i have made mine whit a big rubberband  8-) lots of power but not so much whip :-X

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 1st, 2009 at 2:58pm
:D   way cool beer looking forward to pictures, same Kjev I can't wait to see some pic's.  I am going to start mine on monday since that is my first day off in a while. ;)  

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 3:45pm
I completed a mini-whip bow a few minutes ago.  It figures the first day I have off its pouring rain..  it shoots as well as can be expected but I now want to make a larger one just to see how well a larger one works too.
babywhipbow.JPG (4757 KB | )

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by BEERDRINKER on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 3:54pm
perfect :o. does it work  :-?

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 3:57pm
Its tiny so it only shoots about 20ish feet but I have a feeling if I made another one that was larger it would go a lot farther.
I gotta go for a Hike with a saw and find myself a nice maple sappling or something similar. :P

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 4:02pm
Oh and the "Arrow" flies about as well as one would expect something I carved out of a cedar shingle in five minutes  to fly :D

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by asemery on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 5:28pm
When I was a boy in the early 1950's we made whip darts similar to this.  Lots of fun.

from this site

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 7:06pm
:o I like your shingle dart haha! way cool thanks for posting :)

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by Eoraptor on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 9:40pm
Never heard of this!  I've got to go make one now...

;D  Thanks!

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 5th, 2009 at 9:09pm

wrote on Nov 5th, 2009 at 8:56pm:
The Frog Prince

Many, many years ago, t... only a very ugly frog."

oh how I hate spam..  On a more important note anyone else got any whip-bow pictures?  

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by Rat Man on Nov 6th, 2009 at 1:56pm
This is just something I do... shrink pictures.  
babywhipbow1.jpg (118 KB | )

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by Rat Man on Nov 6th, 2009 at 1:58pm

Eoraptor wrote on Nov 2nd, 2009 at 9:40pm:
Never heard of this!  I've got to go make one now...

;D  Thanks!

Ditto.  Of all the weaponry we made as kids, this one escaped me.  I have to see how well it works.  Is there a vid on youtube with one of these?

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by Fundibularius on Nov 6th, 2009 at 2:27pm
Funny. How accurate is it?

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 7th, 2009 at 12:08am
I haven't had enough practice with one so far to be any good but from some readings have said that its not as accurate as a bow but with practice it does have impressive accuracy..
lol hope that makes sense and/or helps.


Title: Re: whip bow
Post by dork on Nov 19th, 2009 at 11:07am
I have never heard of this. It sounds really cool, fast, and easy to make. Looks like you could use an old fishing pole for the whip. I would just cut it to length and add the string.  

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 20th, 2009 at 4:53pm
A cut down fishing pole would work pretty handily I think.  You can make them very quickly and Its a fun toy to have around.
there are a few other projects I want to try out of the American Boy's Handbook.  If you have never seen it I recommend it is a great book.  That or "A Dangerous Book for Boys" two of my all time favorites.


Title: Re: whip bow
Post by Kjev on Nov 20th, 2009 at 10:18pm
AMEN! I think those two books should be required reading for every kid. I plan on putting them in my boys' library this year. They can't read yet, but the pictures will get their attention.


Title: Re: whip bow
Post by dork on Nov 21st, 2009 at 12:02am
i have daughters so I have the book a daring book for girls. It too is pretty cool.

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 21st, 2009 at 2:04am
those books and a healthy dose of the outdoors. They are a great inspirational and motivational agents :)

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by xxkid123 on Nov 21st, 2009 at 2:38pm
i've always wanted those books- but target sells them for 45$-20$ each.

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by raincaller on Nov 21st, 2009 at 5:46pm
you might be able to find a used copy somewhere I found one on amazon or i cant remember off the top of my head.  good luck in finding one.  They are precious books in my library I read through them at least once a month.


Title: Re: whip bow
Post by Hanbaal on Nov 25th, 2009 at 8:35am
Another weapon to make. Theres just so many.

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by slinger87 on Nov 27th, 2009 at 8:39pm
I'm hopefully going to make one tomorrow if the weathers OK, and I would defiantly suggest the American boys handy book, I built a few things out of it and made a boat from plywood similar to the scow in there, but I still have to get the dangerous book for boys.

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by slinger87 on Nov 27th, 2009 at 8:48pm
which book do I buy this one or this one dose the pocket one have all the same stuff or only some of it?

Title: Re: whip bow
Post by Masiaka on Nov 27th, 2009 at 9:45pm

slinger87 wrote on Nov 27th, 2009 at 8:48pm:
which book do I buy this one or this one dose the pocket one have all the same stuff or only some of it?

Your second link is the sequel. It looks like book two is MORE stuff to do! Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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