General >> General Slinging Discussion >> what material makes the best pouch?

Message started by Holly on Oct 12th, 2006 at 3:07am

Title: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Holly on Oct 12th, 2006 at 3:07am
Since an extra scrap of leather is difficult for me to find, I was wondering what a preferred pouch material was for you fellow slingers.  I'm really grateful for Chris's  "" How to make a simple sling.   I've been using denim, but I'm worried that it's too least that's how it feels for me...  it almost feels as though the denim hugs the stone too tightly.  In the absence of leather, what kind of material do you fellow slingers use?

P.S. - go Tigers!!!

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Tint on Oct 12th, 2006 at 5:03am
I use duct tapes.  What can't you make with those? ;D

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by bigkahuna on Oct 12th, 2006 at 5:23am
Wide medical tape also works very well, as does denim.

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Thori on Oct 12th, 2006 at 8:16am
I use a woven pouch made completely of twine.  There's a tutorial on here somewhere to that effect (that is, on the forum).

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by TechStuf on Oct 12th, 2006 at 12:33pm
No slinger should have to go without leather as a pocket material.....ebay is loaded with inexpensive options.

Of course, you could always 'trade up' by using a duct tape version to secure a cow's worth.

Or maybe weave the pocket from your cordage material as Matthias and Willeke have ably demonstrated.


Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by curious_aardvark on Oct 12th, 2006 at 12:33pm
leather is best - primarily because it almost never tears.
Denim is good too. I'd use double thickness. One layer glued crossways or diagonally over the other, that way the weave is reinforced. pva glue is excellent as it sticks fabric well and dries flexible.
Also try and get a clean punch for the hole rather than a cut or tear. It all helps :-)

The pouch is supposed to hold the stone, nothing wrong with that mate. Means you'll get far fewer random ejections than with a more rigid pouch. Also for an overhand throw it adds reverse spin which keeps it in a flat trajectory longer.
Sounds like you're doing fine :-)

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Willeke on Oct 12th, 2006 at 2:17pm
I have used several materials to make pouches, but never leather yet.
I have it on hand but could not be bothered.
My second sling was out of plastic sheet, much stronger than plastic bags. My third and fourth from thin string woven. Many were just thicker string.
Some were tape, like ductape but yellow.

To find leather is not hard, look for (or in):
Old shoes and leather boots, bags, coats, leather furniture, the shoe repair shop, craft shops, and even second hand markets.


Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Stenny on Oct 12th, 2006 at 2:22pm
Soft leather works best for me, but I used medical tape for a long time, I am not very fond of denim, it works, but doesn't last very long. Duct tape is good for expedient slings for throwing fallen apples, potatoes, rubble, snowballs et cetera.

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by SlingWolf on Oct 12th, 2006 at 5:03pm
How is duct tape for flexibility, duribility, and ability to hold a stone?

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by JustKnot on Oct 13th, 2006 at 7:55am
Try to get one of those super wide belts that women wear.
I got one recently at second hand shop for 2 LTL (~60 euro cents), when removed buckle and piece with holes I still got 1x0.1m piece of leather for puoches

BTW: its a kind of reptile leather, so my new slings should look pretty cool ;D

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Taiki on Oct 13th, 2006 at 11:51am

wrote on Oct 12th, 2006 at 5:03pm:
How is duct tape for flexibility, duribility, and ability to hold a stone?

works great  ;D my most used slings are made in that way and i have little to no problems with em that cannot be atributed to me ;)

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Holly on Oct 13th, 2006 at 11:59am
I had never thought of using duct tape, but it actually sounds like a great idea!  I'll try that, along with the other suggestions that were posted, when I get some spare time to do it.  Until then I guess I'll have to keep practicing with my denim sling, which is actually starting to work a little better.  This leads me to believe that the problem wasn't with the sling at all...   :o

Now I just need to find a steady supply of ammo...  Right now I'm using range golf balls.  My dog fetches them for me after I throw them, which gives me a very high return rate.

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Taiki on Oct 13th, 2006 at 12:12pm
here is a Very good way of making a tape pouch sling ;D;action=display;num=1140522990;start=0#0

(you have no idea how many times i linked to this thing already)

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Holly on Oct 14th, 2006 at 2:24pm
Hey!  Awesome tutorial!  It was so quick and easy to make, that I whipped one up between classes!  Luckily one of my roomies is a nursing student so she supplied the medical tape.   :D  Thaks a lot for linking that tutorial for me.  It's great for a gal who's just starting out, and I really like your pocket design.

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Taiki on Oct 14th, 2006 at 6:22pm
:-[ you must mean zorrro's pocket  ;D credit must be where its due  :P

i'm not near smart enough to figure that out :-[

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by sv on Oct 15th, 2006 at 3:57pm
the best pouch is maybe no pouch at all - ie a split pocket with either a braid or bowline loop.

i find it works better than a pouch and it's easier to make


Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by Taiki on Oct 15th, 2006 at 5:28pm
hmm good point sv. some folks like split pockets better

personally that tutorial was a god send because i had trouble making split pockets work (but i can still use a pouch thats 2 cm wide with tennisballs ;D)

maybe you should try both Holly and see what you like better :)

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by aussieslinger on Nov 2nd, 2006 at 1:50am
Fellow slingers,  
Leather certainly seems to be a popular traditional material but suitable thickness can be hard to come by. Possible sources are leather work gloves; riggers gloves can be very soft and the palm is usually in one piece. Welders gloves are often made from split leather which can be a bit more rigid. Old welders aprons will make hundreds of pouches.
However you may find it easier to use synthetic materials such as old webbing from car seat belts which can be had for free and is indestructible. Some conveyor belting which may be suitable is used in mail sorting machines. Check belting suppliers for new or talk to the tehnical services people in mail centres. They throw out the old stuff by the metre each day. Makes excellent slings!
Good luck, Aussieslinger.

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by loh_kah_hoe on Nov 8th, 2006 at 8:11pm
I'll have to try duct tape. ::)

Title: Re: what material makes the best pouch?
Post by curious_aardvark on Nov 15th, 2006 at 7:40am
I got my leather from country/gamekeeper fairs and shows.
there's always a clothing maker or some such flogging off of-cuts for a measily few groats :-)
In the states I reckon you'd definitely get it from the renaissaince fairs. We don't have those in england (at least not the same) 'cos we've got the actual history lmao :-) Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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