General >> Other Primitive Weapons >> Arrows for Black Bears?

Message started by Mike_R on May 14th, 2005 at 12:25pm

Title: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 14th, 2005 at 12:25pm
Hey just wondering if anyone here has hunted black bears with a recurve or longbow? I've been hired to dispatch some problem bears and my new boss doesn't care how they get taken care of, just that it gets done. I thought I might try with my new bow, but I'm unsure about the arrows. I thought I would use easton shafts and some 135-150grain broadheads. I am aiming for an arrow + point weight of about 700grns for a 32" arrow.
The bow I plan to use is a Bear "Grizzly" recurve. I'm drawing about 70lbs at 30.5" draw.

Any tips?

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Grin'n'bear'it on May 14th, 2005 at 12:44pm
Mike said:

"I've been hired to dispatch some problem bears and my new boss doesn't care how they get taken care of, just that it gets done."

What's the goin rate these days?  About 30 a piesce?

And ain't a 'Grizzly' bow a little overkill for small, pesky black bears?

I hope those aren't the rare, firebreathin, black bears you're goin after....

I heard they're endangered and protected anyhow and are better left alone.

At least that's the story....


Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 14th, 2005 at 5:25pm
Well, that is the bow I would use. The only other one I have is a little on the light side for bears. It is either that or a rifle. And no there isn't a going rate. I'm paid the same regardless of the number of bears shot. They are also not endangered and we are well within our legal rights to deal with them. These are bears that have gotten in the habit of eating trash, and doing quite a number on fruit bearing treas and livestock. They are not poor innocent bears minding their own business. We have used bear banger flares, pepper spray, warning shots, and rubber bullets. People always piss and moan about the poor bears. They say: "Relocate them, it is inhumane to kill them" That is in fact untrue. Bears that are habituated will try to return to human populated areas, again and again, no matter where you take them. Also you can't just dump them off somewhere and expect them to be alright. Other bears kill them for being in the wrong territory. Plus habituated bears are lost when removed from their human food sources. Would you take your dog out into the bush and dump him off expecting him to feed himself and defend himself? If you would then I rest my case that you shouldn't make judgements about things that are a: none of your business, and b: something you know nothing about.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 14th, 2005 at 5:53pm
Oh, and I almost forgot. I also intend to use the meat from any bears that I shoot. In the last few weeks the consevation officers and have shot a couple and the police have shot at least one. And in those cases they take the body to the dump and leave it for the ravens.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on May 14th, 2005 at 8:14pm
tan the fur! if you can i will buy tanned bear fur off of you. i need it with the hair on if at all possible.  :)

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 14th, 2005 at 9:01pm
No problem. You going to make a rug? Or maybe just wear it as a bear suit?

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by nwmanitou on May 15th, 2005 at 1:45am
Currently the magic ratio for broadheads is 3:1. Three times longer than broad. They provide for incredible penetration and fly true. They should have no problem getting through the thick hide of a bear. Soon as we get into our new house, and I pay off a few bulk ammo purchases  ;D, I'm getting a few dozen new arrows and I plan to tip them with these:

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by TechStuf on May 15th, 2005 at 2:04am
On a side note,  Nwmanitou, did you ever get to demonstrate your overhand technique to Shannon Hale, the author?

Would be quite an ego buzz to get your technique used in a book....with maybe a footnote somewhere!



Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by tint on May 15th, 2005 at 3:13am
I was one of the three test readers she had.  She said she was really impressed that all three of us gave her the same suggestions.

I wonder who the other two were ???

Anyways, her slinging scenes got me going in praticing the rapid fire techniques.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on May 15th, 2005 at 8:49am
how much do you want for the fur? I was thinking a bear skin cloak :)

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 15th, 2005 at 10:10am
I don't really know. But I only want what it costs me to tan, and ship it. So whatever it costs me to produce, plus the shipping is what I will want. I'll ask the grizzled old guy next door. He'll have a better idea.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by MammotHunter on May 15th, 2005 at 2:08pm
I don't know, given my preferences, I would be more likely to use an atlatl on a bear, just to see if I could. Of course, this is all dependent on your expertise.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by english on May 15th, 2005 at 4:16pm
However you kill it, black bear can be surprisingly tasty.
 And make sure that the animal dies quickly: pain causes an increase in lactic acid in the muscles, meaning worse meat than otherwise.  Also, it would simply be cruel.  So I'd practise some quick accurate shooting with large broadheads; get two arrows in and the bear should be pretty well finished.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 15th, 2005 at 8:48pm
That shouldn't be a problem. I have kind of a hang-up about suffering animals, I'm pretty sure that I have plenty of bow for the job. I've been shooting a bear shaped target to practice where to aim. I'm going to hide in an elevated blind near the pear trees and bee hives, so I will be close. I stepped off the range to different trees so I will know if it is 20-30-40 or however many meters distant it is. (I tend to gap shoot so knowing the distance helps)

There is no way they are gonna mess with these bee hives! I've been a slave to those bees lately and I'm starting to think that I'm a worker bee too.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by the_black_vaquero on May 15th, 2005 at 9:20pm
If you end up with more than one bear, I'd be happy to pay for a bear hide, even if it's untanned.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by MammotHunter on May 15th, 2005 at 10:18pm
If there's been no previous call from other sources on them, or you haven't got any plans for them, I'd really love to have a skull and some claws if you'd be willing to part with them, and I'd be willing to fully pay any and all associated costs, of course. I'll check with the USPS and Canadian Post for shipping restrictions, but I think it should be legal.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by nwmanitou on May 15th, 2005 at 11:10pm

wrote on May 15th, 2005 at 2:04am:
On a side note,  Nwmanitou, did you ever get to demonstrate your overhand technique to Shannon Hale, the author?

Would be quite an ego buzz to get your technique used in a book....with maybe a footnote somewhere!



Naw, I've never been able to meet up with her. Life has been rather busy as of late. Though if she's still around, I'm sure we could work something out.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 15th, 2005 at 11:31pm
I know a guy who works for the conservation authority and I will ask him what would be legal. Keep in mind I don't intend to go out of my way to shoot a bear. But if they start with the fruit trees and hives like before I may well have to.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Matthias on May 16th, 2005 at 1:28am
One day when I have more time (it ends up being a long story) remind me to share the time when the armed conservation officers payed us a visit at 6 in the morning re: bear hides...

While legal, I suspect that it will end up being *quite* expensive and inconvenient to get skins across the border...


Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by lobohunter on May 16th, 2005 at 5:08am
Wow! how did I miss this post
O.k first have not taken a black bear with a recurve or long bow. Took my first black bear compound #pound pull used 150 gram four bladed broad heads
yes I enjoy the meat and have the rug on the floor of my small decrepid cabin lol

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on May 16th, 2005 at 8:48am
haha wow every one wants part of the bear :)

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 16th, 2005 at 10:47am
I got the impression that as long as I'm not profiting from the sale of any bear stuff I'll be OK. I don't want to profit from it so that is fine with me. All I want is to be reimbursed for shipping it somewhere.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on May 16th, 2005 at 4:12pm
no problem there. and if you dont have to kill it dont. I just want the fur IF you kill it.  :)

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 16th, 2005 at 7:56pm
No sweat. I'm pro-hunting but it really pisses me off when stuff goes to waste. I sometimes meet these city hunters who get all suited up like they think they are commando's and then shoot everything they see for the sport alone. It is kinda sad actually.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by MammotHunter on May 16th, 2005 at 8:20pm
I know what you mean, Mike. I'm also pro hunting, but only when you can use the whole animal, and aren't just killing for the fun of it. I hate seeing all the stuff going to waste, because every part of every animal is a gift to us from the Creator. The bones and skins we use, the meat we eat, and the entrails can go to the Earth and other animals that we may use their gifts later.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by TechStuf on May 17th, 2005 at 1:31am
I share the Nuge philosophy of hunting as well.....


It must be the Native American DNA in me.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on May 17th, 2005 at 6:55pm
haha that is why i asked for the fur. so it does not go to waste....that and i want some bear fur :D

but i agree its bad to waste.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by lobohunter on May 18th, 2005 at 4:16am
That almost funny Doug I have never know a bear fur go to waste there always ten people who want it. not menyion if it is prime they command a pretty good price on the fur market
one prob we have here is a early bear season in augst
then the fur is useless but the hide is awsome really thick

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by britishslinger on May 18th, 2005 at 7:43am
im pro hunting and when people find out they start gobbing off at me about not restpecting the poor inocent furry animals one man on the radio said we all have an unrelenting aggresion to small furry animals what a load of tihs there the ones who take there dogs for a walk and let them destroy ground birds habitats or move into them new houses that are dumped into the most beutiful countryside the developers can find again destroying habitats    ahhh breath in ohhh and out ill get if my podium now

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by english on May 18th, 2005 at 2:26pm
I also am pro-hunting.  However, I think it is only good if it is necessary, ie, to feed one's family, or protect the neighbourhood from big animals (none here.)  In really early Chinese history, ie, the Shang and early Zhou dynasties, there was a clan set-up to "shoot scary-sounding birds, should they enter the state."  That's what I call necessary.
 Fox-hunting, from horseback, is something I cannot condone.  For one thing, the hunters tend to be complete pillocks.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 18th, 2005 at 8:58pm
What! No fox hunting? But it is such a challenging sport. Step one: Get drunk on wine at 7am. Step two: Get duded up in a goofball getup. Step three: release the hounds!! Step four: Go and watch the polo match and talk poopy about all the "commoners"

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Matthias on May 18th, 2005 at 11:56pm
Lol! The best part of that post was when you said "duded up" ;D

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 19th, 2005 at 12:05am
No doubt, and I didn't even get to the part about the bugle! Tally Ho!

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by lobohunter on May 19th, 2005 at 4:36am
All right now heck with these wimpy sports
I need about five able body slingers. I will provide the ammo and the angry oregon black bear ;D

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by english on May 19th, 2005 at 11:43am
LOL!  I am trying to imagine your typical fox-hunter saying "duded up."

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by MammotHunter on May 19th, 2005 at 12:54pm
*two men sitting around a roaring fire in overstuffed chairs with snifters of brandy in their hands. A momentous occasion in the history of sport is about to begin*
Man 1: Well then, Nigel, what shall it be today? Grouse hunting? Polo? A rousing day of berating the peasantry, wot?
Nigel: Oh, I don't know, Sir Reginald. We did polo yesterday and grouse hunting is so...pedestrian. *checks expensive pocket watch* Criminy, it's 8 in the morning.I'm feeling a bit sloshed. Cor! I got it! What if we get duded up in some truly foppish outfits, get on our horses, take the dogs for a run and chase, oh, I don't know, foxes or something around the estates?
Sir Reginald: Brilliant idea, old bean! I say, you've really got a great mind to you!  Tallyho then, man! Cheerio! *both raise glasses in a toast and saunter out of the room in a most self-satisfied manner*
Deny this if you all want to. But I've got it on good authority that this is precisely how the aforementioned momentous occasion in the history of sport transpired.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on May 19th, 2005 at 5:11pm
HAHA! :) i enjoyed that.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 19th, 2005 at 11:47pm
"Got the little blighter!"

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by MammotHunter on May 20th, 2005 at 9:17am
Oh god, you're right! That should have been in there somewhere!

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 20th, 2005 at 10:23am
Seriously, fox hunting is banned in the UK now I think, we should start it up in north america so prince charles can still get those little blighters.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by english on May 20th, 2005 at 11:30am
Yeah, it's banned.  There are plenty of pricks out there who continue and try and break or find loopholes in the ban.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by britishslinger on May 22nd, 2005 at 7:29am
to me its a shield to more nessasery fieldsports next there trying to ban fishing and any kind of shooting including culling and controling

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by lobohunter on May 24th, 2005 at 6:07pm
no uptakes onSLINGS FOR BEAR'S damn telivision
in the old days. the days of boar hunting with spears.
I bet we would have had a few takers

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on May 24th, 2005 at 7:49pm
i always wanted to go boar hunting with a few friends, using spears, and dogs but i wasent too keen on haveing my dog killed or my leg's ripped off :)

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 24th, 2005 at 8:19pm
Some one told me that here in BC the natives had a way of killing grizzly bears with only a short stout stick that was sharp on both ends. He said they would wait for the bear to charge, then when the bear comes at them mouth open to kill their silly asses they would just pop the stick into the bears mouth. The bear would then bite down and be killed.

Beat that.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on May 24th, 2005 at 8:38pm
i think that i would urinate all over my self and then run screeming like a little girl if any bear charged.  8)

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 24th, 2005 at 9:05pm
I've been charged and it was scary. We used to train people with this big bear shaped target that we would pull toward them on a track while they blasted away with a shotgun. When I was charged I had my rifle out and just kept shooting until it stopped charging. With a stick I would have freaked!

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by lobohunter on May 25th, 2005 at 9:57pm
O.K we will get pike men to stand with the slingers
Now do we have any uptakers

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Mike_R on May 26th, 2005 at 1:01am
I'll be your pitchfork-man. I don't have a pike. Are their many bears in Oregon? There are plenty here.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Leeds_Lobber on May 26th, 2005 at 8:40am

wrote on May 24th, 2005 at 8:19pm:
Some one told me that here in BC the natives had a way of killing grizzly bears with only a short stout stick that was sharp on both ends. He said they would wait for the bear to charge, then when the bear comes at them mouth open to kill their silly asses they would just pop the stick into the bears mouth. The bear would then bite down and be killed.

Beat that.

Thats NOTHING. In England we kill Jabberwocks by showing them pictures of our families and getting them talking. When we shake hands farewell we leave traces of gunpowder residue on their hands, framing them for murder, then wait for them to commit suicide in our notorious Jails.

Beat THAT.


Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by MammotHunter on May 26th, 2005 at 10:32am
You Brits are some truly sick bastards! But we've got you beat one up here in the eastern US. The climate's really gotten us all very upset, and we're terribly moody about it, and so we take it out on Great American Jabberwocks that used to roam in our forests so freely. What we do is approach them speaking calmy but firmly with our hands outstretched, offering them a beer. When they accept the beer, we keep them drinking until they're sodding drunk. At which point, we scream out that they've just tried to cop a feel on us, and the lawyers and litigators, which are hiding in the bushes, jump out and open fire, peppering the poor bastard with legal mumbo jumbo and litigational phrases., effectively sueing it unconcious. At which point, the creature is netted into a frivolous and farsical legal battle, costing millions of dollars and stretching over long periods of time, until at last, the creature, unable to fight off the hordes of reporters and paprazzi, agrees to its own reality show, which eventually drives it to ruin, where much like the British Jabberwocks, it penultimately and finalistically takes its own life. We then stuff the head and place it over the pictures of our grandmothers over the fireplace. That's just the American way...

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by britishslinger on May 26th, 2005 at 4:51pm
used to be allowed to hunt bear and boar in england with a spear the advice given in a book i have is somthing like if the beast is to strong kepp the blade in and jump from side to side cutting a swath inside until the beast dies or god comes th your aid , what a rush gets the adreniline running thinking about it talking about a rush im doing a sky dive for my 18th next month then going to the lap dance bar

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by britishslinger on May 26th, 2005 at 4:56pm
i woman outside the butchers were i work triped on a slab so shes sueing the council first she called claims direct then her son then the ambulance

first thing she saw was money not stars all the lower branches of the nearest trees have been cut down so kids cant climb on them and the swings have been taken down from the park all because of people like her

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on May 26th, 2005 at 9:36pm
yes its a shame that people can just work to get there money, not try to get rich quick.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Hellfire on Jun 12th, 2005 at 10:56pm
I might be able to take on a bear with a pointed stick on both ends if..
-It were a boomstick- meaning basically a shock activated 12 gauge shotgun
- And if I were wearing a riot suit
-And if the (small) bear was dead on his claws high

piece of cake

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Jun 13th, 2005 at 9:42am
i might just maybe tacket a bear with a spear if it was stuffed. but in truth i would be worried about it falling on me ;)

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by MammotHunter on Jun 13th, 2005 at 10:00am
I once shot a blowgun dart at an old stuffed bear that I found somewhere. Does this count as hunting bears with blowguns?

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Jun 13th, 2005 at 10:02am
im surprised that you did not take your atlatl to him mammoth :D

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by MammotHunter on Jun 13th, 2005 at 10:10am
Only because I was inside! And frankly, I think my wall, as you said, has suffered enough from all of the other projectile weapons.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Jun 13th, 2005 at 10:51am
haha once some how a lead gland that i had made flew out of my sling in my room somehow..any way it made a big hole and mom made me patch it it up, then refused to feed me untill i had the whole mess cleaned up.  

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Dale on Jun 13th, 2005 at 1:18pm

Treasure your mother, you've got a good one!  She lets you take chances and do unusual things (unless you're doing all the stuff I've read, on the sly  ;)) but she makes you deal with the consequences of what you do.  A lot of parents let their kids do anything ('cause they don't care) and don't enforce consequences ('cause it would be too much trouble) -- then those kids get out in the real world at 18 or so, and they are completely unprepared to deal with reality.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Hellfire on Jun 13th, 2005 at 8:18pm
My mother is also a good person- meaning she has a lot of muscles and she lets me do stuff most people dont do.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Jun 14th, 2005 at 9:00pm
my mom likes to say   " I dont care what you are doing as long as its not illegal but if you crappity smack up your paying for it"

but my favorite thing about my mother is her cooking skills :)

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by english on Jun 15th, 2005 at 10:00am
All my mum wants is for me to not get a girl pregnant until I've finished university.  Anything else, fine, apart from that which is illegal.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Hellfire on Jun 15th, 2005 at 7:25pm
This is a great forum.
We are trying to describe arrows for black bears and we end up describing our family and social agenda.

This is great, we should all meet up sometime-- especially in Germany during Octoberfest.
I hear the legal drinking age for beer is sixteen and the legal age for wine and spirits is 21.
sounds like a plan

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by me on Jun 15th, 2005 at 7:56pm
just so long as whatever island we live on we get a midget to wear a white suit and yell "Da plane boss Da plane!" I will then likely die a happy man.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Jun 15th, 2005 at 10:29pm
and a monkey that smokes french Cigarettes  ;D

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Hellfire on Jun 15th, 2005 at 10:53pm
not those kind of monkeys, we want the kind that smoke hefty cuban cigars.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by english on Jun 16th, 2005 at 3:31pm
In Germany the legal age is always 16.  For beer.  18 for spirits.  It's a nice country if all you want to do is drink.  And in the north, where it's so flat, that's really all there is to do.  Same as in England I guess, but there's more to do, so the legal age is 18 for beer and spirits.
 I wish I had a midget to work for me.  *sigh*

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Jun 16th, 2005 at 9:18pm
well i have little brothers but once they hit 13 there usefullness is gone and they must be put down. But mom does not see eye to eye with me on that one.

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by me on Jun 16th, 2005 at 10:34pm
Gosh I wonder why?  ::)

Title: Re: Arrows for Black Bears?
Post by me on Jun 16th, 2005 at 10:38pm
My brothers and I were so mean to my little sister, its amazing she ever made it past 13. We told her once the new doggy we got was for Thanksgiving and that if we wanted to eat well we'd better fatten this thing up.
She wasnt too happy about that one.
Before that we convinced her that when she got to a certain age she would become a boy like us. Man she didnt go for that one ethier...
Now that I think about it we were little brats.  :-[ Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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