General >> General Slinging Discussion >> Michelangelo's David

Message started by markus on Jan 7th, 2005 at 4:40pm

Title: Michelangelo's David
Post by markus on Jan 7th, 2005 at 4:40pm
I'm still relatively new to this site, so maybe this subject has been broached in the past, but...

My dad took a trip to Italy and saw the statue of David by Michelangelo.  Michelangelo depicts David the split second before he hurls the rock that, according to the Bible, sunk into Goliath's forehead.

My dad has been slinging for about 40 years, and so both he and I were interested in the method that David would have used to throw the rock.  The pouch is on top of his left shoulder, with the sling passing behind his back down to his right hip, where his right hand is holding it.

Any ideas of the method David used?

We figure Michelango would have done his research into how slings were thrown, both in his time, and possibly in David's time.  So far we haven't come up with a viable solution.

Title: Re: Michelangelo's David
Post by TechStuf on Jan 7th, 2005 at 6:50pm
I know of this work and often replicated the technique.  It was not until after using this natural augmentation to the 'way of the sling' for some time, that I came to know of Michelangelo's depiction.   Of course,  there is no way to be certain if David himself used this convenient way of keeping the ammo in the pocket until bringing it into action......Although I like to think that either Michelangelo's personal experience with the sling, observations of contemporary slingers, or perhaps deep contemplation brought him to reveal such a realistic conclusion.

In my teens,  I would situate the sling pocket as shown and hold it in my left hand and toss it over my shoulder and let it swing down behind and then I brought my right hand into play for a diagonal underhand launch.  With the advantages gained in mastering the overhand launch....I now lean toward such a style as, perhaps, more likely used by those adept slingers in David's day as a close range technique.


Title: Re: Michelangelo's David
Post by tint on Jan 7th, 2005 at 10:27pm
Can anyone show a picture of the statue?  I think I have seen it before but never knew it was the second he released the stone.

There was another statue of David where whe was holding the sling differently I'll see if I can post that picture here.

Title: Re: Michelangelo's David
Post by tint on Jan 7th, 2005 at 11:07pm
The other statue I was talking about was by Bernini.  Now that one look like david was just about to throw the rock!

I found pictures of both statues and many other good stuff at Web Gallery of Art.

Title: Re: Michelangelo's David
Post by Onre LeDuc on Jan 8th, 2005 at 11:04am
The sling looks looooong!

Title: Re: Michelangelo's David
Post by Douglas on Jan 8th, 2005 at 12:55pm
I resemble that remark.

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