General >> Other Primitive Weapons >> Pellet Bows

Message started by english on Nov 12th, 2004 at 1:31pm

Title: Pellet Bows
Post by english on Nov 12th, 2004 at 1:31pm
Stone bows or pellet bows, whatever you want to call them.  I need some answers, if anyone can field them.
 Firstly... in a regular stone/pellet bow, (not the crossbow type), how do you keep your fingers from being blasted by high speed pebble?
 Secondly... are there any simple locks for crossbow-type stone bows?  I've seen lots of complex metal ones, but no simple ones.  I have thought of a design myself, but I haven't tried it out yet.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Nov 12th, 2004 at 2:09pm
whats a stone bow? a bow that shoots a stone? maybe?  ??? who used them? they might make itinto my book :)

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by lobohunter on Nov 12th, 2004 at 5:51pm
I have a bow string I put a pouch in the center of and sometimes use on my 65# compound bow i usaly fire one ounce egg sinkers out of it. And so far have never hit my finger's the truth is
I never thought about the possibillit till now

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by KnollSlinger on Nov 13th, 2004 at 2:00am
This sounds like a slingshot with the handle missing.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by english on Nov 13th, 2004 at 4:31am
A primitive stone bow is just a long bow that has a pouch for shooting pebbles.  They are used extensively across Asia, some parts of Africa and even South America.  In China, they developed into crossbow pellet bows, for shooting birds.  These designs were then carried back to Europe where they were very extensively used for hunting.  Italy was first to use them in Europe, but they spread and became quite popular.  In England, they were used until about the 19th century when guns became cheaper, and were used for shooting lead bullets.
 I have used a regular pellet bow before, and it whipped the stone hard across my knuckles.  Not nice.  I was wondering whether a twist of the hand is needed to avoid the pellet.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Nov 13th, 2004 at 8:04am
Hmm. well it sounds cool. maybe you could move your hand farther down the bow ??? Maybe tilter it so that the senter is down a little farther and the place for the stone is up a little higher.  ???

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by english on Nov 13th, 2004 at 8:18am
Nah, that would screw up accuracy.  Plus, the way you hold the bow would be different with the handle lower down, and so the stone or pellet would actually go through the same point, by your hand.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Nov 13th, 2004 at 8:26am
hmm so you cant hold one hand lower and the other higer? that sucks. well im drained of suggestions :)

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by english on Nov 13th, 2004 at 8:30am
That's probably why the Chinese made them into pellet crossbows.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Nov 13th, 2004 at 8:37am
:) most likely

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by english on Nov 13th, 2004 at 8:49am
I have been thinking about pellet bows quite a lot recently - I was thinking about the possibility of a crossbow that could shoot both pellets and bolts, for in tough corners when you have run out of bolts.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Nov 14th, 2004 at 8:38am
well the way i see it is that the pellet bow is just a normal bow with a bit of leather for the pellet?

well you could just make it so the leather slid over the string. The only problem would be you would have to have all that time to unstring your cross bow then restring it up with that rock launcher. Maybe some kinda lace thingey where you put it over the cord and tie it down. that wouldnt be too stabel but it may work.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by english on Nov 14th, 2004 at 12:54pm
For a simple pellet bow, I have no doubt you could just use two different strings.  But the crossbow would be slightly different - stringing and restringing would be more difficult.  I guess you could use one string, but it would have to be well designed.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by Matt_C on Nov 14th, 2004 at 1:08pm
How about making the bow with, or better yet, designed a hard hand guard? If the bow works well why change the design when you can just add a little accessory? But if the string/pellet hitting your hand saps the strength of the draw, perhaps something else is needed :/

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by english on Nov 14th, 2004 at 1:17pm
The hurt of the pellet hitting your hand is not so bad - it's the fact that the pellet is not going to hit anything if it has already hit your hand, making the weapon a bit pointless.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by tint on Nov 15th, 2004 at 4:19am
I saw a picture of a pellet crossbow once.  The design was pretty cool.  It had two bows in the front so that the arms are at right angle to eachother.  If you look at it from the front you'll see that the arms from a big X. I can't remember the details though.  Hope that helps.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by english on Nov 15th, 2004 at 2:25pm
Hmm... that's interesting.  Can you give any other information about this bow, ie, it's provenance?

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by tint on Nov 15th, 2004 at 8:43pm

It was a long time ago.  I came across the picture in a book on the history of weapons.  I really don't recall much else.  The device was big, the bows were the height of the shooter and it was mounted on to a wooden base.  There was a cranking device at the back.  It must have been extremely powerful.  

The book belong to my grandfather.  He might still have it at his home in Toronto.  I'll see what I can do.

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by english on Nov 16th, 2004 at 10:28am
Thanks, Tint.  It sounds interesting.  I'm wondering what it could be used for - most pellet bows are low power (Chinese ones even took birds alive, to be able to tame them and breed them).

Title: Re: Pellet Bows
Post by Douglas_The_Black on Nov 17th, 2004 at 5:40pm
hmm i wonder if you could rig up some kinda tube so the shot gos throu the tube and past your nuckels. not historicaly accurite but it might work.

speaking of taking birds alive i have a slight entrest in falconry. My step father is allergic so i cant get one but im just facinated on falconry. Any one here abel to tell me a little about it? Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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