General >> General Slinging Discussion >> From Flat to Flinging, my first sling.

Message started by TJTay89 on Nov 5th, 2004 at 4:18am

Title: From Flat to Flinging, my first sling.
Post by TJTay89 on Nov 5th, 2004 at 4:18am
Hello, I am new to the slinging world, and have just made my first sling. I used the Basic sling guide found on this site (leather pouch, shoelaces), but I had to improvise alittle on the pouch.

I used the pull cords to a pair of pants, but after looking all around for a piece of scrap leather, I was stuck. There didn't seem to be anything that was leather, that I was willing to use for a sling (not going to tear up my leather wallet, or bible bag). Now a normal person would just run to the store and pick up some leather... But it is safe to say that I am not normal ;). Plus there is the little problem of me living 60 miles to the nearest Wal*Mart, making driving to the store a bit to time consuming.

So after looking around alittle bit longer, I find an old football (american)  that had its inner tube popped. Well I figure that if the cover is tough enough to survive being kicked 60+ yards, then it just might be able to survive a couple of throws.

I cut off the covering/"pigskin", and then procided to fourth it (I cut it down all the seams). I was left with two bits (the bits withough the laces) of usable matrial. So following the instructions I cut out a pouch, and this is when it dawned on me that my football pouch was already in a cupish shape, and that this might just make it easier to hold projectiles (rocks). Well I have only had a chance to use my sling acouple of times, and the sling has worked just fine (wish I could say the same for the slinger ;)).

Here are a couple of quick pictures of my sling...

Also, what effects does this slight cup shape have on my slinging? Will is hamper with the distance or accuracy of my  slings?

Title: Re: From Flat to Flinging, my first sling.
Post by solobo on Nov 5th, 2004 at 10:29am
It shouldn't.  Unless the cup shape is REALLY drastic, it should actually be beneficial.
Once I used the cording inside a baseball for the string of one of my slings.  Wasn't very strong, but it was soft and comfy.  I guess we're both a little not normal ;D

Title: Re: From Flat to Flinging, my first sling.
Post by Chris on Nov 5th, 2004 at 11:15pm
Looking good.

The cup might help the projectile stay in the pouch by essentially cradling it.  On the other hand, the cup shape could have some odd aerodynamic effects or even possibly catch on the projectile as it leave the pouch.  For the time being, I wouldn't worry about it.  Next time you have an opportunity to get out to WalMart or similar, then you can pick up some better materials if you want.


Title: Re: From Flat to Flinging, my first sling.
Post by WalkingBird on Nov 6th, 2004 at 10:09pm
 Way to go. Anything to get slinging. Good luck with it; let us know how you do with the new sling.


Title: Re: From Flat to Flinging, my first sling.
Post by David_T on Nov 7th, 2004 at 12:47pm

Do you call your sling "WILSON"  ;D You know---the movie Castaway?

Anyway, have some fun and let us know how you are doing.


Title: Re: From Flat to Flinging, my first sling.
Post by TJTay89 on Nov 7th, 2004 at 11:37pm

wrote on Nov 7th, 2004 at 12:47pm:

Do you call your sling "WILSON"  ;D You know---the movie Castaway?

Anyway, have some fun and let us know how you are doing.


HAHA. No, I haven't named it anything yet... although I have noticed that I have called it a SOB more then once ;).

Today was the first day that I got to use it, and I only got in about 35 minutes of practice before it started to rain.

I started off with an underhand multi-swing motion, and with that I got golfball sized rocks to fly about 25-30 yards :(. Then I just flung it around once and let it fly, when I did this method, the rocks went about 35-50 yards. Not very good for either throwing methods, but I happy that I even made somthing that works :). Hopefully with more practice, and study of how to throw, I will get better. Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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