General >> General Slinging Discussion >> retention cord knot

Message started by jamietaylory2k4 on May 2nd, 2004 at 9:50am

Title: retention cord knot
Post by jamietaylory2k4 on May 2nd, 2004 at 9:50am
I waz makin chris's sling from the article page n i wa jst wonderin how u tied tht knot for the retention cord around the finger. Every time i sling, it become tight round mi finger n hurts :'(. cud u plz show/tell me hoiw u did it.

Title: Re: retention cord knot
Post by Chris on May 2nd, 2004 at 10:39am
It is a slip knot, so it will get pulled tight, unless the knot making the slip knot is tight.  You'll have to tie a good permanent knot about the size of your finger to avoid this.  


Title: Re: retention cord knot
Post by longwinger on May 2nd, 2004 at 2:15pm
a figure eight knot, or a bowline will cure this problem

Title: Re: retention cord knot
Post by WalkingBird on May 2nd, 2004 at 2:31pm
Welcome to the forum. Hope you learn lots of neat stuff here, and share what you know or are learning. Try this link for the bowline and double figure 8.

and this link for the perfection loop.

either of thies should work well for you.
Once again WELCOME! Your gonna like it here.


Title: Re: retention cord knot
Post by jamie taylor on May 2nd, 2004 at 2:40pm
thx a lot guy - this is sure 2 help me! ;D ;Dthx

Title: Re: retention cord knot
Post by longwinger on May 2nd, 2004 at 8:54pm
Thanks for posting those links Walkingbird, I was not familiar with the perfection loop, looks like a good knot to know, and easily tied. For the release end, when I use a knot, I like the monkey's fist, a little harder to tie, but worth the effort.

Title: Re: retention cord knot
Post by WalkingBird on May 2nd, 2004 at 10:14pm
Jamie and Oscar
     Glad to help. Knots interest me and so I maintain some links to knot sites on my computer. When I need a knot I'll try and find what would work best and then pratice it till its memorized.
    Oscar, yes the perfection knot is easy to tie. But more than that, it will not slip, and the reason it is used as a fishing knot if because it will retain about 97% of the strength or the fishing line. As you probably know knots weaken a line, usually by cutting themselves. This is the knot used on all commercially sold snelled hooks. I don't like to have a tackelbox full of them, because if you pull one out the whole contents of the tackel box comes with it. So I just carry a bit heaver line than what is on my pole and use it to snell my own hooks, when I'm done I just cut the line off and return the hook to the box.
   A guy can get by knowing about 1 dozen or so good knots, and the perfection knot is a good one to know. Glad to share with you. That made my day knowing it was a help.


Title: Re: retention cord knot
Post by jamietaylory2k4 on May 3rd, 2004 at 9:49am
jst thought i let u no tht the knot worked perfectly. thx again walkingbird1 ;D Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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