General >> General Slinging Discussion >> Glande fiasco

Message started by JeffH on Apr 5th, 2004 at 10:54pm

Title: Glande fiasco
Post by JeffH on Apr 5th, 2004 at 10:54pm
Well, I tried to make some cement glandes last weekend.  It was a total waste of time.  I used two-part plastic eggs with a sprue hole cut in the top.

The mix was simply too thick to squeeze from a bag into the eggs, no matter how soupy I got it.  Nothing worked.

On the up-side, I got a friend and his sons interested in slinging.  They made their own sling and had a ball.

jeff <><

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by WalkingBird on Apr 5th, 2004 at 11:35pm
 I've been thinking about cement glandes, but havn't tried this yet not having as much time as I'd like. But if you do please let me know if it works.

 Take some plastic sandwich bags, used is ok and cheap is ok. mix up some ready mix and put it into the sandwich bag forcing it  more or less into one bottom corner. Twist the rest of the bag together tightly and tie it off with one of thoes twisty ties. Hang it on the cloths line to set up. The pointed corner of the plastic bag and the twisted end should form a nearly purfect glande. It doesn't really matter how wet or dry you make the mix because it should still form fairly well to the bag. Just don't use a pleated bottom bag which will not work.

Like I said I haven't tried it yet, but it should work, the corner makes one point and the twist makes the second oposite point.

Anyway, hope it helps.

Let us all know.


Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by english on Apr 6th, 2004 at 8:23am
I made some clay glandes, handmoulded.  Baked in a kiln and everything.  Probably easier than cement.

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by Johnny on Apr 6th, 2004 at 9:24am
Cement glandes do work!
I bought the regular cement but sifted out the rocks, leaving the fine powder. I then mixed it soupy enough to pour out of a plastic cup. The plastic egg holes were cut out slighty bigger to take the cement.  You need to let the cement try for about 5 days in the mold before prying apart.  They will break apart if it does not dry out in the mold. Further drying is needed once out of the mold. Once you sling these glandes, and see how straight they fly, you will sling nothing else. My accuracy has improved 100%.

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by JeffH on Apr 6th, 2004 at 8:40pm
I used type "s" mortar, no sand, just the powder.  Very strong structural grade stuff.  It would not squish out of the sandwhich bag I used.

I will try something else in the future.

The weight of the cement should be great.  David T's tennis ball glandes weighed about 5 oz.  Stones I have thrown at that weight were wonderful.

jeff <><

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by Johnny on Apr 6th, 2004 at 9:33pm
Don't use the mortar for tiles. I tried it last weekend and when I tried to remove them from the mold, they just fell apart.  I was slinging today and could not get over how well my accuracy has improved. These cement glandes are a dream!! I also take a file and smooth off any rough edges. Don't be afraid to get the mix soupy enough to pour out of a bendable cup. And you need to make the holes bigger on the molds. It works, just keep trying!

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by Sean on Apr 11th, 2004 at 10:01pm
I want to make some clay ones but im not sure where to buy clay.  where did u get urs english?

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by english on Apr 12th, 2004 at 5:57am
At school we have a kiln and some clay.  I had to pay to use it.  I would say that you can probably get clay at craft stores, in fact, I am sure you can (I get most of my strings etc from hobby/craft stores, and they mostly have clay there).  Anyways, I suggest that is where you look.

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by Eudave on Jul 8th, 2019 at 7:22pm
use plaster of paris

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by Kick on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:57am
I don't think any of these members are active anymore :D The post is a LITTLE past it's sell-by date.

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by NooneOfConsequence on Jul 10th, 2019 at 8:32pm
Look about the 5 min mark... he discusses concrete  strengths versus water content in the mix.   

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by Curious Aardvark on Jul 11th, 2019 at 10:41am
lol, yeah you don't often get replies from 15 year old threads :-)

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by Jauke on Jul 11th, 2019 at 12:46pm
I was 6 when this thread was made.

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by TheJackinati on Jul 11th, 2019 at 3:18pm
Oh god, I feel old!

I was 8 when this was made. :P

Title: Re: Glande fiasco
Post by Jauke on Jul 11th, 2019 at 3:55pm
Gonna pin this post for 15 years ahead. I should be about 36 when I read this. Then I will bump this thread. Forum » Powered by YaBB 2.5.2!
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