General >> General Slinging Discussion >> The Peruvian Slings Are Here!

Message started by Whipartist on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 9:35pm

Title: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by Whipartist on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 9:35pm
Hey everyone who ordered the Peruvian slings,

They're here!

The quality is better than last time too.  And the color variations are awesome!  I have everything from grey and black, to cream and tan, to browns and blacks.  Much more variation than last time.

I have all of the emails everyone sent me, indicating quantity, and so on.  

Tomorrow, I'll work up everyone's totals, and send you each, separate emails indicating how to pay me, confirming your order quanity, and making sure I have your shipping address, etc....  

And I'll post a few pictures of the sling pile here in this thread, aswell.  46 braided Peruvian slings!  It's a beautiful sight to behold!



Title: Re: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by David_T on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 10:35pm
oh Ben,

You are making me wish I had ordered :'( Maybe next time when you make that Tibetain connection! ;D

Title: Re: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by srgs9 on Mar 23rd, 2004 at 11:18pm
Heck Ben...I want one too. Let me know if you have any extras or are going to order more.
take care

Title: Re: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by Ulrica on Mar 24th, 2004 at 8:01am
46 Slings, and itīs not enough  :o

But it sounds great with all the different colours!!

I would not mind, if I could get a grey sling.
Sindanis , my other alias, is Quenya for "the woman who like grey"  *smile*
But I will be happy for what ever I will get!!!

Thank you for making this possible!

.. Who is longing to hold a peruvian sling in her hand!

Title: Re: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by Hobb on Mar 24th, 2004 at 1:38pm
Score!  You're the best, Ben!  Gimme gimme gimme!  I don't care much which color.

Title: Re: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by Whipartist on Mar 24th, 2004 at 9:11pm

A beautiful grey sling for you!

srgs9, David,

Well if anyone doesn't want their order, then we'll have extras.  Otherwise, we'll take another count again when interest grows.  


Title: Re: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by Whipartist on Mar 24th, 2004 at 9:22pm
Ok, now I have to figure out all the totals and all that stuff.  It looks like they sent me 1 extra sling, but I could've miss counted, so I'm not saying anything forsure.  Here's the count as I last left it, right before I ordered.  

Ed is in for 2.   (I have your email)
And Dave P. is in for 3.   (I have your email)
Hobb is in for 3.  (I have your email)
Barak is in for 9  (I have your email)
Ulrica Is in for 2   (I have your email)
Chris is in for 5  (I have your email)
Brent is in for 3  (I have your email)
Yurek is in for 2  (I have your email)
Jeff is in for 5  (I have your email)

Tim is in for 4  (I have your email)
Aaron is in for 1  (I have your email)
Johnny is in for 1  (I have your email)

I need these below individual's email addresses

Travis is in for 3
Oscar is in for 2   (Your email has changed since you wrote me last)

You guys can email me at
Ok, I'm going to send individual emails and private messages to all members involved with the slings.  Here's the basic info, which I'll repeat in those emails.

The price is $5.75 US currency per sling, and the shipping is $3.85 in the USA.  I will ship international, but it will be slightly more. Count on $5 shipping if you're international.

Orders over 6 slings will be $5 shipping in the USA.



Title: Re: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by Whipartist on Mar 24th, 2004 at 11:12pm
Ok, here are some pictures.                                                 Ben

Title: Re: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by Johnny on Mar 24th, 2004 at 11:42pm
My mouth is watering!
I feel like a kid at Christmas time!
Can't wait!

Title: Re: The Peruvian Slings Are Here!
Post by Ulrica on Mar 25th, 2004 at 9:05am
Ahhh, they are looking great!!

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