General >> General Slinging Discussion >> More pics

Message started by David_T on Oct 10th, 2003 at 2:49pm

Title: More pics
Post by David_T on Oct 10th, 2003 at 2:49pm
I hope there are not too many pics here but I always enjoy see others pics.

I would encourage everyone to look for a spot like we found. It is the back-side of a concrete plant. The ammo is ruff on slings but unlimited.I don't where I would go if it wasn't near.

This is the style we have been using. No rotations, just point at the target.

Then bring left leg back and drop left hand. Then throw left hand and stone up, swinging stone around and behind the head as you throw the left leg forward as a pitcher in baseball.

From there you go directly into a 3/4 underhand whip action.

This is my first attempt to post pics. My computer son usually helps so I hope it works.

Title: Re:
Post by David_T on Oct 10th, 2003 at 2:51pm
Well that worked great :-[ ??? We'll try again.

*Chris: I've corrected the image links for you.  You did everything right except capitalize the .jpg to .JPG. The images you sent had them capitalized. *

Title: Re:
Post by Whipartist on Oct 10th, 2003 at 4:12pm

Looks like you're starting your son off right.  That's a great way to spend time.  I hope to do the same some day myself.  

Title: Re: More pics
Post by David_T on Nov 19th, 2003 at 9:12am

This is the post I am talking about. Here an underhand release is being used. Instead of dropping the hand down, I move it horizontally with the overhand release.
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