I got some extra time today, and decided to go ahead and make this tutorial. This tutorial is about how to make a split pouch sling out of one continuous piece of cord. You'll need about 20 feet of Paracord.

Make a release knot. I like to use a Celtic Heart Knot (there are tutorials on Youtube if you'd like to learn this knot).

About 31 inches from the release knot (the distance from my fingertips to my chest), make the shape of a stretched out "S" with the Paracord. it should be about 5 and 1/2 inches long, as shown bellow.

tie an overhand knot with the release cord around the top curve of the "S."

place the top of the "S" under/between the bottom part, as shown bellow.

begin weaving. keep the bottom two strands clumped together, and weave tightly between them and the top one.

once you've finished the weaving as tightly as possible, use a pencil to make a hole at the bottom.

Now thread the Paracord through the hole. note that because i finished weaving while going UNDER a strand, i am going DOWN the hole.

make a hole on the other end and go down this whole as well, ending where you finished weaving.

you should be able to make it look somewhat like this.

begin weaving. make an effort to have this side of the pouch partly under the first one you made, as shown.

tie it off at the end. note that the side of the pouch previously on top is now on bottom.

Now just tie a finger loop, cut off the extra string (don't forget to burn the end to prevent fraying), and go show off your new sling!

If you like the design but don't have time to make your own, I'm selling these for $25 with free shipping within the continental U.S. Feel free to Email me at mechengineer1000@gmail.com if you are interested. Recognize that this is a private sale and Slinging.org can not be held accountable.