GeneralMushroom wrote on Jan 7
th, 2013 at 12:05pm:
Very pretty sling

Definitely will have a go when I get a spare moment (and more string!)
The 30 meters indicated in the tutorial should be more than enough. Everything in this tutorial is quite generously calculated, especially the 1 meter of reserve string in step nr. 27

For such a sling I actually need less time than for an elaborate balearic one, especially with such thick string as this one was made out. One day should be plenty of time if you have already some braiding and knotting experience.
Timothy Potter wrote on Jan 7
th, 2013 at 3:21pm:
I did notice one small typo in the text. The 2nd sentence of the caption for Figure 5 start out "This loops are..." but should be "These loops are."
Thank you very much! I will upload a corrected version this weekend.
Pikåru wrote on Jan 7
th, 2013 at 9:38pm:
Does your sling have a name?
Bof, that's something I have not thought about really. For the tutorial I refered to it as "knotted pouch" as it is how it was made. In my project folders it's labelled as "Seesterntasche", translated "Starfish pouch". I guess this was due to the fact, that TIAT mentioned in the video (see below) once the starfish pattern. My proposition would therefore be to call it a "starfish" sling or pouch. If you want to do me an honour add a "Teg's" before it

Caldou wrote on Jan 8
th, 2013 at 7:51am:
If I'm not mistaken, Teg's inspiration came from
this video.
Let's keep it in mind while looking for a name

But I also vote for something with Teg in it ^^
Yes, I won't deny that the idea for this technique comes from this video

. I posted it also in the first thread about this design, when I was brainstorming for ideas for the connection. I just saw this video and thought: "Well, if this guy makes a basket with this technique, I will make a sling with it." It was sort of a handicraft challenge against myself

. I added some elements, altered some others and scored a win against myself

Rat Man wrote on Jan 8
th, 2013 at 9:04am:
Thanks, Teg. That's a great looking sling and a tutorial is a lot of work. Your efforts are much appreciated. I'll post your tutorial in the FAQ a little later if no one beats me to it.
No need to hurry. It took me about three months to develop the current design, so another few weeks don't matter until it appears in the FAQ
