Bill Skinner
Thin the snot out of the bamboo. Do not cut the outside of the bamboo, do all your scraping and sanding on the inside. Be very careful when you sand the nodes on the outside, you do not want to damage the fibers, sand using high grit sandpaper and just enough to remove any sharp edges. Don't use any with mold on it, the mold will keep growing and eventually weaken the long fibers in the bamboo. When using a rasp, go from the back to the belly, start on the bamboo and go into the wood. Use a hacksaw blade and srore both the 'boo and the wood prior to glue up. Use Titebond II or III, you can get them from Home Depot.
I called my brother, he's the one who has made several BBO (bamboo backed 0sage) bows, that's his advice up top. His other piece of advice was to build the bow as if you were not planning on backing it, then put the 'boo on as insurance, the same way as when you use linen or silk or something similar to keep it from breaking...and you may have to retiller slightly once the glue is set.