Hi everyone,
for the last week or so I've been trying to make a really good slingshot out of a seasoned maple fork. Every time I think I'm finished, I decide that it isn't perfect enough so I change it.
The first attempt turned out like this:
As you can see, it's a terrible picture, but hopefully you can make it out.
I didn't like it because when I shot it, it dug into the soft bit between finger and thumb, and the bands were to stiff for me. Plus, I wanted to re-shape a bit and put a finish on it.
The next attempt turned out like this:
I re-shaped it, sanded it, oiled it, put some wax on it, thinned down the elastic bands, and attached a hand grip of jute twine.
I was quite pleased with this one, but I was still getting fork hits and the shots would go all over the place. I did some research and found out that the way I'd attached the bands to the fork (around the fork) wasn't a very good, as it would sometimes restrict the ammo, especiallly with narrow forks like mine. However, if I was going to re-attach the bands a different way, I would have to cut off the top of both prongs, because they had notches cut into them.
I also thought the handle was to long for my hand and the forks still weren't shaped enough, and the pouch was to big which was also restricting the ammo from flying cleanly.
So I dismantled it and tried again! And ended up with this:
I cut off the bottom of the handle and the top of the prongs, then rounded off the square edges. Re-shaped the forks a bit more, the waxed it.
I liked the jute hand grip, but it always came loose, so I took it off. I cut notches for the band, then made the pouch smaller and narrower, then re-attached the bands a different way, over the fork.
I think I'm finally pleased with it, although I would like to put my initials on it somehow.
Thanks for reading this far!