Bill Skinner
No, this was a piece of osage, it had a discolored spot on the belly side of the stave. As near as I can figure, something hit this tree about 75 to 100 years ago and almost broke it. It's on a floodplain, I figured it had a tree or large limb slam into it. It eventually washed into the creek, where I found it and started to salvage parts of it. I managed to make a 48 inch (1.2m) plains style bow, it pulls about 40 (16kg) pounds at 25 (63cm) inches.
This didn't make it to the tillering tree, as soon as I removed enough wood for it to flex when floor tillering, I heard "tick, crack and crackle". I hate hearing those sounds when making a bow! I got three bow staves from that one split, one has and one doesn't have the spots and I still have the rest of the tree, once I get it out of the creek bed. And I already have a barn full of wood that is already seasoned, all I have to do is start working on it.