Bikewer wrote on Jun 19
th, 2010 at 5:20pm:
Even the most primitive crossbows are fairly complex compared to a bow... The simplest trigger mechanism I'm familiar with is a "pusher", which involves the string/bolt being pulled back to a slotted shelf. The trigger just lifts the whole affair off the shelf. Usually, a dowel goes through the stock, and the trigger pushes the dowel up, dislodging the string.
Pretty crude, but you still have to drill a hole through the stock.
I'm currently making one for my reenctment group with this method. you need to make a sort of mortice and tenon joint with one side missing . this allows you to have a moving tigger bar when you drill through and insert a dowel in there. That made no sense. I'll post a pic when I'm done.
But i'm having trouble making the prod for it, anyone got any ideas that will help? it needs to be wood, and of low poundage