Aim small, miss small.
Posts: 936
Great Lakes Region (USA)
I'm having a whirl at making a simple bow, but now have a slight problem. The grain is twisted. I didn't see it at first, but it became frustratingly clear after I split the wood. When I hold the middle of the stave with the belly facing me, the wood has made a 90% turn at the ends, with the belly facing to the left and right. I obtained the first Bowyer's Bible, and it was helpful, but I don't recall any information on this particular problem... Will it even work if the grain is so twisted? If it will, do I have to make the nocks different to compensate?
Thanks, Eo
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"The very fact that there is life here at all, and that everything that's alive today, is so, because everything else passed away." -Jack Horner "Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return." "Yet the finer they were the frailer; the cleverer, the more wrong-headed." -North
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