After browsing the forums, I've realised that Australia is under represented a little bit in regards to primitive weapons/culture.
so here are some pics taken at the Australian Museum
http://www.austmus.gov.au/ in Sydney.
the pics are of different types of shields, Woomera's (atlatl), Boomerangs, and different types of clubs known as Nulla Nulla's (aka waddee's).
info about Nulla Nulla:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waddy Woomera : [url]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woomera_(spear-thrower) [/url]
The very attractive, flat, leaf shaped Woomera's are from the Central Desert Region of Australia and are known in the local Pitjantjatjara language as "Miru"; The hunting spears are called "Kulata", and shields are called "Tjara".
having said that, not all items depicted are from the Central Desert Region, however the Woomera's are.