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Question about bow strings (Read 1820 times)

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Question about bow strings
Dec 28th, 2008 at 11:47pm
Recently I received 2 bows without strings. I was just wondering if there is a general rule of thumb on the length of the string to the length of the bow. I had both of the bows measured and aftered getting the strings I am wondering if they may be wrong.
I took them to Gander Mountain. After stringing the cheaper gym class style bow it was so flexed that it seemed to be at three quarters of a draw.The other is a recurve hunting style that I still need a stringer for. Just looking for some simple guideline
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Question about bow strings
Reply #1 - Dec 29th, 2008 at 5:50pm
The best thing to do is to go to a good archery shop and have them measured properly.   
With a longbow (perhaps that's what you mean by a "gym class" bow), the classic measurement is called "fistmele", which is a clenched fist with the thumb raised.  If you put the base of your fist on the bow, the tip of your thumb should just touch the string.    (This is not a "hard" rule, but it puts you in the ballpark.
With a recurve, it's typically much higher.    Any of the dedicated archery sites should be able to help you out.

Best to find out the draw weight of these bows as well.   That will help you determine the right spine (stiffness) for the arrows.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Question about bow strings
Reply #2 - Dec 31st, 2008 at 6:42am
I've got a Bear Grizzly 50# recurve myself, with a 58" AMO length and I had the folks at the Bass Pro Shop where I bought it string the bow when I got it and the bow string was at about fistmele, or just a centimetre or so over. So. Bikewer is right. Let a professional look at it and measure it for a string. Some different kinds of strings may even require different lengths, as some archers I know like to twist their strings several times before stringing the bow, shortening the string length, meaning they require a longer initial string length. With recurves i think the string length should be about 4" shorter than the bow AMO length from nock to nock, and I'm not sure what you meant by Gym class bow, but if it's a longbow, string length should be about 3" shorter.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Question about bow strings
Reply #3 - Jan 12th, 2009 at 2:55am
You said you had both bows measured?  does that mean you had someone from a bow shop measure them for u?

Im not that experienced when it comes to recurve bows but if the bow shop clerk told u to buy those bow strings his most likely correct.

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I feel Smurfy when I'm
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Posts: 996
In Beautiful Wisconsin
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Re: Question about bow strings
Reply #4 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 3:03pm
Well i managed to get the correct string for the recurve. It has a draw of 45 lbs. I just have to wait until spring to give it a go.
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