In the past most South-African subburban households would have had a sjambok for use on animals, sometimes kids and the odd intruder or two. They were very popular and you would sometimes find hawkers selling them on street corners and even house to house. Even charities (spelling) got into the manufacturing of them by recycling plastic shopping bags and heating the plastic to form a twisted multicolour sjambok. A very festive pain delivering tool indeed.
My best sjambok was about 1,5m long, taperred from the handle to about 10-15cm from the tip where the taper started slightly out again into a thicker point. I think it is still a my folks house.
These days when I go out for a stroll or such I carry a Big Bear hiking stick made from rattan. It is as thick as a broom stick, very light but extremely tough and has some whippyness to it. It is about 1.6m long.
Quote:Posted by: curious_aardvark Posted on: Jan 31st, 2008, 5:37pm
When you see the african police laying into people with them they certainly look nasty (funnily enough the only thing that changed with the departing of apartheid is that now it's black sa police hitting people instead of white police - but they're still using the same jamboks.)
Sheez bru, I thought I was the only one that noticed that.