Always good to see a fellow traditional archer. Do you intend to make your own arrows, or buy commercial items? Finding the proper spine and general setup for best results is fairly complicated. The easy way is to go to a pro archery shop and try arrows of different spine, weight, and so forth till you get close. Most shops will have test arrows that you can use to dial things in.
Just slapping together shafts, feathers, and points without any plan will likely not give good results. My first set of seven arrows were made from hardware-store 5/16" dowels. Commercial field points, and goose-feather fletching. Of the seven, I had ONE that shot consistently to point of aim.
There's a saying that making bows is fairly easy, but making arrows is hard. They need to be as close as you can get to identical. That means buying or making standard tools like spine testers and so forth.
I recommend two things:
1. buy yourself the set of 3 books, The Traditional Bowyer's Bible. Or at least get 'em from the library and give them a thorough read-through.
2. Visit this site: Primitive Archer website. The forum is lively, and has plenty of friendly and dedicated archers willing to help you out.