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Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ? (Read 27427 times)
Curious Aardvark
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Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Sep 11th, 2007 at 5:44am
I was extolling the virtues of slinging (complete with demo) to a client yesterday and he showed me a box of cross golf balls (after I'd mentioned the slinggolf concept).
For those who have never heard of cross golf (most of us I suspect - there was talk of building a course in the area earlier in the year so I'd heard of it).
It uses rugby/american football shaped golf balls and nets.
Apparently with the correct stroke you can make a cross golf ball travel in just about any direction you like including 'S' shaped paths.

For our interest however what you essentially have is a glande shaped golf ball a little heavier and denser than a standard golf ball (almost 2 ounces) and dimpled for extra distance in flight.

I've acquired a couple of these (he suggested he wanted them back but I suspect they'll end up in the wilds of wyoming :-) so we can have a serious experiment at slingfest :-)
If we can make moulds they might end up being the perfect distance ammo.
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #1 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 6:45am
Someone already mentioned those golf balls, but they were quite expensive, weren't they?
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #2 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 8:46am
yep hence the 'make our own moulds' bit :-)
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #3 - Sep 11th, 2007 at 6:37pm
  Someone near where I live hits old range balls into the woods and I often find them hiking/biking. I have found a couple of these cross golf balls and they do fly much straighter than a regular golf ball. I have found that when slinging a normal golf ball it tends to slice or hook, I dont remember which. I thought this had more to do with the dimples than the shape but the cross balls are dimpled too and they fly ust fine (and wicked far). I am fortunate enough to have a friendly driving range where they'll let me sling a bucket of balls if its not too busy but if i brought my own balls I'd probably never see them again. Cry
  Bear in mind the shape of the ancient roman cast lead shot, most are shaped like the cross ball, ''bicone'' shaped. Slingers early on knew the advantages of this projectile shape.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #4 - Sep 19th, 2007 at 12:15am
[quote]Bear in mind the shape of the ancient roman cast lead shot, most are shaped like the cross ball, ''bicone'' shaped. Slingers early on knew the advantages of this projectile shape. [/quote]

My point exactly :-)

Well we'll be trying them for distance at slingfest - so I'll let you know how they fly. The dimples create little vortices in the air that reduces the drag of airflow over the golf ball and lets it fly farther.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #5 - Oct 3rd, 2007 at 8:33am
okay an update on the golfcross balls.
I didn't get round to slinging one till my right arm was in agony and I'd given up on slinging rocks for distance. So I probbaly got it about 150 yards - sideways lol
But it does straighten itself out in flight and goes straight as an arrow.

Larry brays arm was in a similiar state to mine - but he still managed to put it 300 yards (exactly) which was further than he'd slung either rocks or lead glandes. (but probably not as far as the normal golf ball went the previous day)

So yep golf cross balls do make good distance ammo.
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #6 - Oct 3rd, 2007 at 9:53pm
[quote author=curious_aardvark link=1189503844/0#5 date=1191414793]
Larry brays arm was in a similiar state to mine - but he still managed to put it 300 yards (exactly) which was further than he'd slung either rocks or lead glandes. (but probably not as far as the normal golf ball went the previous day)

So yep golf cross balls do make good distance ammo. [/quote]

Wow, 300 yards with a bad arm- I'd like to see how far that golf ball would have gone had it been a cross golf ball  :o
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #7 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 12:51am
Perfect in every way except price!

The likelihood of recovery of the projectile varies inversely as the cube of the distance thrown, so if by some miracle I managed 300m, the chances of my finding the little mongrels would be close to zero. Makes sling ammo right up there right up there alongside exotic centre-fire cartridges costwise. Nice egg shaped lead sinkers would have to be cheaper and as good if not better performers.

For the still wealthy, but environmentally conscious, a nice easy alternative is to get two 1/2" or 5/8" dome nuts and join them with a short piece of threaded rod so the flanges are touching. This would form a nice bit of hefty hex bar with rounded ends. Should fly as well as lead glands and eventually rust away when inevitably lost, with no environmental impact. Physical impact from one would be massive on the other hand.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #8 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 7:37am
Actually they are real easy to find - in a large flat brown field :-))
Golf balls in general are pigs to find in anything other than flat green grass - as we found out lol

But I'm still saying make a mould and make your own cheaper versions.
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #9 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 7:04pm
What will you cast them from? Please post details if it works.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #10 - Oct 6th, 2007 at 8:13pm
me ?
lol too technical for me to bother with :-)
But I'd be inclined tomake a rubber mould and cast from clay or plaster (if I could be so inclined at all).

Size for weight clay would be about right also pretty cheap.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #11 - Oct 7th, 2007 at 5:33pm
poly ester resin might work  wouldnt want them clear though
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Albert Scott C bigbadwolf41 77940+hwy+99+south,+Spc+22  
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #12 - Oct 7th, 2007 at 11:28pm
Wow, 300 yards with a bad arm- I'd like to see how far that golf ball would have gone had it been a cross golf ball  Shocked

The end fence was/is at 300 yards...  two of the club's staff members who witnessed the throw stated to their president that the ball was still rising when it crossed that fence.  Ah... the stuff of which legends are made...    Grin
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George N
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #13 - Mar 26th, 2008 at 3:53pm
original golf cross ball thread.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Cross Golf Ball - could be perfect ammo ?
Reply #14 - Mar 26th, 2008 at 5:38pm
First known sighting of the game on this forum Grin
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