Slinging Rocks!
Posts: 155
Sunny Colorado
Got my aussie pouch(es. he sent 2) a couple of days ago. Tied on some simple paracord strings, ready to go. I love the pouch, but after a few throws, it seems to me I need longer strings and heavier ammo to really make the best use of this pouch design. The pouch doesn't open as quickly as the leather pouch I've been using (which also has lighter strings and more flexible attachment points for the strings), so the release time is a little greater. It does, however, open very consistently, which has apparently been an issue I had never noticed till I used the aussie pouch. The consistency of release should allow the added time for release to be exploited to find that perfect moment to let go, increasing accuracy( theoretically). I'm tempted to poach the design and do it in fancy leather for my next parade sling (with full credit given). I might even use kangaroo hide, if I can find it. In any case, you can see how excited I am to play with it.
Overall, a GREAT design and a GREAT pouch(es). Thanks so much!