Quote:Many states have minimum bow weight regulations for hunting. For deer and such, it's usually in the 45-pound range.
BTW, I'm learning more than I ever thought I'd want to about bows and bowmaking. I started out to make a "board" bow following directions off the internet. First try was a failure, bad wood...
I'm now at about the same progress with #2, using a very nice piece of red oak. I'm taking my time....remove a little wood, test the "tiller", remove a little more...
Slow but sure. Like they say, "the bow is in there somewhere."
I've been reading up on various "traditional" websites, and I just got the first copy of the 3-volume "Traditional Bowyer's Bible."
I'll take pics when I get closer to "done".
Sounds awesome! You may have seen my thread about a red oak bow, it really was a whole lot of fun. Since you're still working on it, consider taking some pics as you tiller and finish, as a tutorial on "Tillering and Finishing". It could turn into a quite nice resource. Best of luck