Ex Member
This all depends on everything else to do with your crossbow. I use Chinese style crossbows with at least foot long draw lengths, so the quarrels are fletched using feathers and are basically short arrows. However, I have and shoot several short European-style crossbows. The quarrels I use are the same length as the bolt groove plus an inch (to be able to fit the head without it interfering with the workings.) I have fletched bolts using feathers, waxed paper, and three layers of thin cotton cloth sewed together. They all work, but you need to either centre the fletching well on the bolt, or spiral it well (to achieve a rifling effect and greater accuracy). I find that feathers work best at range, as they are lighter, and the lift will carry the bolts better than the thicker, heavier fletch will do. With regards to bolt heads: I use quite a lot of blunt heads, because they are easy to make and completely free - just a wooden knob on the end of the bolt. Other heads I've used are wooden blades (like south Pacific arrows), bamboo, flint, flattened tacks and nails, and a few bone heads from beef joints. I don't know about other kinds I'm afraid.