Quote:I wonder why someone decided to make a bow out of stone that recent in history....
What kind of stone is it generally made from?
Greetings, Bjarn,
A "stonebow" is a type of crossbow that typically has a stock shaped somewhat like a question mark { ? } with the bow mounted at the top of the question mark and the straight end ( near the dot ) held against the shoulder. The bow is generally made of steel. The purpose of the oddly shaped stock is to allow clearance for the stone. Instead of launching a bolt down a track or rails, the stonebow launches a golfball sized stone or clay ball. I believe they were primarily designed to hunt birds, although you could probably take rabbits or other small game with it. Of course, it kills by impact force alone. Oddly enough, the effect is rather like a stone launched from a sling! ( Although much less skill is required to use it. )
I saw one in a display case at a museum once ( If I remember correctly, it was Flemish ) and it was VERY nicely made and probably expen$$$ive. I guess we'll just have to stick with our beloved slings
but it doesn't hurt to daydream about fun "exotica!"
Roy, thanks for the link! I will check it out! .......Dan