Don't laugh at me, I can sling in every direction!
Posts: 654
Wolfs bane(wolfsbane) - aconitum napellus, one of most toxic herbs available Aconite - aconitum, napellus or lycoctonum Croton oil - oil from croton tiglium, bright coloured plant often grown as a houseplant Arsenious oxide - oxide of arsenic, probably As2O3, arsenic trioxide Cantharides beetles - some beetles which have cantharidine(pretty potent poison) in them - that's almost every beetle which lives underground, check your favourite "poisonous insect guide" Tung oil was already explained. Tow is the strange thing which is produced in the process of flax dressing. It is widely used by plumbers to seal threads and such - wrap with a tow, apply some oil or vaseline and screw it tightly. Any plumber's shop will have it. Wolfsbane is so called because aconitum roots were placed in pieces of meat and scattered across the land, wolves ate it and the roots kill them. If you just want to generate posion gas, use dried, powdered aconitum roots OR(not and) arsenic trioxide as a additive to a sugar/saltpeter mixture(or blackpowder/oil, if you want to be medieval - this mixture was used with an aconitine to poison people in castles and such, setting everything on fire meanwhile) and sod beetles, excrements and such. It is not important and, in the case of beetles, hard to find in enough quantity.
Hope that helps.