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Pictures of stuff I've been making (Read 2159 times)
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Pictures of stuff I've been making
Oct 20th, 2005 at 10:14pm
Here is a couple pics. DtB thought they looked good, so I think you'll like them.

Here is every single bow I have ever made (a few additions, that pic is sorta outdated)

Here is my elm english longbow. I like it quite a bit. First is top limb, second is tiller at full draw. I like all the kinks.lol- beaverbutt- these aint photoshop bows.
Here she is at full draw.  What a great chance to see my messy workroom Wink
Here is a little shorty I painted up a bit. About 45lbs pull at 24".

Here is an ash shortbow I'm making. Only 36" long, about 18" draw- stiff handle. I want it about 50lbs pull. I might sinew it if I have some later. It has to season another two weeks or so.

That shorty has excellent wood in it- check out these growth rings! 1/4" rings and almost no earlywood. Great stuff.

Hope you like all these pics. If you have any questions, just post it up and I'll answer it when I get there.
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Re: Pictures of stuff I've been making
Reply #1 - Oct 20th, 2005 at 10:17pm
Those are some very nIce bows. The somewhat crooked limb on some of those makes it look very natural, don't know what it is, just something about a bow that looks so rugged like that is nice  Grin

Good job
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« Last Edit: Oct 21st, 2005 at 1:56pm by N/A »  
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Re: Pictures of stuff I've been making
Reply #2 - Oct 21st, 2005 at 8:53am
I'm going to start making a bunch more, soon as I get some end of quarter exams out of the way. A few sinew backed bows, another flatbow or two, and maybe another cable backed bow. The other cable backed one exploded  Shocked
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Pictures of stuff I've been making
Reply #3 - Oct 21st, 2005 at 12:58pm
I'd have thought ash was a bit too brittle for a bow. I know it's the toughest seasoned wood I've ever turned.

How well does it work for bows then ?
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Re: Pictures of stuff I've been making
Reply #4 - Oct 21st, 2005 at 2:02pm
Anything with a density over .49 can be used for a selfbow.  Cherry is strong in compression but light, so it needs to be backed. Some tropical woods are like concrete- extremely strong in compression but not very elastic, so it can't take much compression. These woods also need to be backed. White woods like ash, hickory, maple, elm, hackberrry, ect, make excellent bows provided they are about 1 3/4" wide for most of the limb length and at least 64" long.  Works for a fifty pounder. For over fifty pounds, you may want to go a little wider.
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Re: Pictures of stuff I've been making
Reply #5 - Oct 21st, 2005 at 4:33pm
Wow great bows, I wish I could make one but I cant get any wood...
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xrpgknightx xrpgknightx  
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