Here is a couple pics. DtB thought they looked good, so I think you'll like them.
Here is every single bow I have ever made (a few additions, that pic is sorta outdated)
Here is my elm english longbow. I like it quite a bit. First is top limb, second is tiller at full draw. I like all the beaverbutt- these aint photoshop bows.
Here she is at full draw. What a great chance to see my messy workroom
Here is a little shorty I painted up a bit. About 45lbs pull at 24".
Here is an ash shortbow I'm making. Only 36" long, about 18" draw- stiff handle. I want it about 50lbs pull. I might sinew it if I have some later. It has to season another two weeks or so.
That shorty has excellent wood in it- check out these growth rings! 1/4" rings and almost no earlywood. Great stuff.
Hope you like all these pics. If you have any questions, just post it up and I'll answer it when I get there.