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how to make... (Read 20994 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
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how to make...
Aug 22nd, 2005 at 8:52pm
Ok to save time i will sticky this post so every one new can find answers to some of there questions. First:

This is good for bow making

this is also very good for bows

some more on bows

bow making


on bow nocks

as for blow guns try
here for darts

blow gun stuff

i could not find any for just making a blow gun as of yet but i will look


here for throwing sticks

cross bows





Smileywell if i missed anything let me know
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« Last Edit: Sep 12th, 2005 at 8:28pm by Douglas_The_Black »  

i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Re: how to make...
Reply #1 - Aug 22nd, 2005 at 10:53pm
Yeah you forgot the C-4, the flash powder, and the hacking programs...lol. Just kidding Grin
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I sling therefore I am.

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Re: how to make...
Reply #2 - Aug 23rd, 2005 at 1:09am
Only thing I see missing is Atlatls, oh and maybe throwing tomahawks and knives. Oh...um...slingshots...and the ever popular high intensity microwaves...Maybe the Tesla death ray, or the railgun. Hmm...and instructions on making a SCRAM jet, or or perhaps a hyper-sonic stealth plane...
then theres thermonuclear weapons, high explosives, dirty bombs, the Hantavirus, mad cow disease, or the common cold. Dead falls, and snares, and puppy dog tails. Flash bang grenades, bouncing betties, little boy , fat man, and the cow that jumped over the moon. I think that does it. thanks.
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Re: how to make...
Reply #3 - Aug 23rd, 2005 at 4:33am
GrinSingle-band slingshots , whips , slings , staff slings , slingshots , stone throwers , spear throwers  Grin Grin Grin
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Re: how to make...
Reply #4 - Aug 23rd, 2005 at 8:49am
Atlatls (ie, spearthrowers for the uninitiated) are so easy to make, I bet that if you've made only two, you could make one in your sleep with only minor cuts to your hands....
  It's basically just a stick, about the length of a fore arm or longer, that hooks or otherwise accepts a 6 foot long arrow so that it can be thrown much further.  That's all it is.  You could carve a deep groove, or use a natural spur that the branch you are using has, or lash on your own spur.  It's not technically difficult, and there are very few tricks of the trade (except for advanced atlatlists.)
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Re: how to make...
Reply #5 - Aug 24th, 2005 at 7:49am
What can I use for a staff sling pouch instead of leather ? ???

I want to make one and throw water balloons. Grin
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Re: how to make...
Reply #6 - Aug 24th, 2005 at 9:07am
you could us the handymans secret weapon, Ducktape
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"you have to be a little bit skeptical or else you'll start believing in things like UFOs or elves or income tax rebates."-Monk&&
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: how to make...
Reply #7 - Aug 24th, 2005 at 10:31am
Douglas the black, since you are a moderate, can you make changes to the website? I think that we need a links page for other primative weapons websites(seaprate form the slings page). I think this would help people here find what they are looking for and get some links from these other site to us here. You know we put them as a link, they put us as one.
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"A Knifeless man is a lifeless man" Old Nordic Proverb
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Re: how to make...
Reply #8 - Aug 24th, 2005 at 11:46am
That's a good idea.
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Posts: 617
Re: how to make...
Reply #9 - Aug 24th, 2005 at 2:14pm
That's "duct tape" eh! Here in Canada we use plenty of "duct tape", I'm not sure aboot "duck tape", maybe you folks have ducks needing taping!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

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Salineville Ohio
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Re: how to make...
Reply #10 - Aug 24th, 2005 at 2:57pm
well i can only change around posts and stuff. but i will talk to chris about it..this is why i first posted this topic so people could find a few pages of how to make what they are looking for.
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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California, USA
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Re: how to make...
Reply #11 - Aug 24th, 2005 at 3:27pm
Duck tape, duct tape, eh, we Yanks get sloppy with our language.  English pedants like myself are an endangered species ... we are constantly in danger of popping off from stroke, because of the language-loons around us!

To wit: this morning I saw on the sports page some item about a "top-seeded" tennis player beating someone else.  No surprise there, if the concensus of his peers CEDES him the top spot even before he plays.  But I was gnashing my teeth, yea, almost weeping, at the mis-use of the word "seed" when what was meant was "cede."

But that is off-topic.  We were talking about tape; specifically, duck tape (now commonly called "duct tape").  The stuff was invented around 1942, for the U.S. Army.  The olive-drab tape, made from cotton duck and some sort of artificial rubber, was used to seal ammunition cases.  But duck tape found many other uses, including being partnered with bailing wire to hold numerous G.P.'s (general purpose vehicles, later called "jeeps") together.  I mean, a jeep was one tough vehicle, but it was being used in an even tougher environment!

When the war ended, all those folks coming back home, wanted homes to come back to, which they proceeded to build.  When they wanted to stick things together, they reached for a roll of duck tape, because they were accustomed to using it for damn near everything already.  The makers, Johnson & Johnson, were more than happy to supply them tape, since the Army no longer needed anywhere near as much as they had during the war.

One use for duck tape that became very common, was putting together ductwork in buildings.  After a while, J&J came out with a new version of duck tape that was silver (which coordinated better with the sheet metal ductwork than did the olive-drab tape), and people started calling it "duct tape".  Other changes included replacing the original cotton duck with a lighter, more open weave fabric.  After sufficient time had passed that folks forgot it was originally made from cotton duck, there ensued arguments over whether "duck tape" or "duct tape" was the correct name.  There is, however, still a brand of this tape (for of course, other manufacturers brought out their own versions) that bears, proudly, the tradename "Duck Tape" (from Henkel Consumer Adhesives, if you are interested).

And now you know everything you need to know about it.

Postscript: While researching this brief essay, I came across the web site for two fellows who make a living, promoting duck tape, among other things.  I could not believe one of the things these guys are selling.  It is a book.  Containing the lyrics of one song.  The song?  I cannot believe someone would buy this ... yes I can, just to see peoples' faces when they see the book!  ... Oh yeah, the song, to which they published the complete lyrics of ALL the verses: "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall."

Later ... not only have I fallen into the "off-topic" trap ... but I was WRONG!
See Tint's post, next.  I looked it up in the dictionary.  Two dictionaries.  They both agreed, "seed" is correct.  It comes from "seeding" the draw in a tournament: you may start by randomly assigning players to matches, but then you re-arrange the matches so that the players regarded as best, do not meet early in the tournament.
Oh, well.  I'm still right about duck tape.  But it is still off topic.  Maybe I should tape my fingers together so I can't type anymo

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« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2005 at 6:43pm by Dale »  

No, I don't live in a glass house.&&&&"If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization."&&&&Context matters!  "Nothing but net" is a BAD thing in tennis...
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: how to make...
Reply #12 - Aug 25th, 2005 at 8:07am

I may be a little confused.  The top-seeded player means the highest ranked player in the tournament.  The term "seed" have always been used that way in tennis, its orgin might have come from the word "cede" but I don't see how it was mis-used by the paper you were reading. ???

Btw, anyone ever wonder why "love" means zero in some sports? or why tennis is called tennis?

Off topic of course but hey, why not.
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Re: how to make...
Reply #13 - Aug 25th, 2005 at 9:50am
That's "duct tape" eh! Here in Canada we use plenty of "duct tape", I'm not sure aboot "duck tape", maybe you folks have ducks needing taping!
both duct and duck tape are correct. If you disagree, wach the red green show and tell me what he says, it will probably be correct.
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"you have to be a little bit skeptical or else you'll start believing in things like UFOs or elves or income tax rebates."-Monk&&
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Re: how to make...
Reply #14 - Aug 25th, 2005 at 11:26am
The term "love" meaning zero in tennis comes from the french word for egg, l'oeuf, a zero and an egg do look similar I guess. "Tennis" comes from the french word "tenez" , that means something like "take that!", people yelled it out when they served.
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