Ex Member
I could tell you, I believe. A longbow to a modern American bowyer is a just a bow that has straight tips. To almost everyone else, this is a flatbow. Nowadays, we call the traditional longbow an English longbow, or ELB. This is high stacked, as opposed to low stacked, as you know; this refers to depth. A high stacked bow has lots of depth, not so much width normally, a low stacked bow is flat or nearly so. Yew is technically the only wood to use, the traditional wood. You could use elm, ash, osage, whatever, but you won't get as good results, and they will follow the string - this is unavoidable. I couldn't give you dimensions because I don't know what poundage you want, I don't know what wood you will use, or whether you want a raised handle or a proper longbow which bends through the whole length. Johnny has made some great examples of longbows - pay attention to any answer who might give to your question.