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Hunting with sling (Read 40017 times)

I love Slinging.org!

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Hunting with sling
May 23rd, 2005 at 8:17pm
Have you ever gone hunting with your sling? I am not a hunter myself but I thought that if I was going to learn how to use this thing it would be good to know a technique that I could hunt with. Does anyone know of some styles that have worked for them? I have been trying to teach myself the Traditional Apache Sling technique by - L.W. Forsyth but I wondered if there were any others that people know actually work.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

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Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #1 - May 23rd, 2005 at 9:09pm
i have tryed to hunt birds with  "grape shot" it works ok.  and i once hit a rat with a big stone but that is the extent of my hunting with a sling.  Smiley i cant rember who but some one hunted seagulls and some one else hunted geese. i think mike got the geese but im not shure.  Smiley
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Posts: 617
Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #2 - May 23rd, 2005 at 10:03pm
That's me. Seagulls, one goose, one racoon, and one marmot. I'm no expert but my tips are: firstly, try and try again. Second, I use a slow revolving back swing, and a fast, hard, overhand swing. I just practice like throwing a fastball. Next, go and find smooth football shaped rocks, all about the same size. I like 5-6oz, lots of punch. For me I would rather throw hand and miss than throw soft and only injure something.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Give me a rock, a sling,
and give me some room

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virginia, for now
Gender: male
Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #3 - May 23rd, 2005 at 11:03pm
I'm the sick bastard that launches "flak" at seabirds. But I've never actually tried to kill anything with my sling. Never needed to.
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Foolish is he who frets at night,&&And lies awake to worry'&&A weary man when morning comes,&&He finds all as bad as before&&-Excerpted from "The Havemal"
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I sling therefore I am.

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Rowlett, TX, USA
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Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #4 - May 23rd, 2005 at 11:03pm
Someday I "will" hunt with my sling, till then I will just have to live vicariously through mike.  Grin
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Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #5 - May 24th, 2005 at 12:43am
hunting with a sling. How obsurd! your going to kill a animal with a chunk of rock and a sling. ha ha ha Grin
You guy's crack me up  Grinha ha
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sling it, sling it good

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Ramona, California
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Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #6 - May 24th, 2005 at 1:16am
Whatever you say hmmmmmmmmmmm.  I'm hoping thats sarcasm.  If its not then why do you think the sling was invented?
   Dispite my last remark I have found it very difficult to hunt rabbits with a sling.  They are incredibly skiddish.  Call me crazy but I think they are more skiddish when i am carrying a weapon with intent to kill them.  Psycic or somthing.
    Don't get me wrong but don't think the sling is the best rabbit killing device, at least in brushy southen california.    Traps are probably best.  As far as weapons go I have gotten very close to hitting a rabbit with a rabbit stick.  Rabbit sticks are definitly better for hunting rabbits than slings, my rabbits any way.  Btw when I throw anything at a rabbit they are almost always running.  If they aren't running they are sitting in the brush where I can't see them.  
     one mor thing.  I use one revolution helicopter method due to the brush.
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Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #7 - May 24th, 2005 at 1:43am
so you still think your going to kill something with a rock and a string. yeah maybe your self when the rock hits your head haha Grin
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Sling when you're winning

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Near Manchester, England
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Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #8 - May 24th, 2005 at 1:24pm
If this guest hmmm, isnt being sarcastic, maybe he should stand next to a wall, whilst we all fire glands at him and see if his opinion of the sling is changed...
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I'm slinging in the rain, such a glorious feeling...
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Give me a rock, a sling,
and give me some room

Posts: 1020
virginia, for now
Gender: male
Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #9 - May 24th, 2005 at 2:05pm
See, by hmmm's logic, hunting with a sling sounds no more absurd than with a gun and bullet, which is just a small piece of metal propelled out of a tube. But I'm with you. How's about we line him up against a wall, and chuck our tiny, nasty rockses at him. I'm saying one hit with a chicken egg sized rock at anywhere near terminal sling velocity, and the few remaining moments of our dear friend's life will be drastically changed in their feelings about the sling?
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Foolish is he who frets at night,&&And lies awake to worry'&&A weary man when morning comes,&&He finds all as bad as before&&-Excerpted from "The Havemal"
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1581
California, USA
Gender: male
Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #10 - May 24th, 2005 at 2:13pm
Many people are familiar with the story of David and Goliath, but consider it (and the rest of the Bible) to be a fairy tale.  Fairy tales are about things that just do not happen in real life.  Hence, nobody could kill anything with a sling.

Myself, I think David and Goliath were real people.  But even Goliath had nothing but contempt for David and his sling ... until a moment before he died, when I imagine his contempt was replaced by surprised amazement.  Goliath got his forehead caved in, so he probably saw the stone coming; but there was not time to duck.

This character signing himself as "Hmmmm" knows not whereof he speaks.
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No, I don't live in a glass house.&&&&"If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization."&&&&Context matters!  "Nothing but net" is a BAD thing in tennis...
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #11 - May 24th, 2005 at 4:21pm
hmmm where you live ill give you a demo of the power of the sling.  Wink
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Senior Member

I sling therefore I am.

Posts: 373
Rowlett, TX, USA
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Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #12 - May 24th, 2005 at 5:42pm
What are you guys talking about? Oh..I must have my retard guard turned on I wasnt getting his posts.
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Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #13 - May 24th, 2005 at 5:49pm
I live in lower wash.
Dale I have used a sling. Found it akward unreliable and mostly just useless. I understand this forum is about slings. But be truthful people is it not mostly just fantacy
like D&D or SCA.
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Re: Hunting with sling
Reply #14 - May 24th, 2005 at 6:00pm
No here's my point. And I Guess I should have been more polite, about my thought's
   Is not the sling to  inaccurate to hit small animals. and not powerful enough to take down large animals
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