Senior Member Past Moderator
Don't stand behind me, I'm about to sling!
Posts: 354
Memphis, TN
On most any bow you can find, the arrow sits on a shelf or on the knuckles above the center of the bow. As Johnny said, some make the limbs unequal in length to compensate.
Really the limbs can be the same length and the arrow above center and nothing will suffer greatly. (I will get a lot of hate mail for this, but it is true.) Just move the arrow nock point up about 1/4" to 3/8" from perpendicular and adjust a little to make the arrow shoot straight.
If the arrow is in the center of the bow, you will be pulling the string below center if you use either a split or three-under draw style. If the arrow is above center, you will draw closer to center. If you make the limbs unequal to center the arrow, you are now drawing below center again. Your bow probably reacts more to the off-center draw than to the off center arrow or the two are equally different.
I say don't worry and shoot happily.
jeff <><